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Limited-Time Event "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)"


[Updated] January 26, 2024, at 04:30 pm.(JST) English Page Published

Valentine Event "Valentine's Snowball Fight" Re-release! │ "Valentine's Snowball Fight" Transient Summon Re-release! │ Brand-New AR Summon for "Valentine's Snowball Fight" │ Valentine Special Pick-up Transient Summon │  Valentine Series Special Quest Total Re-release! │ High Difficulty Quests Re-release │ New Character Quest! │ New Skill Specific Evolution Quest!  │ Game System Improvements  │

Attention※ Re-release quests will not receive a first-time complete bonus.(Stamina is not costed when entering a quest), and please note that the following events timetable are all "Japan Standard Time(JST)".

1. Limited-Time Event "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)"

[Event Free Quest] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 21, 2024, at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Special Quest]
From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to March 18, 2024, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

During the event period, a limited-time re-release quest "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)" will be Available again in the event area. With this re-release, we have made a multi-language version for English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese! All episode can be played in the event area. No matter you play for the first time or already cleared this stage, Take the best opportunity to experience the most "snowy" valentine story "Valentine's Snowball Fight"!

First-time clear rewards cannot be received by complete or replay the re-release quests.

In addition, "Event Limited Quests" that can be played repeatedly during the period will appear! In this quest, event exchange item "Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art" will be dropped!


■Hint for Event

About Event Exchange Item "Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art"


"Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art"

These event exchange items can be exchanged for other valuable items through the "Event Item Exchange'' that in the "Shop''.

※Event exchange items will disappear shortly after the event ends.

During the "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)" event period, if equip the AR-Equipment to be picked up and clear the battle, the drop amount of the event exchange items "Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art" will be increased. In addition, AR equipment bonuses can be duplicated! Organize AR-Equipment and proceed with the event efficiently!

"Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art" Acquisition amount increase character card list

+30% (★5 Character or AR-E)... Yorimoto, Jacob, "花散らす犬士たち" and "折れし角、折れぬ心"
+20% (★4 or 3 Character or AR-E)... Yorimoto, Jacob, Tanetomo, Shinya, Girimekra, "知略の武士ども" and "放課後ハプニング!"
+10% (★3 AR-E)... "博愛に満ちた季節" and "Under the Wintry Sky, Waiting For You"
+20% (Other Character)... Tezcatlipoca, Mephistopheles, Shennong, Hombre Tigre, Yasuyori, Maria, Arsalan, Zabaniyya, Choji, Azazel and Protagonist

※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.(Effects differ depending on rarity)

Event Limited ★3 AR-Equipment "Under the Wintry Sky, Waiting For You"


  • Equippable Character: Shiro and Ryota
    Equippable Weapon Type: Magic, Thrust and Blow
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Freeze on self
  • Additional Skill 2: [Turn Start] Bestow Blessing on 1 square forward (on even-numbered turns)

"Event limited AR equipment" is coming back in event "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)"! If you clear a battle with the event-limited AR-Equipment "Under the Wintry Sky, Waiting For You ★3" equipped, the number of event exchange items "Surprise Chocolates" and "Cozy Latte Art" dropped will increase.

"Under the Wintry Sky, Waiting For You ★3" can be obtained at the exchange shop and event free quests! The maximum level of AR-Equipment "Under the Wintry Sky, Waiting For You ★3" is 100. Equip the limited AR-Equipment and proceed with the event efficiently!

※The event item drop increase effect of limited AR-Equipment is constant regardless of the level of the AR-Equipment.
※Any amount obtained beyond the maximum level will be converted to coins.


2. Limited-Time "Valentine's Snowball Fight Transient Summon (Re-release)"

[Available Period] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Girimekra ★3&4 Shadow
  • Limited Yorimoto ★5 Wood
  • Limited Jacob ★5 Nether
  • Limited Tanetomo ★4 Fire
  • Limited Shinya ★4 Water

※In addition, Yorimoto, Jacob, Tanetomo and Shinya(all ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  


3. New AR-Equipment Added! "Valentine's Snowball Fight AR Summon"

[Available Period] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was released! Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up AR-Equipment List

  • NEW 花散らす犬士たち ★5
  • NEW 折れし角、折れぬ心 ★5
  • NEW 知略の武士ども ★4
  • NEW 放課後ハプニング! ★4
  • NEW 博愛に満ちた季節 ★3

※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

NEW AR-Equipment Introduction

NEW! 花散らす犬士たち ★5


ILLUST.. 腐葉土
VOICE... 竹内良太(ヤスヨリ)/三瓶由布子(タネトモ)
  • Equippable Character: Yasuyori and Tanetomo
    Equippable Attribute: Wood and Hero
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Attacking] Absorb HP from target
  • Additional Skill 2: [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with immobilizing status effects

※This AR-E will be added to normal(regular) AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 折れし角、折れぬ心 ★5

「あ、主様の兄貴……いや、お兄様、だってぇ!? か、かたっ苦しいこと、言われるまでもねえぜっ。と、ところで肩は凝ってねえかよお兄様?」

ILLUST.. naop
VOICE... 高木渉(ヨリトモ)/幸田承(オニワカ)
  • Equippable Character: Yorimoto and Oniwaka
    Equippable Weapon Type: Magic and Thrust 
  • Additional Skill 1: [Phase Start] Bestow Purification on self and 1 square in all directions
  • Additional Skill 2: [On Joining Battle] Bestow on self the buff that increases Skill Activation Rate when under the status effect of "Purification"

※This AR-E will be added to normal(regular) AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 知略の武士ども ★4


ILLUST.. ごもく
VOICE... 高木渉(ヨリトモ)/三瓶由布子(タネトモ)
  • Equippable Character: Yorimoto and Tanetomo
    Equippable Attribute: World and Hero
  • Additional Skill 1: [Counter on Damage] Inflict Fear on target
  • Additional Skill 2: [Phase Start] Increase own CP

※This AR-E will be added to normal(regular) AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 放課後ハプニング! ★4

「よしよし、今日はスケジュール通りに進んで……げっ、テツギュウ! ななな何の用だぜ?」
「んだよギリメカラ、いっつもながら愛想がねえや! 同じ学園のよしみってヤツで、飯や風呂へ誘ってやろうってんじゃあねえか。おらおら行くぞぉ!」

VOICE... 櫻井トオル(ギリメカラ)/かぬか光明(テツギュウ)
  • Equippable Character: Girimekra and Tetsuox
    Equippable Weapon Type: Blow and Thrust
  • Additional Skill 1: [On Joining Battle] Bestow ATK UP on self when under the atatus effects of "Guts"
  • Additional Skill 2: [When Attacking] Restore HP on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal(regular) AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 博愛に満ちた季節 ★3


ILLUST.. かうべる牛頭夫
  • Equippable Character: Shinya and Jacob
    Equippable Weapon Type: Blow, Shoot and Thrust
  • Additional Skill 1: [Phase Start] Increase CP of adjacent squares
  • Additional Skill 2: [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Burn

※This AR-E will be added to normal(regular) AR transient summon list after while the event ended

※The currencies that can be used for AR Transient Summon are "Transient Stone" and "AR Lil'salomon Ticket". Please note that the "Lil'salomon Ticket" cannot be used in AR Transient Summon.
※In addition, the “AR Lil'salomon Ticket” used for AR Transient Summon cannot be used for Character Transient Summon.
Only AR equipment is discharged from the AR Transient Summon. Also, "AR-Equipment" will not be discharged from "Character card transient summon".
※If you obtain multiple AR equipment, the upper limit Lv of the same AR equipment will increase. (Up to 100) AR equipment with maximum Lv will no longer be discharged from the AR Transient Summon.
※Please note that Because the AR-Equipment with the maximum LV is no longer discharged, there may be a difference between the the actual discharge probability depending on the playing situation.


4. Limited-Time Pick-up Transient Summon "あま~い誘惑! 転光召喚"

[Available Period] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Limited Gunzo ★5 Aether
  • Limited Toji ★5 Water
  • Limited Gabriel ★4 Fire
  • Limited Kyuma ★4 Wood
  • Limited Licht ★4 Fire
  • Limited Surtr ★4 Fire

※In addition, Gunzo, Gabriel, Kyuma, Licht and Surtr(all ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  


5. Limited-Time "Valentine Series Special Quest" Re-release!

[Available Period] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to March 18, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

We will be re-release the special quests that released on "Valentine Panic!" , "Valentine's Jail!" , "Valentine's Extravaganza!" , "Valentine's Time Warp!" , "Battle of the Valentines", "Valentine Fantasy" and latest valentine re-release event "Valentine's Snowball Fight"!

For play special quest, just need to have the character profile card (regardless of reality) and enjoy your favorite character's story!

With this re-release, the special quests are now available in multiple languages (English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese)!
※In order to play the special quests, it is necessary to clear the quests of each event to the end.
※Special quests that have already been re-released and are constantly open at Babel Tower can be played without consuming "Bookmark of the Past" during the event period.
※This support is for "Valentine Series Event" only. In addition, as a condition to play the quest, it is still necessary to have a character and clear the prerequisite quest.

Valentine Panic! Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Valentine Jail! Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Valentine's Extravaganza! Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Valentine Time Warp! Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Battle of the Valentines Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Valentine Fantasy! Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


Valentine's Snowball Fight Character Special Quests List

Tap to open the list (Currently only available in Japanese version)


6. "Valentine's Snowball FightHigh Difficulty Quests Re-release

[Available Period] From January 26, 2024, at 08:00 pm to February 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

During the event, following high difficulty quests will be re-released. 

  • (High Difficulty) Let's Get It On! The Inter-Guild Snowball Fight!
  • (High Difficulty) Take Aim! A Hot Spring Water Fight?!
  • (High Difficulty) A War Game of Love!

"Battle continue function" is not possible in those 3 quests. If you are a skilled player, please give it a try and complete!
※Clear Rewards for high difficulty quests can be newly obtained.


7. New Character Quest!

In the event period of "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)", the new character quests will be released!

Attention※ The new character quest is only release with Japanese version.

  • Girimekra

A character quest is a quest that depicts the interaction of each character with the protagonist.
Maybe you see the unexpected side of the characters...?
The following conditions exist in order to play Character Quest Episode 1 and Episode 2 of each character.

  1. Have one or more cards of ★3 or more of that character (No matter rarity)
  2. 1st/2nd Breakthrough of that character card has been completed. (1st / 2nd breakthrough for each episode)
  3. The condition quest of each character quest has been completed.

If you don't know how to release the character quest, try to play the quest that you haven't completed!  


8. New Skill Specific Evolution Quest!

There are totally new skill evolution quest will be released serially in the period of "Valentine's Snowball Fight (Re-release)"!
Skill Evolution Quest is a quest that can strengthen the activation rate and effect for specific skills.
Click the following URL to learn more. 

▲ Click!! ▲

9. Game System Improvements

We have made the following improvements to make the game more comfortable to play!

  • Boost loading time when tapping the title screen
  • Boost loading time when entering the quest 
  • Boost loading time between phases during quest battles
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Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.



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