All English translations on this page are tentative versions and will not be used in future official translations. and please note that the time on this web page are all JST(Japan Standard Time)
- Official Maintenance information 2024
- Official Maintenance information 2023
- Official Maintenance information 2022
- Official Maintenance information 2021
- Official Maintenance information 2020
- Official Maintenance information 2019
- Official Maintenance information 2018
Date(JST): March 21, 2025. From 02:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Attention: In order to accompany the new event, we will performing maintenance at the above time. Before maintenance start, Please complete your quest or battle to avoid application error after maintenance is over.
- Accompany for event.
(Additional notes during maintenance)
Force Updated to Version 5.7.1
The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
Fixed an issue where changing the language settings after playing a scenario would not apply the new language correctly.
With this maintenance, we will distribute x6 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance. (Already distributed at March 21, at 07:20 pm)
We have corrected inaccuracies in certain character images and text on the 2025 New Semester Campaign web page, which had been publicly available since March 19, 2025.
- Incorrect: "Jackfrost"
Correct: "Jack Frost"
Date(JST): March 7, 2025. From 02:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Attention: In order to accompany the new event, we will performing maintenance at the above time. Before maintenance start, Please complete your quest or battle to avoid application error after maintenance is over.
- Accompany for event.
(Additional notes during maintenance)
Force Updated to Version 5.7.0
The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
- Expression Difference Image Confirmation Function has been added.
- Voice Playback Button has been added to the Home Screen.
- Support Card Placement Change Function has been added.
- Fixed an issue where the app would crash after completing a scenario from Memories of the Past under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the update notification would still appear even after the master data had been updated.
- Fixed an issue where the Mission List would not display correctly under certain conditions.
- Implemented event-related updates.
- Added following cards to selectable
★3 アポロン - Added following cards to Normal(Regular) Transient Summon
★4 アポロン
★3 アポロン - The voices of the following cards have been added to "Voice playback" on the card details page.
★3【太陽のトップアイドル】アポロン - The following songs have been added to the jukebox.
STAR+S - Prismic Bloom -
STAR+S - Sunlit Arrowrain -
真昼の月とシュガープラム(piano ver.)
With this maintenance, we will distribute x6 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance. (Already distributed at March 7, at 07:35 pm)
- Fixed an issue where the first skill of [Yuletide Hunter] Aegir "Master of the Waves" did not include Target Lock as part of the status effect it nullifies despite increasing self-damage resistance
- Fixed an issue where the skill 'Peacemaker' did not include '頭陀袋の大風狂僧' as a valid bonus damage target.
対応として、上記メンテナンス開始までに作成された『東京放課後サモナーズ』アカウントに対し、転光石×1個をメッセージBOXへ配布いたします。(03/07 18:00 配布済み)
With this maintenance, we will distribute x1 transient stone to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance. (Already distributed at March 7, at 06:00 pm)
Date(JST): February 17, 2025. From 02:00 pm to 06:00 pm (Scheduled)
Attention: In order to accompany the new event, we will performing maintenance at the above time. Before maintenance start, Please complete your quest or battle to avoid application error after maintenance is over.
- Bug fixes
(Additional notes during maintenance)
iOS Version: Force Updated to Version 5.6.7
Android Version: Force Updated to Version 5.6.8
The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
- Fixed an issue where the Application would not function properly when switching to the Transient Stone Shop.
- Corrected some translation content.
With this maintenance, we will distribute x4 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance. (Already distributed at February 17, at 05:30 pm)
Date(JST): February 13, 2025. From 02:05 pm
Android Version: Force Updated to Version 5.6.6 The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to not start properly on some Android devices.
With this maintenance, we will distribute x3 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance.(Already distributed at February 13, at 02:10 pm)
Date(JST): February 10, 2025. From 06:40 pm
Android Version: Force Updated to Version 5.6.6 We have addressed the following issues that were confirmed after the maintenance on February 7.
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to not start properly on some Android devices.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please update to the latest version of the app from the store. Compensation for this issue will be provided at a later date.
Date(JST): February 7, 2025. From 02:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Attention: In order to accompany the new event, we will performing maintenance at the above time. Before maintenance start, Please complete your quest or battle to avoid application error after maintenance is over.
- Accompany for event.
(Additional notes during maintenance) Force Updated to Version 5.6.5 The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
- Fixed a bug that caused web links to be opened in an unintended browser.
- Added following cards to Normal(Regular) AR Transient Summon ★5 出雲に雷舞う如く! ★5 革命の犬たちへ ★4 プリザーブドタイム ★4 バッドガイズ・グッドラック! ★3 微笑み彩る花箱を
- Fixed an issue where Gordon(レンジャーの元冒険者)'s voiceover was playing differently than intended with certain skins.
With this maintenance, we will distribute x6 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance. (Done at February 7, at 07:10 pm)
Date(JST): January 21, 2024. 02:20 pm
Android Version: Force Updated to Version 5.6.4 The following update and new functions have been added to patch note.
- Fixed an issue where unintended visuals were displayed upon application startup.
Date(JST): January 17, 2025. From 02:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Attention: In order to accompany the new event, we will performing maintenance at the above time. Before maintenance start, Please complete your quest or battle to avoid application error after maintenance is over.
- Accompany for event.
With this maintenance, we will distribute x6 transient stones to the message box for "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" accounts created before the start of the above maintenance.