Enter to Event and Get FREE NEW Character cards "ゴルム(Reprobus) ★3&4"!
[Updated] September 16: Additional Transient Summon information
Event Main Information │ Tips for Event Play │ Original Transient Summon │ Special Login Reward Set │ Additional Transient Summon │ Promotion Video
All English translations on this page are tentative versions and will not be used in future official translations.
1. 2023 Summer Original Limited-Time Event Vol.2 "マリンリゾート・クライシス!~キミと真夏の臨海学校2~(Marine Resort Crisis: Seaside Summer School with You Part II)"
◆Event Period◆
[Main Quest] From August 29, 2023. at 08:00 pm to September 26, 2023. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] From August 29, 2023. at 08:00 pm to October 3, 2023. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Free Quest] From August 29, 2023. at 08:00 pm to September 26, 2023. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty Quest] Scheduled Release Until September 26, 2023. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
During the event period, the limited-time quest "マリンリゾート・クライシス!~キミと真夏の臨海学校2~(Marine Resort Crisis: Seaside Summer School with You Part II)" will appear in the event area! The latest story quest of the event will be released sequentially from August 29, 2023.
※Only the Japanese version will be released. English version, Simplified Chinese version and Traditional Chinese version will not be released at this time.
In addition, by clearing the event main quest, a new event-limited quest that can be played repeatedly will appear! The event exchange items "ボンベ型サメバスター(Cylinder Type Shark Buster)" and "特製フルーツポンチ(Special Fruit Punch)" can be exchanged for rare items at the exchange shop that held during the period!
And more! "マリンリゾート・クライシス! 高難易度クエスト(Marine Resort Crisis High Difficulty Quest)" will be released during the event period. If you complete it, you have a chance to get rare items! Please try it!
NEW&FREE! Event Limited ゴルム(Reprobus) ★3&4
※For newly implemented cards, the voice playback on the character details screen will be added to the playback item list after the event, but except for some.
「豊舟海洋学園の海上保安科仮所属、ゴルムだ。いつか偉大な主人に仕える者 おまえがおれの主か、そしておれを永久就職させる主か確かめたい、乗れ!」
ILLUST.. あまみや
VOICE... 立木文彦
※A correction has been made to the issue where the design of ゴルム(Reprobus)'s charge skill listed on the announcement page was different from the original design. This is currently the same description as in-game.
- Attribute: Aether
- Weapon Type: ★3 Blow, ★4 Thrust
- ★3 Charge Skill: Thrust damage + Bestow Limit on self + Bestow Brawn on 1 square left and right
★4 Charge Skill: Thrust damage + Bestow Limit on self + Bestow Brawn on self and adjacent squares - ★3&4 1st Skill "犬頭の乗騎(Dog Head Mount)":
1. [Post-Move] Bestow Tenacity on self and adjacent squares
2. [Post-Move] Bestow Taunt on self - ★3 2nd Skill "航す者(Sailor)":
1. [When Moving] Increase vertical movement range
2. [Post-Damage] Bestow Protection on 1 square left and right
★4 2nd Skill "航す者(Sailor of the Savior)":
1. [When Moving] Increase vertical movement range
2. [Post-Damage] Bestow Protection on 1 square in all directions
Japanese version profile:
※Limited Character card only for this event
About Event Exchange Item "ボンベ型サメバスター" and "特製フルーツポンチ"
"ボンベ型サメバスター(Cylinder Type Shark Buster)" and "特製フルーツポンチ(Special Fruit Punch)"
In event "マリンリゾート・クライシス!~キミと真夏の臨海学校2~(Marine Resort Crisis: Seaside Summer School with You Part II)", if you clear the battle with specific AR-Equipment and characters, the number of drops of event exchange items "ボンベ型サメバスター(Cylinder Type Shark Buster)" and "特製フルーツポンチ(Special Fruit Punch)" will increase.
"ボンベ型サメバスター(Cylinder Type Shark Buster)" Acquisition amount increase character list
Limited & New Dagon ★5 +40% / Limited & New Behemoth ★4 +30% / New ゴルム(Reprobus) ★4 +20% / New ゴルム(Reprobus) ★3 +10% / Limited Dagon +10% / Behemoth +10% / Ulaanbaatar +10% / Barong +10% / Protagonist +10% / All Implemented AR-Equipment +20% / All Characters with Swinsuit Skin +10% (*1:Regardless of whether the rarity has the skin of a swimsuit, or the state of not wearing a swimsuit, the bonus can be obtained. *2: Please check the character list in this information page)
※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.
"特製フルーツポンチ(Special Fruit Punch)" Acquisition amount increase character list
Limited & New Arsalan ★5 +40% / Limited & New Gullinbursti ★4 +30% / New ゴルム(Reprobus) ★4 +20% / New ゴルム(Reprobus) ★3 +10% / Limited Arsalan +10% / Gullinbursti +10% / Ulaanbaatar +10% / Barong +10% / Protagonist +10% / All Implemented AR-Equipment +20% / All Characters with Swinsuit Skin +10% (*1:Regardless of whether the rarity has the skin of a swimsuit, or the state of not wearing a swimsuit, the bonus can be obtained. *2: Please check the character list in this information page)
※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.
List of Characters with swimsuit skins(Japanese only)
2. 2023 Summer Original Limited-Time Transient Summon Vol.2 "マリンリゾート・クライシス! 転光召喚(Marine Resort Crisis Transient Summon)"
[Release Period] From August 29, 2023. at 08:00 pm to September 26, 2023. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- LIMITED Dagon ★5 Nether
- LIMITED Arsalan ★5 Hero
- LIMITED Behemoth ★4 Aether
- LIMITED Gullinbursti ★4 Wood
※In addition, "Ulaanbaatar ★3", "Taishakuten ★3" and "Barong ★3" will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※"Dagon ★3" will be picked up(increase summon rate) in this event, but since it is for a limited time, it will not be added to the normal transient summon at a later date.
※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.
New Characters Cards Introduction
※For newly implemented cards, the voice playback on the character details screen will be added to the playback item list after the event, but except for some.
LIMITED Dagon ★5
ILLUST.. BomBom + LW
VOICE... 森川智之
- Attribute: Nether
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- Charge Skill: Magic damage + Bonus damage against units with Madness & Bind + Inflict Fear on target + Bestow Guts on self + Increase CP on self and adjacent squares
- 1st Skill "夏陰のディープワン(The Deep One of Summer Shadow)":
1. [Phase Start] Greatly absorb HP from enemies within 3x5 grid
2. [Turn Start] Absorb HP from enemies within a 3x3 grid
3. [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self - 2nd Skill "一睡より逃れし者(Escaped from Sleep)":
1. [Phase Start] Nullify Cannot attack status effects on self
2. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Bind on self
3. [Phase Start] Bestow DEF UP on adjacent squares
4. [Phase Start] Inflict Confusion on all enemies
Japanese version profile:
※Limited Character card only for this event
LIMITED Arsalan ★5
「はるばる来たぞい、真夏のリゾート! さあて暴れサメ事件とやら、儂がスカッと解決じゃ。昔鳴らした主人公ぶりを久方ぶりに見せてやるわい!」
ILLUST.. 吉良ネリス+ LW
VOICE... 緒方賢一
- Attribute: Hero
- Weapon Type: Snipe
- Charge Skill: Snipe damage + Bestow ATK UP & DEF UP on self and adjacent squares + Remove all debuffs from self and in a diamond radius of 2 squares
- 1st Skill "歴戦の冒険家(Tempered Adventurer)":
1. [When Attacking] Bestow Crit++ until turn 2 of each phase
2. [When Attacking] Bestow Crit+ from turn 3 of each phase
3. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Weakness on self - 2nd Skill "夏毛の獅子王(Summer Lion King)":
1. [Turn Start] Bestow Crit on self when CP Bar is full
2. [Post-Attack] Increase own CP
3. [Post-Attack] Remove Debuff from self and adjacent squares from turn 3 of each phase
4. [Post-Attack] Bestow concentration on self and adjacent squares from turn 3 of each phase
Japanese version profile:
※Limited Character card only for this event
LIMITED Behemoth ★4
「臨海学校って、クラスの皆と海に行くんだろ! 楽しそうなんだぜ、皆で海の幸とってバーベキュー! 2人で一緒にサメに負けじと食べまくるんだぜー!」
ILLUST.. めんスケ
VOICE... 檜山修之
- Attribute: Aether
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- Charge Skill: Snipe damage + Inflict Immobility on enemy + Bestow Crit on self + Bestow Crit on self
- 1st Skill "夏宴の巨獣(Great Beast of the Summer Fiesta)":
1. [When Attacking] Incrase your target's CP
2. [When Attacking] Increase CP on self and adjacent squares
3. [Post-Attack] Increase CP on self and adjacent squares - 2nd Skill "満腹させる者(Satisfyer)":
1. [Phase Start] Greatly increase CP on self and 1 square in all directions
2. [Post-Attack] Inflict CS Lock on target and 1 square to target's left and right
3. [Post-Attack] Inflict Immobility on enemy
4. [Post-Attack] Inflict debuff "ATK & DEP DOWN depending by target's own CP" on target and 1 square left and right of target
Japanese version profile:
※Limited Character card only for this event
LIMITED Gullinbursti ★4
「海の上でも水の中でもサメより速くデリバリー! この夏は何処へとて、このグリンブルスティがお届けに行く! さあ何なりとご注文してほしい」
VOICE... 日野聡
- Attribute: Wood
- Weapon Type: None
- Charge Skill: Magic damage + Increase own movement range (all directions) + Inflict Break on target + Bestow Evasion on self and 1 square in all direction
- 1st Skill "驚速の配達員(Amazingly Speed Delivery Man)":
1. [On Joining Battle] Increase own movement range (all directions)
2. [When Moving] Increase vertical movement range
3. [Turn Start] Change own weapon type to Shot for 1 turn when CP bar is at 99% or below - 2nd Skill "炎夏の鍛造生物(The Forged Creature of Hot Summer)":
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow DEF UP on self
2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow ATK UP on self
3. [Turn Start] Bestow Crit on self until turn 3 of each phase
4. [When Attacking] Bestow Tenacity on self
Japanese version profile:
※Limited Character card only for this event
3. Event Period Limited Login Presents!
Present items will be distributed to users who log in during the "マリンリゾート・クライシス!~キミと真夏の臨海学校2~" event period!
リゾートホテルロビー (Myguild Background Item)
- シャークバルーン (Myguild Hang Item)
- ラウンジソファー (Myguild Floor Item)
- 黄金のアンドヴァリ像 (Myguild Wall Item)
4. Limited-Time Special Transient Summon "お祭り騒ぎ!ピックアップ 転光召喚"
[Release Period] From September 15, 2023. at 06:00 pm to September 26, 2023. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- LIMITED Alp ★5 Aether
- LIMITED Seth ★5 Aether
- LIMITED Oz ★4 Nether
- LIMITED Thunderbird ★4 Hero
- LIMITED Tetsuox ★4 Wood
- LIMITED Hanuman ★4 Aether
※In addition, Alp, Seth, Oz, Thunderbird, Tetsuox and Hanuman(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.