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New Semester Campaign 2023(新学期キャンペーン2023)


We will modify the design and skills of Hastur ★5, Amduscias ★3 and Amduscias ★5 . Please check the maintenance page for details.
Due to the above revision, "新学期転光召喚2023その①(Part.1)" will be implemented during the following period. 
From April 21, at 06:00 pm to April 25, at 01:59 pm.

※For "新学期転光召喚2023その①(Part.1)" that has already been implemented, if you have not used the service "draw a 10-shot Transient Summon by consuming 25 purchase Transliteration Stones", you can use it as well. will be

One-Time Only! 25 Purchase Stone to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" │ One-Time Only! 25 Purchase Stone to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" │  Limited-Time Tansient Summon "熱血!みんなの副担任ピックアップ転光召喚!"  │  Limited-Time AR Tansient Summon "学園生活ピックアップAR転光召喚"  │  "New Semester Campaign 2023" Event Special Login Bonus!  │  New Semester Campaign 2023 Commemorative Event "春のギルドメンバー勧誘特別戦(Spring Extraordinary Guild Member Invitation Scuffle)!" │ Added New Tutorial Missions! │ Andvari shop Item Added! │ "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners OnStage!" Updated! │ Promotion Video │

1. One-Time Only! 25 Purchase Stone to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2023 その②"

At transient summon "新学期転光召喚2023 その②", By consuming 25 purchase stones, we will carry out a special Transient Summon that allows you to draw a one-time 10-shot summon! (*)

*1: "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" Each can be used only once per account.
*2: Apart from the above, we will also implement "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" that consume Transient Stones or Lil' Salomon Ticket as usual.
*3: Promotions are only applicable to the above two Transient Summons.

[Event Period] April 13, 2023, at 07:00 pm to April 25, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

※"新学期転校召喚2023 その②(Part.2)" do not including character from "新学期転校召喚2023 その①(Part.1)".

Pick-Up Characters List for Part.2

  • NEW!! Amduscias(アムブスキアス)... ★3 & ★5, Wood
  • NEW!! Oscar(オスカー)... ★3 & ★5, Shadow
  • NEW!! Yuma(ユーマ)... ★3 & ★4, Water
  • NEW!! Gurangatch(グランガチ)... ★3 & ★4, Water

※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New Profile Card Introduction!

NEW!! Amduscias(アムブスキアス) ★3 & ★5


ILLUST.. 竹本嵐
VOICE... 福西勝也
  • Attribute: Wood
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • ★3 Charge skill: Blow Damage + Bestow Taunt on self + Bestow Critical+ on self
    ★5 Charge skill: Blow Damage + Bestow Taunt on self + Bestow Critical+ on self + Inflict Dazzle on all enemies
  • ★3 1st skill "音響屋
    1. [Post-Attack] Deplete target's HP on front cone 9 squares
    2. [Post-No Move] Restore HP of 1 square in all directions
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Vigor on adjacent squares (additional effect)
  • ★5 1st skill "隔世の音響屋"
    1. [Phase Start] Bestow Vigor on self
    2. [Phase Start] Bestow Glint on self
    3. [Post-Attack] Deplete target's HP on front cone 9 squares
    4. [Post-No Move] Restore HP of 1 square in all directions
    5. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Vigor on adjacent squares (additional effect)
  • ★3 2nd skill "アイドルになる者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Increase damage taken while afflicted with Charm
    2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
    3. [When Buffed] Increase own CP
    4. [When Debuffed] Increase own CP
  • ★5 2nd skill "下積みのアイドル"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Increase damage taken while afflicted with Charm
    2. [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self
    3. [When Buffed] Increase own CP
    4. [When Debuffed] Increase own CP

Japanese version profile:


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW!! Oscar(オスカー) ★3 & ★5

「僕はオスカー。有楽町ギルドの戯曲家さ。うさんくさいって? そりゃしょうがない! 嘘だけついて生きてるような屑だぜ、僕は?」

ILLUST.. wasp
VOICE... 檜山修之
  • Attribute: Shadow
  • Weapon Type: None
  • ★3 Charge skill: All Damage + Inflict Weakness on target + Bonus damage against units with Weakness
    ★5 Charge skill: All Damage + Inflict Weakness on target + Inflict Break on target + Bonus damage against units with Weakness
  • ★3 1st skill "戯曲家"
    1. [Post-No Move] Change own weapon type to All for 1 turn
    2. [Post-No Move] (When at 100% HP) Bestow Ardor on self and adjacent squares
  • ★5 1st skill "快楽主義の戯曲家"
    1. [Post-No Move] Inflict Weakness against All damage on all enemies
    2. [Post-No Move] Change own weapon type to All for 1 turn
    3. [Post-No Move] (When at 100% HP) Bestow Ardor on self and adjacent squares
  • ★3 2nd skill "着脱する者"
    1. [Post-move] Bestow HP Decrease Reversal of adjacent squares
    2. [Post-Attack] Deplete target's CP
  • ★5 2nd skill "ヴェールの着脱者"
    1. [Post-move] Bestow Damage Reversal on self (from start of battle to 4th turn)
    2. [Post-move] Bestow Damage Reversal on adjacent squares (from start of battle to 4th turn)
    3. [Post-move] Bestow HP Decrease Reversal of adjacent squares
    4. [Post-Attack] Deplete target's CP

Japanese version profile:


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW!! Yuma(ユーマ) ★3 & ★4

「オレ、ユーマって呼べ。上野のギルドマスターだ。……違う、オレ、ケモノ。人間じゃない! そうだ、オレはケモノに生まれるはずだった……。」

ILLUST.. そーちゃん
VOICE... 中山和久
  • 属性:水Water
  • 武器タイプ:★3・斬撃 / ★4・横一文字
  • チャージスキル: ★3・自属性「横一文字」ダメージ + 自身に極限付与
             ★4・自属性「全域」ダメージ + 自身に極限付与 敵に弱点付与
  • 第一スキル「混在する者」:【登場時】憑依時に防御力が増加する状態を自身に付与 +【移動後】(バトル開始から3ターン目まで)自身に頑強付与 +【移動後】(バトル開始から4ターン目以降)自身に弱体無効付与
    第二スキル ★3「啜る者」:【登場時】自身にCP激増 +【攻撃時】敵からHP吸収
          ★4「遺伝子を啜る者」:【登場時】自身にCP激増 +【攻撃時】敵からHP吸収 +【攻撃後】敵に混乱付与
  • Attribute: Water
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash / ★4 Long Slash
  • ★3 Charge skill: Long Slash Damage + Bestow Limit on self
    ★4 Charge skill: All Damage + Bestow Limit on self + Inflict Weakness on target
  • 1st skill "混在する者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow increased DEF on self when under effects of Possession
    2. [Post-move] Bestow Tenacity on self (from start of battle to 3rd turn)
    3. [Post-move] Bestow Nullify Debuff on self (from start of battle to 4th turn)
  • ★3 2nd skill "啜る者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP
    2. [When Attacking] Absorb HP from target
  • ★4 2nd skill "遺伝子を啜る者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP
    2. [When Attacking] Absorb HP from target
    3. [Post Damage] Inflict Confusion(混乱) on target

Japanese version profile:


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW!! Gurangatch(グランガチ) ★3 & ★4


ILLUST.. 卓羽Zoyu
VOICE... 千葉進歩
  • Attribute: Water
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Blow / ★4 Snipe
  • ★3 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Deplete target's CP + Vastly deplete target's HP
    ★4 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Change all enemies's type to "All" for 2 turns + Deplete target's CP + Vastly deplete target's HP
  • ★3 1st skill "鱗ある者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
    2. [Post-Damage] (When at 30% HP or above) Inflict Immobility on self 
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow the buff "Counter: Decrease target's HP" to 1 square in all directions 
  • ★4 1st skill "鱗甲の大鰐"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
    2. [On Joining Battle] Increased attack and defense when under the effects of Immobility
    3 [Post-Damage] (When at 30% HP or above) Inflict Immobility on self 
    4. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow the buff "Counter: Deplete target's HP" to 1 square in all directions
  • ★3 2nd skill "削がれる者"
    1. [When Attacking] Deplete target's CP
    2. [When Attacking] Deplete target's HP
    3. [Counter on Damage] Deplete target's CP
    4. [Counter on Damage] Deplete target's HP
  • ★4 2nd skill "被害を削ぐ者"
    1. [Phase Start] Change all enemies's type to "All" for 2 turns
    2. [When Attacking] Deplete target's CP
    3. [When Attacking] Deplete target's HP
    4. [Counter on Damage] Deplete target's CP
    5. [Counter on Damage] Deplete target's HP

Japanese version profile:


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

2. One-Time Only! 25 Purchase Stone to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2023 その①"

At "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" scheduled to be held from April 04, 2023, and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" scheduled to be held at a later date, By consuming 25 purchase stones, we will carry out a special Transient Summon that allows you to draw a one-time 10-shot summon! (*)

*1: "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" Each can be used only once per account.
*2: Apart from the above, we will also implement "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" that consume Transient Stones or Lil' Salomon Ticket as usual.
*3: Promotions are only applicable to the above two Transient Summons.

[Event Period] April 4, 2023, at 08:00 pm to April 13, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled) April 17, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled) 
[Re-launched Period] April 21, 2023, at 06:00 pm to April 25, 2023, at 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Characters List for Part.1

  • NEW!! Limited Hastur(ハスター)... ★3 & ★5, Wood
  • NEW!! Qursha(クルシャ)... ★3 & ★5, Aether
  • NEW!! Nobumichi(ノブミチ)... ★3 & ★5, Aether
  • NEW!! Pazuzu(パズズ)... ★3 & ★5, Fire

※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New Profile Card Introduction!

NEW!! Limited Hastur(ハスター) ★3 & ★5

「慄け人間! 畏ろしき「黄衣の王」ハスターが下等生物の要請に応じ転光してきてやったのだ! 待てそれ以上近寄るな……距離を取れと言っておる!」

VOICE... 中井和哉
  • Attribute: Wood
  • Weapon Type: Thrust
  • ★3 Charge skill: "All" Damage + Bestow ATK Up on self + Bestow Combo on self
    ★5 Charge skill: "All" Damage + Bestow ATK Up on self + Bestow Combo on self + Inflict HP Restore Reversal(HP回復反転) on target
  • ★3 1st skill "風上なる者"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Poison on enemies & allies 1 square in all directions
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Stigma on enemies & allies in a diamond radius of 2 squares (on 2nd turn of phase and after)
    3. [When Attacking] Inflict Buff Reversal(強化反転) on target
    4. [On Joining Battle] Inflict greatly decreased ATK while Bound on self
  • ★5 1st skill "風の上位存在"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Poison on enemies & allies 1 square in all directions
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Fatal Poison on enemies & allies in a diamond radius of 2 squares 
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Stigma on enemies & allies in a diamond radius of 2 squares (on 2nd turn of phase and after)
    4. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Madness on on enemies & allies toward self by inside a 5×5 grid (on 2nd turn of phase and after) Bestow Madness on on enemies toward self by inside a 5×5 grid (on 2nd turn of phase and after)
    5. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Weakness on all enemies & allies except self (on 3rd turn of phase and after) [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Weakness on all enemies (on 3rd turn of phase and after) 
    6. [When Attacking] Inflict Buff Reversal(強化反転) on target
    7. [On Joining Battle] Inflict greatly decreased ATK while Bound on self
  • ★3&5 2nd skill "生物災害を印す者"
    1. [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Nourishment
    2. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Possession on self
    3. [Opponent Turn Start] Change own weapon type to "All" (on 3rd turn and after)

Japanese version profile:


※Limited character card for this event

NEW!! Qursha(クルシャ) ★3 & ★5


ILLUST.. 山藥人
VOICE... 小西克幸
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: None
  • ★3 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Bestow Ardor on self and 1 square left and right 
    ★5 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Bestow Ardor on self and 1 square left and right + Massive damage against units with Charm
  • ★3 1st skill "ゴールを狙う者"
    1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Break on self
    2. [Post-Move] Vastly deplete HP on adjacent target on target 2 squares forward
    3. [Post-Move] Change own weapon type to "Shoot" (for 1 turn)
  • ★5 1st skill "ゴールを狙う猟犬"
    1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify statuses that cause immobility on self
    2. [Post-Move] Massively deplete HP on adjacent target on target 2 squares forward
    3. [Post-Move] Change own weapon type to "Shoot" (for 1 turn)
  • ★3 2nd skill "一夜を越す者"
    1. [When Attacking] Inflict Charm on target
    2. [Status Advantage] Ignore Evasion
  • ★5 2nd skill "ワンナイトラバー"
    1. [When Attacking] Absorb CP from enemy
    2. [When Attacking] Inflict Charm on target
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Charm on target 2 squares forward
    4. [Status Advantage] Ignore Evasion

Japanese version profile: 


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW!! Nobumichi(ノブミチ) ★3 & ★5

「八犬士が1人、犬飼現八ノブミチ。捕まったか……こりゃ運命って奴だな。いや何でもねえよ! 今生も宜しく頼むぜ、サモナーっつぁん!」

ILLUST.. 樹下次郎
VOICE... 中谷一博
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Shoot, ★4 Thrust
  • ★3 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Inflict Stigma on target + Bestow Heal Up on self and adjacent squares
    ★4 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Inflict Stigma on target and 1 square behind + Bestow Heal Up of self and 1 square in all directions
  • ★3 1st skill "漁れる巡回者"
    1. [When Moving] Expand vertical movement
    2. [Opponent Turn Start] Decrease own HP
    3. [Opponent Turn Start] Restore HP of 1 square backward
    4. [Phase Start] Bestow Rage on self
  • ★4 1st skill "漁れる犬巡査"
    1. [When Moving] Expand vertical movement
    2. [Opponent Turn Start] Decrease own HP
    3. [Opponent Turn Start] Restore HP of 1 square backward
    4. [Phase Start] Bestow Rage+ on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "取り締まる者"
    1. [Post Move] Blast target 1 square to the left on right row 3 square forward (when odd turn)
    2. [Post Move] Blast target 1 square to the right on left row 3 square forward (when even turn)
    3. [When Attacking] Remove one buff from target
  • ★4 2nd skill "天網に召し捕る者
    1. [Counter on Damage] Change target's weapon type to "None"
    2. [Post Move] Blast target 1 square to the left on right row 3 square forward (when odd turn)
    3. [Post Move] Blast target 1 square to the right on left row 3 square forward (when even turn)
    4. [When Attacking] Remove one buff from target

Japanese version profile: 


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW!! Pazuzu(パズズ) ★3 & ★5


ILLUST.. まなびこ
VOICE... 高橋広樹
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • ★3 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Change target's weapon type to "None" + Remove single debuff from self and 1 square in all directions
    ★4 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Change target's weapon type to "None" + Deplete target's CP + Restore own HP + Remove single debuff from self and 1 square in all directions
  • ★3 1st skill "魔を除ける者":
    1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify DoT Damage on self
    2. [When Debuffed] Increase CP of self and adjacent squares
  • ★4 1st skill "魔除けの石油王": 
    1. [Phase Start] Bestow buff that "After debuffing, has a chance to remove a single debuff from self" on all allies 
    2. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify DoT Damage on self
    3. [When Debuffed] Increase CP of self and adjacent squares
    4. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Skill Lock on self
  • ★3&4 2nd skill "爬虫類テイマー":
    1. [Post Attack] Bestow resistance to Critical on target
    2. [Phase Start] Bestow Anchor on self 

Japanese version profile: 


※It will be added to the normal Transient Summon at a later date.

3. Limited-Time Tansient Summon "熱血!みんなの副担任ピックアップ転光召喚!"

[Event Period] April 4, 2023, at 08:00 pm to April 21, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled) April 25, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Limited Jinn... ★3 & ★5, Fire
  • Limited Triton... ★3 & ★4, Water

※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

4. Limited-Time AR Tansient Summon "学園生活ピックアップAR転光召喚"

[Event Period] April 4, 2023, at 08:00 pm to April 21, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled) April 25, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

In commemoration of the New Semester Campaign 2023, an "AR Transient Summon" featuring specific AR-equipment will be implemented. Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team! In a 10-shot AR summon that consumes transient stones, definitely get at least 1 AR-equipment with a rating of ★4 or higher! All AR equipment has equipment conditions, and character cards that do not meet the conditions cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up List

  • Endless Night of Research ★5
  • In the Flower of Youth ★5
  • The Theme of the Month ★4
  • Treasure Every Meeting ★4
  • Shinjuku Academy's Chancellors of Chow ★3
  • The Mountain's Bounty ★3

※Please confirm the summon rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

5. "New Semester Campaign 2023" Event Special Login Bonus!

[Event Period] April 4, 2023, at 08:00 pm to April 14, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled)

login Housamo within the event "New Semester Campaign 2023" period and GET SPECIAL LOGIN BONUS! Special bonus items will send to the user's message box!

  • April 4 to April 14... Login Once to GET Lil' Salomon Ticket x2!!
  • April 5... Stamina Drink x5 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 6... ATK Seed x5 + HP Seed x5 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 7... G All-round Boost x30 + Stamina Major x2 Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 8... Warrior Soul G x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 9... 1 million coins + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 10... G All-round Boost x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 11... Warrior Soul G x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 12... Level Seed x1 + Bookmark of the Past x1
  • April 13... Skill Seed x1 + Bookmark of the Past x1 
  • April 14... AR Token x200 + Bookmark of the Past x1

※By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the specified date, you will be able to receive it from the message box.
※Please note that you will not be able to receive gifts for the day you did not login.

6. New Semester Campaign 2023 Commemorative Event "春のギルドメンバー勧誘特別戦(Spring Extraordinary Guild Member Invitation Scuffle)!"

[Event Period] April 4, 2023, at 08:00 pm to April 21, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled) April 25, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

During the period, the campaign limited quest "春のギルドメンバー勧誘特別戦(Spring Extraordinary Guild Member Invitation Scuffle)" that can be played repeatedly in the event area will be released! The event exchange item "春光の胸飾り(Brooch of Spring)" that drops when the quest is cleared can be exchanged for other items at the exchange held during the period!

In addition, bonuses will be given to the amount of items acquired in "春のギルドメンバー勧誘特別戦(Spring Extraordinary Guild Member Invitation Scuffle)" for characters picked up in "新学期転光召喚2023 その①" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②" and for specific characters! Please take this opportunity to add it to your team!

7. Added New Tutorial Missions!

New Tutorial Missions will be added from Tuesday, April 04, 2023, at 08:00 pm! Players who have already cleared can receive it after starting the game. Please check it out!

8. Andvari shop Item Added!

The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop from April 1, 2023, at 00:00 am!

■Items with exchange limits

  • AR-Equipment "聖拳の交わり"
  • AR-Equipment "母と子と" (Limited-Time re-release from April 1, 2023, at 00:00 am to June 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm)

AR-Equipment "聖拳の交わり"
Exchange period: Until June 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm

VOICE... 平田広明(ザバーニーヤ)/ 楠大典(ジェイコフ)
  • Equippable: Missionaries Members, ★2 or less Characters, Blow weapon type
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Attacking] Absorb HP from target
  • Additional Skill 1: [Upon Victory] XP Bonus

※If the exchangeable period has passed, it will be undecided when it will be available again.
※The exchangeable period is subject to change without notice.

9. "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners OnStage!" Updated!

We will update the spin-off app "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners OnStage!" where can enjoy 3D character dances and music games.

  • New 3D character "Seth" model! You can change into a swimsuit!
  • New 3D stage "サモナーズセーフハウス(Summoner's Safe House)" and "サモスナップ撮影スタジオ(Housamo Snap Shooting Studio)"!

※Screenshots is al currently under development.

In the future we will use more 3D models to develop more new contents of Lifewonders! Stay tuned for more news!


Promotion Video for "新学期転光召喚2023 その①".
Audio will play during video playback.

Promotion Video for "新学期転光召喚2023 その②".
Audio will play during video playback.




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