Event Information for AGF2024


[Updated] November 8, 2024. at 08:00 pm(JST) Additional information has been added regarding in-game collaboration events.

Limited-Time Special Quest "ワ気藹々?怪物転光生の願い事" | Limited-Time Pick-Up Summon "AGF2024出展記念ピックアップ転光召喚" | Upcoming In-Game Event Announcement | New Skill Evolved Quest Implementation! | Commemorative Login Bonus!

1. For detailed information about the AGF2024 event in Japan, please refer to the Japanese version of the page.
2. Please note that some character names, skill descriptions, and terms are temporary translations and may differ from the final version.
3. Additionally, all dates and times are in Japan Standard Time (JST, UTC+9).

Limited-Time Special Quest "ワ気藹々?怪物転光生の願い事"

[Event Quest] From November 6, 2024. at 06:00 pm to November 22, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

During the campaign period, a limited-time quest titled ‘ワ気藹々?怪物転光生の願い事’ will appear in the event area!


Limited-Time Pick-Up Summon "AGF2024出展記念ピックアップ転光召喚"

[Event Quest] From November 8, 2024. at 08:00 pm to November 22, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • NEW! Manticore(マンティコア) ★3&5 Fire Attribute
  • Amduscias ★3&5 Wood Attribute
  • [Limited] Cu Sith ★4 Nether Attribute
  • [Limited] Algernon ★4 Nether Attribute
  • [Limited] Shinya ★4 Water Attribute
  • [Limited] Kyuma ★4 Wood Attribute

※In addition, "Cu Sith ★3", "Algernon ★3", "Shinya ★3" and "Kyuma ★3" will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.

New Characters Cards Introduction

NEW!  ★3 & ★5 マンティコア (Manticore)

VOICE... 小野友樹
  • Attirbute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • ★3 Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Inflict Break on target + Slightly increase own CP
  • ★5 Charge Skill: All Damage + Inflict Break on target + Change own weapon type to Shot + Slightly increase own CP
  • ★3 1st Skill "外来種"
    1. [Turn Start] Bestow Rage on self
    2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
  • ★3 2nd Skill "和を貴ぶ者"
    1. [When Attacking] Bestow Concentration on self and adjacent squares  (when HP is 50% or above)
  • ★5 1st Skill "異種王族の外賓"
    1. [Turn Start] Bestow Rage+ on self
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Rage on self (when CP Bar is full) 
    3. [Turn Start] Bestow Guts on self (when CP Bar is full) 
  • ★5 2nd Skill "心身不和の怪物"
    1. [When Attacking] Bestow Concentration on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares  (when HP is 50% or above)
    2. [When Attacking] Bestow Crit on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares  (when HP is 50% or below)
    3. [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self

※マンティコア (Manticore) ★3 & ★5 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.

Japanese version profile:

「拙はマンティコア、この東京へ転光してきた外来種です。和の精神を学びこの地に溶け込み……って、テメェ旨そうだな? あー畜生ッ人間のフリもロクにできねェ半端な自分に腹が立つ!」



Upcoming In-Game Event Announcement

The following characters featured in the ‘AGF2024出展記念ピックアップ転光召喚’ will receive event bonuses in the upcoming event scheduled for late November!

  • マンティコア (Manticore) ★3&5

※Details about the event and bonuses will be announced at a later date.
※Please note that these characters are not eligible for event bonuses in the currently ongoing event ‘TOKYOダンシング・サタデー’.


New Skill Evolved Quest Implementation!

New Skill-Specific Evolved Quests will be released during the event period!

Skill Evolved Quests are quests that make characters to improve the activation rate and effects of specific skills!

For more information, please check the following page.

▲ Click!! ▲

Commemorative Login Bonus!

■Receive special campaign rewards everyday during the event period!

From November 9, 2024, at 00:00 am to November 13, 2024, at 11:59 pm (JST, scheduled), receive a special login bonus of ‘1x Salomon Ticket’ every day!

Login Housamo daily for a chance to collect up to 5 Salomon Tickets!

※Each daily login bonus will be sent to your message box only if you log in between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the same day.
※The regular daily login bonuses will continue as usual



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