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Limited-Time Event "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜"


[Updated] Event period extended information for special quest and transient summon period 

Limited-Time Event "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜 │  Hint for Play │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ!転光召喚" │ New "Quest Re-entry" Function │ Added copy and exchange functions to the team selection page! │ Event Period Limited Login Special Gift! │ Event Promotion Video │

Attention※ Please note that all times on this page are in Japan Standard Time

1. Limited-Time Event "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜"

◆Event Schedule◆ 
[Main Quest] August 30, 2022. at 09:00 pm(Scheduled) to September 30, 2022. 01:59 pm(Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] August 30, 2022. at 09:00 pm(Scheduled) to October 7, 2022. 11:59 pm(Scheduled)
[Event Free Quest] August 30, 2022. at 09:00 pm(Scheduled) to September 30, 2022. 01:59 pm(Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty Quest] Sheduled release until September 30, 2022. 01:59 pm(Scheduled)
[Special Quest] September 28, 2022. 06:00 pm(Scheduled) to October 7, 2022. 11:59 pm(Scheduled)

After the scheduled maintenance on September 30, 2022, you can play the main quest from the past event area.
Also, by clearing the epilogue from the past event area, you will be able to play special quests during the event period if you have the corresponding character regardless of rarity.

The Metaverse of the Summer Ocean!? "Akibahara Academy", a prestigious school that nurtures various arts and cultures is about to hold a slightly different work recital! In this event that interests children, whether it is figure, cosplay, live video to traditional crafts, etc.. This time the creators are about to challenge the collaborative sand sculpture art! But the finished dragon sand sculpture actually moved!? The intersection of virtual and reality, unpredictable unfolding, The desire to create is also completely ignited!

During the event period, a limited-time quest "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜" will available in the event area. The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially form August 30, 2022.

※Only the Japanese version will be released. English version, Simplified Chinese version and Traditional Chinese version will not be released.

In this event, you can get the new character "サンドドラゴン(Sand Dragon)★2 (Wood attribute only)" every time you clear the event story quest!

ILLUST.. いとひろ

※It can be obtained as a drop when clearing the event scenario quest battle, not as a quest clear reward.
※This character is guaranteed to be obtained after completing the battle

In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available. Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items "サンドアートセット" and "アキバドリンク" drops in those quests!
※Drops may not occur every time.

And more! "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜 High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete!

■Hint for Play

About Event Exchange Items "サンドアートセット" and "アキバドリンク".

"サンドアートセット" and "アキバドリンク"

In "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜", When you clear the battle with certain characters or AR-Equipment, the amount of the drop of event exchange items "サンドアートセット" and "アキバドリンク" will be increased. Check if you have any of these character cards!

Event Limited ★3 AR-Equipment "夏の日の一枚(★3)"


  • Equippable Character: ベイブ and シュクユウ
    Equippable Attribute: All, Water, Shadow
  • Additional Skill 1: [Turn Start] Bestow Spirit on self
  • Additional Skill 2: [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Charm on self

In event "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜", the event limited AR equipment is coming again! Complete the battle with limited AR equipment "夏の日の一枚(★3)", Increases the drop rate of event exchange items. limited item exchange shop and upper level is 100. equip that to clear the quests more faster!

※The effect of increasing the amount of event item drops for event-limited AR equipment is constant regardless of the level of AR equipment.
※The amount obtained over the maximum cap level will be converted to coins.

2. Limited-Time Transient Summon "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ!転光召喚"

[Event Period(Updated)] August 30, 2022. at 09:00 pm(Scheduled) to October 7, 2022. 11:59 pm(Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • New!! ヴァプラ(Vapula) ★3&4 (Nether)
  • Limited アキハゴンゲン(Akiha Gongen) ★5 (Nether)
  • Limited ティンダロス(Tindalos) ★5 (Hero)
  • Limited ベイブ・バニヤン(Babe Bunyan) ★4 (魔属性Shadow)
  • Limited Catoblepas ★4 (Fire)

Kuniyoshi, Itzamna, ヘカテー, テュアリング, エニグマ and シュクユウ (All ★3) with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New Characters Introduction

※For newly cards(except for some cards), the voice playback on the character details page will be added to list after the event.

NEW! ★3&★4【ヴァプラ / Vapula】

「異世界ゲヘナのゴーレム使い、ヴァプラ召喚! 趣味のフィギュア制作と、ホビーショップ店員は、気合いれて頑張るプラよー!」

ILLUST.. にきしー
VOICE... くまいもとこ
  • Atttibute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • Charge Skill
    ★3 Shoot Damage + Inflict Bind on target + Bestow Nullify Debuff on adjacent squares + Restore own HP
    ★4 Shoot Damage + Inflict Bind on target + Bestow Nullify Debuff on adjacent squares + Bestow Berserk 1 square in all directions + Restore own HP
  • ★3 1st Skill "命令する者"... [Post-move] Inflict Paralysis on square of 1, 2 squares forward + [Defense Advantage] Reduce incoming All damage
    ★4 1st Skill "ゴーレムの命令者"... [Post-move] Inflict Paralysis on square of 1, 2 squares forward + [Post-move] Change target's weapon type to All on square of 1, 2 squares forward + [Defense Advantage] Reduce incoming All damage
  • ★3 2nd Skill "飛び回る者"... [Post-Move] Bestow Tenacity on self + [Post-Move] Bestow "Ignore Evasion" on 1 square left and right
    ★4 2nd Skill "飛び回る翼獅子"... [Post-Move] Bestow Tenacity on self + [Post-Move] Horizontal movement expansion +  [Post-Move] Bestow "Ignore Evasion" on 1 square left and right

※After the event ends, it will be added to the normal Transient Summon.


Limited ★5【アキハゴンゲン / Akiha Gongen】

「あつい、あっついこの夏が過ぎてっちまうその前に、海へ行こうぜ、オタクくんっ! 俺と一緒の思い出を、一杯たくさん作ろうぜー!」

ILLUST.. うすくちぽてち
VOICE... 増元拓也
  • Atttibute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Snipe
  • Charge Skill: Snipe Damage + Inflict Burn on self + Inflict Burn on target + Restore HP of self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
  • 1st Skill "砂浜に焼ける者"... [On Joining Battle] Increased ATK when not under the effects of Burn + [On Joining Battle] Bestow "continuous increase of CP" when under the effects of Burn + [On Joining Battle] Inflict "continuous decrease of HP(Damage overtime)" when under the effects of Charm + [Turn Start] Restore own HP
  • 2nd Skill "夏の黒天狗"... [When Attacking] Inflict Conflagration on target and 1 square left and right + [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Burn + [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Conflagration

※Limited character card only for this event.


Limited ★5【ティンダロス / Tindalos】

「同期完了、同接最大、ティンダロブロス活動開始。待たせたな、オレ様のトガった新作完成だッ! 今回は念願の……真夏のイチャイチャデート回だぜェ!」

ILLUST.. 竹本嵐
VOICE... 日野聡
  • Atttibute: Hero
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Skill Lock on target + Bestow Unction on self and 1 square in all directions
  • 1st Skill "濡れ透る者"... [Counter on Damage] Inflict Fatal Poison on target + [Counter on Damage] Inflict Madness on enemy + [Post-Move] Increase horizontal movement range on self
  • 2nd Skill "スタッフを雇う者"... [Post-Move] Bestow Tenacity on allies in a 3 by 3 grid centered 1 square to the right + [Post-Move] Bestow Protection on allies in a 3 by 3 grid centered 1 square to the left + [Post-Move] Inflict "damage overtime due to status changes" of targets within a 3x3 grid in front.

※Limited character card only for this event.


Limited ★4【ベイブ・バニヤン / Babe Bunyan】

「夏の浜辺に手をつないでお出かけだぜ、オーナー。遊び? チッチッ、今日のこれはエスコートさっ! 知らない場所の先導ならオレに任せなよ、ヒーハー!」

VOICE... 樹元オリエ
  • Atttibute: Shadow
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • Charge Skill: All Damage + Bestow Limit on self + Inflict confusion(混乱) on target and 1 square left and right
  • 1st Skill "夏の水辺の開拓団員"... [Turn Start] Decrease own HP + [Phase Start] Inflict confusion(混乱) on targets 3 squares ahead + [Status Advantage] Greater bonus damage against units with confusion(混乱)
  • 2nd Skill "トールテイルの出演者"... [When Attacking] Inflict "Decimate HP of a diamond radius of 2 squares upon Defeat" on 1 square forward to target + [When Attacking] Inflict "Decimate CP of a diamond radius of 2 squares upon Defeat" on 1 square forward to target + [When Attacking] Absorb HP from target

※Limited character card only for this event.


Limited ★4【カトブレパス / Catoblepas】


ILLUST.. wasp
VOICE... 中山和久
  • Atttibute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Expand vertical movement on self + Bestow Crit on self
  • 1st Skill "旗標の突貫者"... [Opponent Turn Start] Inflict "Damage up to counter-damage enemies" 2 squares ahead in row of 3 + [On Joining Battle] Bestow increased damage while under the effects of Spirit on self + [Status Advantage] Ignore Evasion
  • 2nd Skill "砂浜に弾ける者"... [When Attacked] Increase own CP + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Curse on self

※Limited character card only for this event.


3. New "Quest Re-entry" Function

From August 30, 2022, at 09:00 pm, you will be able to play the same quest continuously from the quest result page! By pressing the "再突入(Re-enter)" button from the bottom right of the quest clear screen, you can play the quest again without transitioning to the home page!

※This function can be used for cleared quests such as "Free Quest", "Day Quest", "Event Free Quest", and "Dungeon Quest".

4. Added copy and exchange functions to the team selection page!

From August 30, 2022, at 09:00 pm, You can copy and exchange formations on the team edit page!

Copy of Team

By pressing the "Copy Team(編成コピー)" button at the top of the team edit page, you can specify the team to be copied.
※By pressing the check box when copying the team, the team name will also be copied.

Exchange of Team

By pressing the "Exchange Team(編成交換)" button at the top of the team edit page, you can specify the team to be exchanged.

5. Event Period Limited Login Special Gift!

Gift items will be distributed to users who logged in during the period of event "アキバ・アンド・ドラゴンズ! 〜夏の浜辺の造形王(デュナミス)〜"!

  • ホビーショップ (Room)
  • フィギュアケース (Wall)
  • フィギュア作業台 (Floor)
  • 吊り下げサンドドラゴン (Hang)
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Audio will play during video playback.

Audio will play during video playback.

Audio will play during video playback.

Audio will play during video playback.



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