Limited-Time Event "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~" │ Fortune Summon 2023(2023おみくじ召喚)! │ New Year Limited "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)" & "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)" │ Limited-Time "Grab Bag Transient Summon 2023(10 Shot Only)" │ Limited-Time "Grab Bag AR Transient Summon 2023(10 Shot Only)" │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "七福神ピックアップ 転光召喚" │ Japanese New Year Style Skin Added! │ New Year Login Bonus │ Limited-Time Re-releease Event "Go Get 'Em, Tiger! New Year 2022 (Re-release)" │ Andvari Shop New Item Available! │
1. Limited-Time Event "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~"
[Main Quest] January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
[Event Item Exchange] January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 24, 2023. 11:59 pm
[Event Free Quest] January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] Sheduled release until January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
During the event period, a limited-time quest "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~" will available in the event area.
The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially on January 1, 2023!
※This event is only supported in Japanese version, English/Chinese version will be released later.
※Part of the translations that in this page is TBA translation version, it will differ that the official translated version
In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available.
Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items "Offering" drops in those quests!
※Drops may not occur every time.
By using the event item "Offering" in Exchange Shop, you can exchange every rarity items or play Fortune Summon 2023!
And more! "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~ High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete!
■Hint for Event
About Event Item "Offering"
In "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~", When you clear the battle with certain characters or AR-Equipment,
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "Offering" will be increased.
Check if you have any of these character cards!
2. Fortune Summon 2023(2023おみくじ召喚)!
Event Period: January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 24, 2023. 11:59 pm
By clearing the limited-time quest "開運!フォーチュンラビット~白兎みくじを取り戻せ!~" and free quests, you can get a drop item "Offering(お賽銭)".
※Drops may not occur every time.
You can exchange many Rarity Item, Coin, "2023 お正月チケット(2023 New Year's Ticket)", New Character "イナバ(★3&4)" and AR-Equipment implemented in 2022 by spending "Offering".
New Characters Introduction
※For newly cards(except for some cards), the voice playback on the character details page will be added to list after the event.
NEW! ★3&★4【イナバ / Inaba】
ILLUST.. うさ餅大福 VOICE... 渡辺久美子
- Atttibute: Fire
- Weapon Type: ★3 Shooot / ★4 Magic
- Charge Skill
★3... Shoot Damage + Inflict Paralysis on target + Restore HP of self and adjacent allies
★4... Magic Damage + Inflict Paralysis on target + Restore HP of self and a cross radius of 2 squares + Bestow Glint on self - 1st Skill "兎年に弾む者"... [On Joining Battle] Bestow "Restore HP when under the effects of Affinity Burst: Friendship" on all allies + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Confusion(混乱) on self + [Turn Start] Inflict Charm on enemy 3 squares forward
- ★3 2nd Skill "乞い祈む者"... [Phase Start] Bestow Regeneration on self + [Post Movement Phase] Bestow Blessing on diamond radius of 1 square
★4 2nd Skill "見せしめを懲らす者"... [Phase Start] Bestow Regeneration on self + [Post Movement Phase] Bestow Blessing on diamond radius of 1 square + [Post Movement Phase] Bestow Ardor on adjacent squares
異世界タカマガハラ出身の「転光生」。 趣味はいつも持ち歩いているおみくじを使って人々の運勢を占うこと。
※Limited Free character card only for this event.
■ 2023 お正月チケット(2023 New Year's Ticket)
If you spend "Offering" and play "2023 おみくじ召喚", you can get "2023 お正月チケット(2023 New Year's Ticket)" with a low probability.
You can exchange Lil' Salomon Ticket and Coin by spending "2023 お正月チケット(2023 New Year's Ticket)" in event exchange shop.
■ 100連おみくじ召喚について
You can get a total of 100 items at once by consuming 2000 "Offering" at a time.
※The possession alerts for "Level Items" and "Skill Items" will be displayed only when the possession grace is less than 10 as before. In addition, the surplus "G All-round Boost" and "Warrior Soul" will be discarded. note that.
3. New Year Limited "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)" & "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)"
Sale Period: December 28, 2022. 08:00 pm to January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
After the maintenance on December 28, 2022, "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)" and "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)" will be on sale!
This is a great pack that includes "新春福袋パック" and "新春AR福袋パック" to be used in "2023福袋転光召喚(10連限定)(2023Grab Bag Transient Summon - 10 Shot Only)" and "2023福袋AR転光召喚(10連限定)(2023Grab Bag AR Transient Summon - 10 Shot Only)" scheduled to be held from January 1, 2023!
- "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)"... 福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket) x1 + Transient Stone(Free) x75 + Rainbow Shard x1000
- "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)"... AR福袋チケット(AR Grab Bag Ticket) x1 + Transient Stone(Free) x75 + Rainbow Shard x1000
Click here for more information on purchase packs!
※ "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)" and "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)" can be purchased once each. You cannot buy more than one of either pack.
※ Regarding "福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket)" and "AR福袋チケット(AR Grab Bag Ticket)", both cannot be used after the event period of the target limited-time T-summon has expired. Regarding unused tickets, we will not provide individual refunds or compensation.
4. Limited-Time "Grab Bag Transient Summon 2023(10 Shot Only)"
Event Period: January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 24, 2022. 11:59 pm
If you have all of the card in the list below Limited★4 and Limited ★5 Character, you cannot participate in this event.
Use in-app purchases item "福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket)" from "新春福袋パック(Grab Bag)",
Get the Limited★4 or ★5 character card x1 + ★5 character card x1 + Ramdom Character x8 with this special T-Summon!
Take this Big Chance to get the rare card what you want!!!
"Grab Bag Transient Summon 2022(10 Shot Only)" is divided into Part① & Part②
- Part①(Fire・Water・Wood・World・Zero)
- Part②(Aether・Nether・Shadow・Hero・All・Infinite)
Characters belonging to are ejected.
This time, the discharged characters include "Limited time characters ★5 & ★4 & ★3".
※"Grab Bag Transient Summon 2022(10 Shot Only)" needs to buy "福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket)". Since "福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket)" has a purchase limit of only one item, it can be executed only once in either Part① & Part②.
Limited ★4 or ★5 Character List
Limited ★5 Character List
Other Available Character List
Limited ★3
・Limited Jin ・Limited Triton ・Limited Dagon ・Limited Orgus ・Limited Sol ・Limited Nekros & Bacchus ・Limited Wakan Tanka∞ ・Limited Tangaroa∞ ・Limited ヨルムンガンド ・Limited ビッグフット ・Limited キリト
※Not including the following free gift Character Card:
Agyo ★3&4 / Kijimuna ★3&4 / Zao ★3&4 / Sitri ★3&4 / Benten ★3&4 / Yule ★3&4 / Gullinbursti ★3&4 / Astaroth ★3&4 / Arachne ★3&4 / Yamasachihiko ★3&4 / オオグチマガミ ★3&4 / The Hero ★3&4 / ゴロウザエモン ★3&4 / イナバ ★3&4
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.
5. Limited-Time "Grab Bag AR Transient Summon 2023(10 Shot Only)"
Event Period: January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 24, 2022. 11:59 pm
If you have all of the card in the list below Limited★4 and Limited ★5 AR-E, you cannot participate in this event.
Use in-app purchases item "AR福袋チケット(AR Grab Bag Ticket)" from "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)",
Get the Limited★4 or ★5 character AR-Ex1 + ★5 AE-E x1 + Ramdom AR-E x8 with this special T-Summon!
Take this Big Chance to get the rare card what you want!!!
※"Grab Bag Transient Summon 2022(10 Shot Only)" needs to buy "福袋チケット(Grab Bag Ticket)". "新春AR福袋パック(AR Grab Bag)" is limited to one purchase limit.
★4&5 AR-Equipment List
★5 AR-Equipment List
※Not including the following free gift AR-equipment:
見習い使い魔の応援 / 拮抗の例外処理? / 深淵の門番の破片 / 遠雷の闘士の破片 / 長途の待人の破片 / 魔王と魔王 / 聖夜のダブル・ヒーロー! / ギュウマオウ式OJT! / はぐれ者の幕間 / しゃかりき稼ぐぜ海の家 / 冒険に祝杯を / ようこそ地獄の温泉郷 / 隣を駆ける者ども / 今ここだけにしかない物語 / 仰げば尊し / お宝目指して何処までも / 教えの庭にも / 友情のコンビネーション! / 初湯のひととき / 曙光に燃える / 放課後の工房 / レッツ・クラフト! / 我ら今は共に歩みて / 東方の賢者たち / スウィート・ドリームス / クイーン・オブ・カブキチョウ / クラフターズの日課 / 母と子と / ある安らぎの日 / 虎たちの乾杯 / 猫たちの憩いの場 / バレンタインアドベンチャー / アチアチ・ホットキャンプ! / N番目の祝宴 / 夏の日の一枚 / シークレット・エージェンツ / その日は 桜の山で / 仕事終わりのひとときを / ひとりだけのあなたへ
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.
6. Limited-Time Transient Summon "七福神ピックアップ 転光召喚"
Event Period: January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 17, 2022. 01:59 pm
Pick-Up Character Cards
- Limited Benten ★5 Aether
- Limited Ebisu ★4 Nether
- Limited Daikoku ★4 Nether
- ホテイ ★4 Aether
※Ebisu, Daikoku and ホテイ(All ★3) will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.
7. Japanese New Year Style Skin Added!
From January 1, 2023, new year skins will be added to some characters.
The characters for which skins be added are as follows.
- Benten
- Ebisu
- Daikoku
- ホテイ
Please check the new skins on the character details menu!
8. New Year Login Bonus
◆Event Period◆ January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 5, 2022. 11:59 pm
Login Housamo and get "New Year Login Bonus"!! Don't forget to get it!
- January 1 AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x3, Level Seed x2, Transient Stone x2
- January 2 AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x1, Stamina Major x1, Skill Seedx2, Transient Stone x2
- January 3 AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x4, Stamina Major x1, Transient Stone x2, Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
- January 4 AR Token x20, Stamina Minor x2, Stamina Major x2, Transient Stone x2, AR Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
- January 5 AR Token x20, Stamina Drink x2, Lamp Oil x3, Transient Stone x2
9. Limited-Time Re-releease Event "Go Get 'Em, Tiger! New Year 2022 (Re-release)"
[Main Quest] January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] January 1, 2023. 00:00 am to January 17, 2023. 01:59 pm
During the event period, a limited-time re-release quest "Go Get 'Em, Tiger! New Year 2022 (Re-release)" Available in the event area.
With this re-release, we have made a multi-language version for English & Chinese!
All episode can be played in the event area. No matter you play for the first time or already cleared this stage!
※First-time clear bonus cannot be received by complete or replay the Replay quests.
※This event will only re-release Main Quest and High-Difficulty Quest. There will be no exchanges shop, free quests, or fortune exchanges where characters will be discharged.
10. Andvari Shop New Item Available!
The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop after the maintenance on January 1, 2023!
- AR-Equipemt "クラフターズの日課" (Limited Re-release from January 1, 2023, at 00:00 am to March 31, 2023, at 11:59 pm)
- AR-Equipemt "光輝成す刃たち"
「むうッ我が妖刀をその腕で押し返すとは……やるなグリンブルスティ! これは良い稽古になろう」 「ああ、お前もな、トウジ! 名工の手によるこの鋼の体を押し返すとはっ! さあまだまだ行くぞッ?」
交換期限:2023/3/31 23:59まで
ILLUST.. ソウスケ VOICE... 稲葉純弥(トウジ)/ 日野聡(グリンブルスティ)
- 装備制限:サモナーズ or 全 or 斬撃
- 追加スキル1:【アイテム入手時】ARトークン獲得率アップ(サポート装備時有効)
- 追加スキル2:【フェーズ開始時】自身に極限付与
- Equippable: Summoners Members or All Attribute or Weapon Type:Slash
- Additional Skill 1: [When Obtaining Items] Increase drop rate of AR Token (Valid when equipped with support)
- Additional Skill 2: [Phase Start] Bestow Limit on self
※If the exchangeable period has expired, the time when it will be available again will be undecided.
※The exchangeable period is subject to change without announcement.
Audio will play during video playback.