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2024 New Semester Campaign!


Please note that the translations of all new characters, new AR-Equipments, and some skills or items names on this page are not the final versions. All translated entries are only for overseas players to understand the meaning of the original text.

One-Time Only! Use 25 Purchase Stones to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" │ One-Time Only! Use 25 Purchase Stones to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" │ Limited-Time AR Summon "新学期2024ピックアップAR転光召喚(2024 New Semester Pick-Up AR Summon)"  │  2024 New Semester Campaign" Commemorative Login Bonus! │ 2024 New Semester Special Quest "Commemorative Event "新学期の花飾り集め(Collection of New Semester Flower Decorations)" │ Extra Dungeon "Golden Cavern?" Open Again! │ Promotion Video 

1. One-Time Only! Use 25 Purchase Stones to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)"

About Transient summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)", By consuming 25 purchase stones, we will carry out a special Transient Summon that allows you to draw a 10-shot summon for ONCE! (※1, ※2, ※3)

※The special offer with "新学期転光召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2022 その②(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" Each can be used only once per account.
※Apart from the above, we will also implement "新学期転光召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2022 その②(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" that consume Transient Stones or Lil' Salomon Ticket as usual.
※Promotions are only applicable to the above two Transient Summons.

[Release Period] From April 12, 2024, at 06:00 pm to April 23, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

※Please note that "新学期転校召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" do not including character from "新学期転校召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)".

Pick-Up Characters List for Part.1

  • NEW Limited ウィリー・ワイルドキャット(Willie Wildcat) ★3 & ★5 (All Attribute)
  • NEW アマテラス(Amaterasu) ★3 & ★5 (World Attribute)
  • NEW レーヴン・アーサー(Raven Arthur) ★3 (Aether Attribute) & ★4 (Shadow Attribute)
  • NEW トゥーアルシェン(Tu'er Shen) ★3 & ★4 (Water Attribute)

※Please confirm the summon rate of each character cards from the gacha page inside the game.  

New Profile Card Introduction!

NEW Limited ★3 & ★5 ウィリー・ワイルドキャット (Willie Wildcat)

VOICE... 岩永悠平
  • Attribute: All
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • ★3 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Combo on self + Inflict Confusion on target
  • ★5 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Crit+ on self + Bestow Combo on self + Inflict Confusion on target
  • ★3 & ★5 1st skill "反動に耐えうる者"
    1. [When Attacking] Change own weapon type to Blow for 1 turn 
    2. [When Attacking] Remove one buff from targe
    3. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify "Nullify Buff" on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "学生宇宙兵"
    1. [Turn Start] Bestow Acceleration on target and adjacent squares
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Paralysis on enemies in forward row of 3
  • ★5 2nd skill "未来世界のスターマン"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow on all allies a status effect that increases ATK when under the effects of Acceleration
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Acceleration on self and 1 square in all directions
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Paralysis on enemies in a diamond radius of 2 squares
    4. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Paralysis on self

Japanese version profile:

「敬礼、人間! クソったれの未来へようこそ、山猫隊所属、学生宇宙兵のウィリー・ワイルドキャットだ……お前、戦場へ行くのは初めてか? 実はオレもさHAHAHA!」


※Limited Character Cards and only available in "新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)"

NEW ★3 & ★5 アマテラス (Amaterasu)

ILLUST.. 中島諭宇樹+LW
VOICE... 井上喜久子
  • Attribute: World
  • Weapon Type: None
  • ★3 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Bestow the Buff  that "Resistance Status Effect" when defense buff on self + Bestow Berserk+ on self + Increase own CP after CS activation
  • ★5 Charge skill: All Damage + Bestow the Buff  that "Resistance Status Effect" when defense buff on self + Bestow Berserk+ on self + Increase own CP after CS activation
  • ★3 1st skill "退き隠る者"
    1. [Turn Start] Blast self back 1 square
    2. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Protection on self
    3. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Tenacity on self
  • ★5 1st skill "岩戸に退き隠る者"
    1. [Turn Start] Blast self back 1 square
    2. [Phase Start] Inflict debuff "Major HP decrease on self when when debuffed" on all enemies
    3. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Protection on self
    4. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Tenacity on self
    5. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Adamantine on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "長姉たる者"
    1. [Post-No Move] Bestow Protection on target in a 3 by 3 square forward
    2. [Post-Damage] Increase own CP
  • ★5 2nd skill "三貴子の長姉"
    1. [Post-No Move] Bestow DEF UP on target in a 3 by 3 square forward
    2. [Post-No Move] Bestow Nourishment on target in a 3 by 3 square forward
    3. [Post-Damage] Increase own CP

Japanese version profile:



※アマテラス (Amaterasu) ★3 & ★5" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW ★3 & ★4 レーヴン・アーサー (Raven Arthur)

ILLUST.. Doosoo
VOICE... 中田譲治
  • Attribute: ★3 Ather, ★4 Shadow
  • Weapon Type: Slash
  • ★3 Charge skill: Slash Damage + Bestow Concentration on self + Change target's weapon type to Slash + Inflict Buff Reversal on enemy post-attack
  • ★5 Charge skill: Slash Damage + Bestow Concentration on self + Change weapon type to Slash on target and 1 square behind target + Inflict Buff Reversal on enemy post-attack
  • ★3 1st skill "総監たる者"
    1. [Post-Move] Inflict Oppression on forward row of 3
    2. [When Attacking] Blast target back 1 square
  • ★4 1st skill "伝説の消防総監"
    1. [Post-Move] Inflict Oppression on enemies within a 3x2 grid in front
    2. [Post-Move] Draw foes within a 3x2 grid in front 1 square in
    3. [When Attacking] Blast target back 1 square
  • ★3 2nd skill "教え導く者"
    1. [Upon Victory] XP Bonus
  • ★4 2nd skill "ひよっこの育成者"
    1. [Post-Attack] Change target's weapon type to Slash
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Slash damage reduction on self and 1 square to left and right

Japanese version profile:



※レーヴン・アーサー (Raven Arthur) ★3 & ★4" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW ★3 & ★4 トゥーアルシェン (Tu'er Shen)

ILLUST.. wasp
VOICE... 櫻井トオル
  • Attribute: Water
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • ★3 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Restore HP of self and adjacent squares + Bestow Evasion on self and adjacent squares
  • ★4 Charge skill: Shoot Damage + Restore HP of self and a cross radius of 2 squares + Bestow Evasion on self and a cross radius of 2 squares
  • ★3 1st skill "跳び回る者"
    1. [Turn Start] Increase horizontal movement range on self for 1 turn(on odd-numbered turns)
    2. [Turn Start] Increase vertical movement range on self for 1 turn(on even-numbered turns)
  • ★4 1st skill "ルクールマスター"
    1. [Turn Start] Increase horizontal movement range on self for 1 turn(on odd-numbered turns)
    2. [Turn Start] Increase vertical movement range on self for 1 turn(on even-numbered turns)
    3. [When Moving] Increase own movement range (all directions)
  • ★3 2nd skill "都市生活者"
    1. [When Attacking] Restore HP of 1 square left and right
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow Spirit on 1 square left and right
  • ★4 2nd skill "未来都市の生活者"
    1. [When Attacking] Restore HP of 2 square left and right
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow Spirit on 1 square left and right
    3. [Post-Move] Bestow Combo on 1 square left and right

Japanese version profile:



※トゥーアルシェン (Tu'er Shen) ★3 & ★4" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

2. One-Time Only! Use 25 Purchase Stones to Draw 10-Shot Summon! Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)"

About Transient summon "新学期転光召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and 新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2) that to be held at a later date, By consuming 25 purchase stones, we will carry out a special Transient Summon that allows you to draw a 10-shot summon for ONCE! (※1, ※2, ※3)

※The special offer with "新学期転光召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2022 その②(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" Each can be used only once per account.
※Apart from the above, we will also implement "新学期転光召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2022 その②(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" that consume Transient Stones or Lil' Salomon Ticket as usual.
※Promotions are only applicable to the above two Transient Summons.

[Release Period] From April 2, 2024, at 08:00 pm to April 12, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled)

※Please note that "新学期転校召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" do not including character from "新学期転校召喚2024 その②(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)".

Pick-Up Characters List for Part.1

  • NEW Limited コクリュウギケン(Hei Long Yi Quan) ★3 & ★5 (Water Attribute)
  • NEW プロメテウス(Prometheus) ★3 & ★5 (Fire Attribute)
  • NEW ベルフェゴール(Belphegor) ★3 & ★4 (Nether Attribute)
  • NEW アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume) ★3 & ★4 (Infinite Attribute)

※Please confirm the summon rate of each character cards from the gacha page inside the game.  

New Profile Card Introduction!

NEW Limited ★3 & ★5 コクリュウギケン(Hei Long Yi Quan)

ILLUST.. dona908
VOICE... 蒼井翔太
  • Attribute: Water
  • Weapon Type: Snipe 
  • ★3 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Transfer one buff from allies on adjacent squares to self + Bestow Protection on self and adjacent squares + Inflict Immobility on target
  • ★5 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Transfer all buffs from allies on 1 square in all directions + Restore HP 1 square in all directions + Inflict Immobility on target and squares adjacent to target
  • ★3 1st skill "皆を待つ者"
    1. [When Attacking] Inflict Immobility on target
    2. [Post-Attack] Absorb CP from enemy
    3. [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Immobility
  • ★5 1st skill "皆の忠犬"
    1. [Post-Buff] Increase own CP
    2. [When Attacking] Inflict Immobility on target and squares adjacent to target
    3. [Post-Attack] Absorb CP from target and 1 square left and right of target
    4. [Status Advantage] Greater bonus damage against units with Immobility
  • ★3 2nd skill "ご利益を結わえる者"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Ardor on 1 square forward
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Glint on 1 square left and right
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Unction on backward 1 square 
  • ★5 2nd skill "タイアップアドマン"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Ardor on forward row of 3
    2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Glint on allies in a vertical 3 grid centered 1 square to the right
    3. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Glint on allies in a vertical 3 grid centered 1 square to the left
    4. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Unction on backward row of 3

Japanese version profile:

「事務所所属のトップライバー、君のコクリュウギケンだよ。え、あざと過ぎって? 17人の御主人に愛されまくった俺くんが可愛くないワケ、なくなくないじゃーん!」


※Limited Character Cards and only available in "新学期転光召喚2024 その①(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)"

NEW ★3 & ★5 Prometheus(プロメテウス)

ILLUST.. GomTang
VOICE... 玄田哲章
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash, ★5 Long Slash
  • ★3 Charge skill: Long Slash Damage + Restore own HP + Bonus damage against units with Burn + Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" on 1 square in all directions
  • ★5 Charge skill: Long Slash Damage + Restore own HP + Massive Bonus damage against units with Burn + Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" in a diamond radius of 3 squares
  • ★3 1st skill "火を入れる者
    1. [Turn Start] Inflict Burn on enemies and allies in 1 square in all directions
    2. [Phase Start] Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" on 1 square in all directions
  • ★5 1st skill "文化を燈す者"
    1. [Turn Start] Inflict Burn on enemies and allies in a diamond radius of 3 squares
    2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow "ATK UP" and "DEF UP" when under the effects of Burn on all allies except self
    3. [Phase Start] Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" in a diamond radius of 3 squares
    4. [Phase Start] Draw all enemies in 1 square
  • ★3 & ★5 2nd skill "不死の世捨て人"
    1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Weakness on self
    2. [When Attacked] Bestow Tenacity on self
    3. [Post-Damage] Slightly increase own CP

Japanese version profile:



※"Prometheus(プロメテウス) ★3 & ★5" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW ★3 & ★4 ベルフェゴール(Belphegor)

ILLUST.. 海怪平
VOICE... よねざわたかし
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Shot, ★4 Snipe
  • ★3 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Bestow Ardor on self and units in forward row of 3 + Remove single debuff on self and units in forward row of 3
  • ★5 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Bestow Ardor on on self and 1 square in all directions + Remove single debuff on self and 1 square in all directions
  • ★3 1st skill "婚活する者
    1. [When Attacking] Bestow Nullify Debuff on self and 1 square forward
    2. [When Attacking] Increase CP of self and 1 square forward
  • ★4 1st skill "婚活の名セコンド"
    1. [When Attacking] Bestow Nullify Debuff on self and units 3 square forward
    2. [When Attacking] Increase CP of self and 3 square forward
    3. [On Joining Battle] Increase own movement range (all directions)
  • ★3 2nd skill "お祝いする者"
    1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow "continuous increase of CP" when Blessing on all allies
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow Blessing on self and adjacent squares
    3. [Post-Move] Bestow Glint on self
  • ★4 2nd skill "祝賀のお色直し係"
    1. [Phase Start] Bestow "continuous increase of CP" when Blessing on all allies
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow Blessing on self and 1 square in all directions
    3. [Post-Move] Bestow Glint on self

Japanese version profile:

「ハッピーウェディングプランナー、ベルフェゴール! ゲヘナより幸せな異世界結婚をプロデュースに参りました。さぁ式場へ、そしてこのバツイチ悪魔より盛大なる祝福を」


※"ベルフェゴール(Belphegor) ★3 & ★4" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

NEW ★3 & ★4 アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume)

ILLUST.. ニナハチ
VOICE... 豊口めぐみ
  • Attribute: Infinite
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash, ★4 Long Slash
  • ★3 Charge skill: Slash Damage + Increase CP of 1 square in all directions + Remove one Debuff from self and adjacent squares
  • ★5 Charge skill: Long Slash Damage + Increase CP of a diamond radius of 2 squares + Remove one Debuff from self and a cross radius of 2 squares 
  • ★3 1st skill "踊り子なる者
    1. [On Joining Battle] Decrease damage taken by all allies when under the effects of Berserk or Berserk+
    2. [Phase Start] Bestow Berserk on self
  • ★4 1st skill "夜明かす踊り子"
    1. [Phase Start] Draw foes within a 3x3 square grid in front 1 square in
    2. [On Joining Battle] Decrease damage taken by all allies when under the effects of Berserk or Berserk+
    3. [Phase Start] Bestow Berserk on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "ノリの良い者"
    1. [Phase Start] Greatly increase CP of self and adjacent squares
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Spirit on self and 2 squares left and right
  • ★4 2nd skill "ノリに乗るギャル"
    1. Greatly increase CP of self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Spirit on self and 2 squares left and right

Japanese version profile:

「ねえねえ あんたがあーしの事喚んでくれたんだ? そんならサモちって呼んでいい? てか呼ぶね! あーしはアメノウズメ。ラスボス側のギャルだからそこんトコよろ。あんまお姉ちゃん困らせちゃダメだよ~?」


※"アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume) ★3 & ★4" will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon at a later date.

3. Limited-Time AR Summon "新学期2024ピックアップAR転光召喚(2024 New Semester Pick-Up AR Summon)"

[Release Period] From April 2, 2024, at 08:00 pm to April 23, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)

In commemoration of the New Semester Campaign 2024, an "AR Transient Summon" featuring specific AR-equipment will be implemented. Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team! In a 10-shot AR summon that consumes transient stones, definitely get at least 1 AR-equipment with a rating of ★4 or higher! All AR equipment has equipment conditions, and character cards that do not meet the conditions cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up AR-Equipment List

  • ★5 Shopping at the Antique Market
  • ★5 In the Flower of Youth
  • ★4 The Ogres of Mt. Oe 
  • ★4 Shooting Stars
  • ★3 OH, MY POPSTAR! 
  • ★3 Whose Side Are You On?! 

※Please confirm the summon rate of each AR from the gacha page inside the game.  

4.  "2024 New Semester Campaign" Commemorative Login Bonus!

[Event Period] From April 2, 2024, at 08:00 pm to April 12, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled)

login Housamo within the event "2024 New Semester Campaign" period and GET SPECIAL LOGIN BONUS! Special bonus items will send to the user's message box!

  • From April 2 to April 12... Login Once to GET Lil' Salomon Ticket*2 & AR Lil' Salomon Ticket*2.
  • April 3... Stamina Drink x5 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 4... Greater ATK Blossom x5 + Greater HP Seed x5 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 5... G All-round Boost x50 + Stamina Major x2 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 6... Warrior Soul G x50 + Stamina Major x2 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 7... 1 million coins + Stamina Major x4 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 8... Level Seed x1 + Stamina Drink x2 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 9... Skill Seed x1 + Stamina Drink x2 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 10... AR Token x200 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • April 11... External Guild Subcontract x1 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50 
  • April 12... Rainbow Shard x1000 + Guild Alliance Certificate x50

※By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the specified date, you will be able to receive it from the message box.
※Please note that you will not be able to receive gifts for the day you did not login.

5. 2024 New Semester Special Quest "Commemorative Event "新学期の花飾り集め(Collection of New Semester Flower Decorations)"

[Free Quest Available Period] From April 2, 2024, at 08:00 pm to April 23, 2023, at 01:59 pm (scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange Period] From April 2, 2024, at 08:00 pm to April 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm (scheduled)

During the period, the campaign limited quest "新学期の花飾り集め(Collection of New Semester Flower Decorations)" that can be played repeatedly in the event area will be released! The event exchange item "春光の胸飾り(Brooch of Spring)" that drops when the quest is cleared can be exchanged for other items at the exchange held during the period!

In addition, bonuses will be given to the amount of items acquired in "新学期の花飾り集め(Collection of New Semester Flower Decorations)" for characters picked up in "新学期転光召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)" and for specific characters! Please take this opportunity to add it to your team!

"春光の胸飾り(Brooch of Spring)" Acquisition amount increase character & AR-Equipment list

+40%: コクリュウギケン(Hei Long Yi Quan) ★5, プロメテウス(Prometheus) ★5, ウィリー・ワイルドキャット(Willie Wildcat) ★5, アマテラス(Amaterasu) ★5
+30%: ベルフェゴール(Belphegor) ★4, アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume) ★4, レーヴン・アーサー(Raven Arthur) ★4, トゥーアルシェン(Tu'er Shen) ★4
+20%: コクリュウギケン(Hei Long Yi Quan) ★3, プロメテウス(Prometheus) ★3, ベルフェゴール(Belphegor) ★3, アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume) ★3, ウィリー・ワイルドキャット(Willie Wildcat) ★3, アマテラス(Amaterasu) ★3, レーヴン・アーサー(Raven Arthur) ★3, トゥーアルシェン(Tu'er Shen) ★3, Protagonist
+10%: Shiro, Kengo, Ryota, Toji, Moritaka, All implemented AR-Equipments

※Except for specifying some character cards, All ★rarity of each character and AR-Equipment are eligible.

ATK Bonus Coming Again!

During the event period, an "ATK bonus" will be given to pick-up targets of "新学期転光召喚2024 その1(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.1)" and "新学期転光召喚2023 その②新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)"!

ATK Bonus Available Character Cards List

ATK +100%: コクリュウギケン(Hei Long Yi Quan) ★5, プロメテウス(Prometheus) ★5, ベルフェゴール(Belphegor) ★4, アメノウズメ(Ame-no-Uzume) ★4, ウィリー・ワイルドキャット(Willie Wildcat) ★5, アマテラス(Amaterasu) ★5, レーヴン・アーサー(Raven Arthur) ★4, トゥーアルシェン(Tu'er Shen) ★4.

6. Extra Dungeon "Golden Cavern?" Open Again!

[Event Period] From April 15, 2023, at 00:00 am to April 19, 2023, at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)

Extra dungeons will reappear during the event period! Extra dungeons are dungeons that appear for a limited time, mainly for the acquisition of coins and upgrade items.

Please check below for details!

Audio will be played during playback.

Audio will be played during playback.



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