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Limited-Time Event "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~"


[Updated] January 13th,2021. Notification for Limited-Time Transient Summon "丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その①〜その③"

Limited-Time Event "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~" │ Event Limited ★4 AR Equipment: "曙光に燃える(★4)" and "初湯のひととき(★4)" │ Limited-Time "Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021(10 Shot Only)"  │ Limited-Time "AR Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021(10 Shot Only)"  │ Brand-New Normal AR-E!!! Limied-Time AR Transient Summon "サンライズ・ニューイヤーAR転光召喚" │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "丑年限定ピックアップ転光召喚" │ Limited-Time AR Transient Summon "丑年ピックアップAR転光召喚" │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その①〜その③" │ Paper Fortune Transient Summon 2021(2021 おみくじ召喚)! │ Japanese New Year Style Skin and Voice Added! │ New Year Sticker added to Exchange Shop │ New Year Login Bonus!! │ EX Dungeon "樹海ダンジョン" Reappear!! │ Limited-Time Event "A New Year's Food Fracas: The Cleaner Is on the Case(Re-release)" │ New Item added to Andvari Shop! │

1. Limited-Time Event "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~"

◆Event Period◆ 
[Main Quest] January 1st,2021. 00:00 am to January 22th,2021. 01:59 pm
[Event Item Exchange] January 1st,2021. 00:00 am to January 27th,2021. 11:59 pm
[Event Free Quest] January 1st,2021. 00:00 am to January 22th,2021. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] January 12th,2021. 02:00 pm to January 22th,2021. 01:59 pm


During the event period, a limited-time quest "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~" will available in the event area.
The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially on January 1st , 2021!

※This feature is only supported in Japanese version, English/Chinese version will be released later.
※Part of the translations that in this page is TBA translation version, it will differ that the official translated version

In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available.
Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items "Offering(お賽銭)" drops in those quests!
※Drops may not occur every time.

By using the event item "Offering(お賽銭)" in Exchange Shop, you can exchange every rarity items or play Fortune Summon!
And more! "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~ High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete!


■HINT for make you More Easier to Collect Item!

About Event Item "お賽銭(Offering)


In "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~", When you clear the battle with certain characters or AR-Equipment,
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "Offering(お賽銭)" will be increased.
Check if you have any of these character cards!

Event Limited ★4 AR Equipment: "曙光に燃える(★4)" and "初湯のひととき(★4)"


ILLUST.. naop
VOICE... 内匠靖明(ワカン・タンカ)/ よねざわたかし(タウラスマスク)
  • Equippable: Taurus Mask or Wakan Tanka or Fire or Wood or World
  • Additional skill 1: Charge Skill Power Up
  • Additional skill 2: [Post-Move] Remove single debuff from 1 square left and right


VOICE... 宝亀克寿(ギュウマオウ)/ 増元拓也(シンノウ)
  • Equippable: Shennong or Gyumao or Thrust or Long Slash or None(Weapon Type)
  • Additional skill 1: [When Debuffed] Restore self HP
  • Additional skill 2: [On Missed Attack] Restore self HP

In event "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~", the event limited AR equipment is coming again! 
Complete the battle with limited AR equipment "曙光に燃える(★4)" and "初湯のひととき(★4)", the amount of the drop of event exchange items "お賽銭(Offering)" will be increased!
"曙光に燃える(★4)" and "初湯のひととき(★4)" can be earned in "2021 おみくじ召喚(Fortune Summons 2021)" limited item exchange shop and upper level is 100.
equip that to clear the quests more faster!



2. Limited-Time "Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021(10 Shot Only)"  

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm
If you have all of the characters in the list below ★5, limited ★4 and limited ★5 character card, you cannot participate in this event.

Use in-app purchases transient stone x50, Get the Limited★4 or ★5 character card x1 + ★5 character card x1
The "Event Limited Character Card ★3 to 5" is including in this transient summon Grab Bag!

Take this Big Chance to get the rare card what you want!!! 

※"Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021" can only be executed once per user account (each T-Summon and AR T-Summon)
Please note that transient stones which is given as bonus in game is not included with the "in-app purchase".

100% Get Limited ★4 or 5 Character Card List

Limited ★4:

・Limited Shiro ・Limited Gabriel ・Limited Taurus Mask ・Limited Melusine ・Limited Durga ・Limited Ikutoshi 
・Limited Licht ・Limited Surtr ・Limited Barguest ・Limited オルグス ・Limited Hombre Tigre ・Limited Tezcatlipoca ・Limited Ziz
・Limited Claude ・Limited Kotaro ・Limited Jambavan ・Limited Bathym ・Limited Nomad ・Limited Triton ・Limited Suzuka ・Limited Seth ・Limited Ganglie
・Limited Maria ・Limited Kenta ・Limited Nobuharu ・Limited Babalon ・Limited Tetsuox ・Limited Sitri ・Limited ソール ・Limited Kagutsuchi
・Limited Hanuman ・Limited Motosumi ・Limited Shuten ・Limited JIraiya ・Limited Tsathoggua ・Limited Hakumen 
・Limited Amatsumara ・Limited Ifrit ・Limited Tetsuya ・Limited Aizen ・Limited Furufumi ・Limited Choji

・Limited Asterius ・Limited Fenrir ・Limited Cu Sith ・Limited Pollux ・Limited Arsalan ・Limited Tadatomo ・Limited Kalki ・Limited Gyumao ・Limited Algernon
・Limited Robinson
・Limited Volos
・Limited Kijimuna

Limited ★5:

・Limited Jin ・Limited Moritaka ・Limited Chernobog ・Limited Krampus ・Limited Takemaru ・Limited Ryuta
・Limited Eita ・Limited Typhon ・Limited Toji ・Limited Licho ・Limited Ded
・Limited Zao ・Limited Ryuta ・Limited Aegir ・Limited Shennong
・Limited Ashigara ・Limited Gunzo ・Limited Andvari ・Limited Snow ・Limited Shiro ・Limited Hephaestus ・Limited Yasuyori
・Limited Alice ・Limited Kuniyoshi ・Limited ネクロス&バッカス
・Limited Shino
・Limited Dagon
・Limited Hougen ・Limited Oniwaka ・Limited Zabaniyya ・Limited Moritaka
・Limited Wakan Tanka ・Limited Tangaroa

100% Get ★5 Character Card List

・Aizen ・Oniwaka ・Gyumao ・Claude ・Kotaro ・Zabaniyya ・Hephaestus 
・Limited Jin ・Limited Moritaka ・Limited Chernobog ・Limited Krampus ・Limited Takemaru ・クトゥグァ ・Limited Ryuta
・Ahab ・Aegir ・Sow ・Tsathoggua ・Limited Eita ・Limited Typhon ・Limited Toji ・Limited Licho ・Limited Ded
・Kurogane ・Tajikarao ・Tangaroa ・Macan ・Wakan Tanka ・Leib ・Limited Zao ・Limited Ryuta ・Limited Aegir ・Limited Shennong
・Ophion ・Kengo ・Gabriel ・Tanngrisnir ・Duo ・Limited Ashigara ・Limited Gunzo 
・Limited Andvari ・Limited Snow ・Limited Shiro ・Limited Hephaestus ・Limited Yasuyori

・Ded ・Chernobog ・Babalon ・Licht ・Limited Alice ・Limited Kuniyoshi ・Heracles ・Limited ネクロス&バッカス ・エリイ
・Limited Shino
・Shino ・Surtr ・Takemaru ・Tsukuyomi ・Sanat Kumara ・Limited Dagon ・バエル ・ダイコク
・Horkeu Kamui ・Limited Hougen ・Limited Oniwaka ・Limited Zabaniyya ・Limited Moritaka ・シヴァ
・Korpokkur ・Limited Wakan Tanka ・Limited Tangaroa ・Tezcatlipoca ・Jacob ・ホルス

Other Available Character Cards

Normal Character Card + Limited Character Card
The "Limited Character Card ★3 to 5" is including in this transient summon Grab Bag.

Limited ★3:

・Limited Jin
・Limited Triton
・Limited Dagon
・Limited オルグス
・Limited ソール
・Limited ネクロス&バッカス

Not including the following free gift Character Card:
Agyo ★3&4 / Kijimuna ★3&4 / Zao ★3&4 / Sitri ★3&4 / Benten ★3&4 / Yule ★3&4 / Gullinbursti ★3&4 / Astaroth ★3&4 / Arachne ★3&4 / ヤマサチヒコ ★3&4

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  


3. Limited-Time "AR Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021(10 Shot Only)"  

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm
If you have all of the AR-E in the list below ★4 and 5 AR-E, you cannot participate in this event.

Use in-app purchases transient stone x50, Get the Limited★4 or ★5 AR-Equipment x1 + ★5 AR-Equipment x1!

Take this Big Chance to get the rare AR-E what you want!!! 

※"AR Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021" can only be executed once per user account (each T-Summon and AR T-Summon)
※Please note that transient stones which is given as bonus in game is not included with the "in-app purchase".
※Please note that "AR Grab Bag Transient Summon 2021" does not including the latest AR-E summon "サンライズ・ニューイヤーAR転光召喚".

★4&5 AR-Equipment List 

As the official English translation name for AR-E is not yet complete, following list will only list the Japanese version name.

100% Get ★4 or 5 AR-Equipment List

★4 AR-Equipment

・犬どもの戦場 ・ミッションコンプリート ・計り知れざる永劫の ・先輩と後輩の時間 ・従者並びて ・シューティングスターズ ・幼馴染の流儀 ・魔王の温泉郷へようこそ
・大江山の鬼たち ・新宿ポリスアカデミー ・サン・アンド・オイル! ・同じ月が見ている ・夕暮れ時の青春は ・ショコラは深淵より来たり ・硬派を気取ったあの頃は ・サバイバルリゾート
・剣豪と刀鍛冶の攻防 ・いつかどうして夢の鬼 ・剣の道は尚遙か ・歓楽の鬼 ・きょうだい弟子の組手 ・ワンダーフォーゲル! ・制御できるならやってみろ! ・今月の得真道学園

★5 AR-Equipment

・開拓の誓い ・無窮の誓い ・豊穣の誓い ・根絶の誓い ・結合の誓い ・深淵の海より来たりて ・サモナーズのX’MAS ・バレンタイン・ドッグス! ・砂漠のプレイベート・レッスン?
・蒲田ギルドの師弟 ・寂しがりの猛牛たち ・流れ者の集う街 ・おお温泉の喜びよ ・法の代行者たち ・嵐を呼ぶMCバトル! ・成果は現場にあり! ・ジェノサイド・ハロウィン

100% Get ★5 AR-Equipment List

・開拓の誓い ・無窮の誓い ・豊穣の誓い ・根絶の誓い ・結合の誓い ・深淵の海より来たりて ・サモナーズのX’MAS ・バレンタイン・ドッグス! ・砂漠のプレイベート・レッスン?
・蒲田ギルドの師弟 ・寂しがりの猛牛たち ・流れ者の集う街 ・おお温泉の喜びよ ・法の代行者たち ・嵐を呼ぶMCバトル! ・成果は現場にあり! ・ジェノサイド・ハロウィン

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  


4. Brand-New Normal AR-E!!! Limied-Time AR Transient Summon "サンライズ・ニューイヤーAR転光召喚"

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was released!
Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up AR Equipment

  • NEW コリーダ・デ・トーロス ★5
  • NEW 上質の一杯 ★5
  • NEW 昼休みの購買部闘争! ★4
  • NEW 浅草ダウンタウンボーイズ ★4

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New AR Equipment Introduction!

NEW!  コリーダ・デ・トーロス ★5


ILLUST.. wasp
VOICE... よねざわたかし(タウラスマスク)/ 幸田承(アステリオス)
  • Equippable: Asterius or Taurus Mask or Wood or Aether
  • Additional Skill 1: [Post-Move] Draw enemies 3 squares forward in by 2 squares
  • Additional Skill 2: [Post-Attack] Increase own CP

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW!  上質の一杯 ★5


ILLUST.. 吉良ネリス
VOICE... 下総一薫(スノウ)/ 宝亀克寿(ギュウマオウ)
  • Equippable: Gyumao or Snow or Blow or Slash or Long Slash
  • Additional Skill 1: Bestow all allies DEF UP during status "Nourishment"
  • Additional Skill 2: Bestow Nourishment on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW!  昼休みの購買部闘争! ★4

ILLUST.. さるの行丸
VOICE... 村川梨衣(ナタ)/ かぬか光明(テツギュウ)
  • Equippable: Tetsuox or Nezha or Blow
  • Additional Skill 1: [Post Attack] Increase own movement range (all directions)
  • Additional Skill 2: [Post Attack] Bestow Acceleration on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW!  浅草ダウンタウンボーイズ ★4

VOICE... かぬか光明(テツギュウ)/ 山口勝平(ハヌマン)
  • Equippable: Tetsuox or Hanuman or Thrust or Blow
  • Additional Skill 1: [On Joining Battle] Bestow ATK UP to self during status "Guts"
  • Additional Skill 2: [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Fatal Poison on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended


※The currencies that can be used for AR Transient Summon are "Transient Stone" and "AR Lil'salomon Ticket".
Please note that the "Lil'salomon Ticket" cannot be used in AR Transient Summon.
※In addition, the “AR Lil'salomon Ticket” used for AR Transient Summon cannot be used for Character Transient Summon.
Only AR equipment is discharged from the AR Transient Summon. Also, “AR equipment” will not be discharged from “Character card transient summon”.

※If you obtain multiple AR equipment, the upper limit Lv of the same AR equipment will increase. (Up to 100) AR equipment with maximum Lv will no longer be discharged from the AR Transient Summon.
※Please note that Because the AR equipment with the maximum LV is no longer discharged, there may be a difference between the the actual discharge probability depending on the playing situation.

5. Limited-Time Transient Summon "丑年限定ピックアップ転光召喚"

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

Appearance Rate UP Character Cards

  • Limited Wakan Tanka ★5 World
  • Limited Shennong ★4 Wood
  • Limited Gyumao ★4 Nether
  • Limited Taurus Mask ★4 Fire
  • Limited Tetsuox ★4 Wood
  • Limited Asterius ★4 Nether

※In addition, "Wakan Tanka", "Shennong", "Gyumao", "Taurus Mask", "Tetsuox" and "Asterius"(All★3) will be picked up (Appearance probability UP).
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

6. Limited-Time AR Transient Summon "丑年ピックアップAR転光召喚"

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was released!
Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Appearance Rate UP AR Equipment

  • 寂しがりの猛牛たち ★5
  • 流れ者の集う街 ★5
  • 先輩と後輩の時間 ★4
  • 或る島での1ページ ★3

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

7. Limited-Time Transient Summon "丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その①〜その③"

◆Event Period◆
January 12th, 2021. 06:00 pm to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

※"丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その①〜その③" is not including with Itzamna(イツァムナー).

Appearance Rate UP Character Cards

【丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その①】

  • Gyumao ★3&5 Fire
  • Asterius ★3&4 Aether

Appearance Rate UP Character Cards

【丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その②】

  • Wakan Tanka ★3&5 Wood
  • Taurus Mask ★3&4 Wood
  • Tetsuox ★3&4 Nether

Appearance Rate UP Character Cards

【丑年ピックアップ転光召喚 その③】

  • Ahab ★3&5(Water
  • マルドゥック ★3(Wood)& ★4 (Hero)
  • Shennong ★3(Wood)& ★4 (Hero)

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

8. Paper Fortune Transient Summon 2021(2021 おみくじ召喚)!

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm  January 27th, 2021. 11:59 pm

By clearing the limited-time quest "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~" and free quests, you can get a drop item "Offering(お賽銭)".
※Drops may not occur every time.

You can exchange many Rarity Item, Coin and "2021 お正月チケット(2021 New Year's Ticket)" by spending "Offering(お賽銭)".
※The end date of "おみくじ召喚" is different from the end date of the exchange shop.
※After the "おみくじ召喚" is end, the お賽銭(Offering) can only be used at the exchange shop.

■ About New Function "100 Shot Summon" 

"2021おみくじ召唤" will be newly supported by "100 Shot Summons".
This new function make you to use 2000 Offerings to get 100 items!

※The result screen will be the same, but you can get 10 items for each frame.
※The possession alerts for "Level Upgrade Items" and "Skill Level Upgrade Items" will be displayed only when the possession grace period is less than 10 as before. In addition, the surplus "All-round Boost" and "Warrior Soul" will be destroyed.
※"曙光に燃える(AR-E)", "初湯のひととき(AR-E)" and "Lucky Cat" will not be obtained by this function. If you want to get those items, please use the normal "AAA".

■ 2021 お正月チケット(2021 New Year's Ticket)

If you spend "Offering(お賽銭)" and play "2021 おみくじ召喚", you can get "2021 お正月チケット(2021 New Year's Ticket)" with a low probability.
You can exchange Lil' Salomon Ticket and Coin by spending "2021 お正月チケット(2021 New Year's Ticket)".

9. Japanese New Year Style Skin and Voice Added!

From January 1st, 2021, new year skins and voices will be added to some characters.
The characters for which skins be added are as follows.

  • Asterius
  • Gyumao
  • Ghost
  • Shennong
  • Taurus Mask
  • Wakan Tanka

The characters for which voice be added are as follows.

  • Gyumao
  • Shennong
  • Wakan Tanka

Please check the new skins and voices on the character details menu!
※In order to play the new voice, you need to switch to the new skin.

10. New Year Sticker added to Exchange Shop

New stickers that can be used in My-Guild can be exchanged at the event exchange shop!

  • だるま (Sticker)
  • 牛のマスコット (Sticker)
  • 凧 (Sticker)

11. New Year Login Bonus!!

◆Event Period◆
January 1st, 2021. 00:00 am to January 5th, 2021. 11:59 pm

Login Housamo and get "New Year Login Bonus"!! Don't forget to get it!

  • January 1st AR Token x20Stamina Minor x3, Level Seed x2, Transient Stone x2
  • January 2nd AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x1, Stamina Major x1, Skill Seedx2, Transient Stone x2
  • January 3rd AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x4, Stamina Major x1, Transient Stone x2Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • January 4th AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x2, Stamina Major x2, Transient Stone x2Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • January 5th AR Token x20Stamina Drink x2Lamp Oil x3, Transient Stone x2

12. EX Dungeon "樹海ダンジョン" Reappear!!

◆Event Period◆
January 12th, 2021. 06:00 pm to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

During the event "サンライズ・ニューイヤー ~牛連れ旅館で大宴会~" period, Extra dungeon "樹海ダンジョン" will be available!
Please check below for details!

▲ Click!! ▲

13. Limited-Time Event "A New Year's Food Fracas: The Cleaner Is on the Case(Re-release)"

◆Event Period◆
[Main Quest] January 5th, 2021. 00:00 am to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] January 5th, 2021. 02:00 pm to January 22th, 2021. 01:59 pm

During the event period, a limited-time re-release quest "A New Year's Food Fracas: The Cleaner Is on the Case(Re-release)" Available in the event area.
With this re-release, we have made a multi-language version for English & Chinese!
All episode can be played in the event area. No matter you play for the first time or already cleared this stage,
Take the best opportunity to experience "Battle of the Bells! An Ikebukuro Christmas"!!

First-time clear bonus cannot be received by complete or replay the Replay quests.
※This event will only re-release Main Quest, Special Quest and Transient Summon.


14. New Item added to Andvari Shop!!

The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop after the maintenance on December 29th, 2020 (Tuesday)!

■Items with exchange limits

  • AR Equipment "友情のコンビネーション!"

In addition, we apologize for the omission of the following exchangeable cards which were implemented during the "4th Anniversary Campaign".
This can already be exchanged, and there will be no gameplay problems due to it.

  • Benten ☆3
  • Benten ☆4



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