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2020/04/01 00:00


"Tokyo Afterschool Summoners"
This is the story of a Transient summoned
through a giant pillar of light to the city of Tokyo,
a vast metropolis where 23 different worlds intersect.
Enlist the help of powerful allies from different mythologies...

And go on a photo frenzy!

Summon your friends and
take pictures together
with this unique camera.


Master, make sure all my photos come out perfect today, okay?

※You need to have a connection to your allies in order to use SummoSnap.
(Make sure you are connected to the internet, Master!)


I've created this user manual just for you, Master!
Don't you worry. This app's really easy to use!

1.You can tap the "Shutter" button to take pictures!

If you tap the "Edit" button first, you'll be able to prepare your picture and summon your friends before actually taking it!

※All pics will be automatically saved on your phone when you press the "Shutter" button.

2.Now I'll explain how the "Edit" screen works!
What do you think will happen
when you tap the "Save" button...?

3.Right! Your picture will be saved!
 You can also share your pics online
by tapping the "Share" button.

4.You can also edit the pictures
you have already taken
by summoning your friends
or adding frames and decorations!

※The screen's aspect ratio is 16:9

But what if you've made a mistake?

You can also undo or redo a series of actions by tapping the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons!

5.You've been wondering what this "Team" area is for, right?
Here you can save the locations of any stickers or allies you have

※"BROWSE" will be changed to "LOAD" for version 1.0.0

6.There are many more things you can do!

You can write what you want your allies to say!
You can also fit the dialogue frame horizontally or vertically.

※Be careful! The input window will still appear in vertical mode regardless of your screen orientation.

※"STORY" will be changed to "DIALOGUE" for version 1.0.0

If you tap the "Effects" button,
you can change your picture's feel and appearance.

※Some phones might not be able to handle the "Effects" function properly,
which might cause the app to become unresponsive.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause

※"EFFECT" will be changed to "EFFECTS" for version 1.0.0


Remember, Master! The only limit is your imagination!
Now let's get out there and have the time of our lives taking pictures!

※All these images were created during development, so there may be differences in the final version.

About the use of this app.

There's a few things you need to keep in mind while using SummoSnap, Master.
As I explained before, this app allows you to take pictures and have fun,
but please be careful not to take any pics that might upset or make others uncomfortable!

Also, avoid taking pics that might violate the privacy or the rights of others!

Promise me that you'll be careful, Master. Pinky swear it!

If you break your promise, the SummoSnap app could lose its powers,
and you won't be able to perform any summonings or take pictures anymore.

If any of your photos cause any problems, it will be your responsibility!
Don't expect me to come and save you, okay?

I'm not too worried about that, though... because you're my master,
and I know you won't do anything bad!

If you want to learn more about what's okay and what isn't, check out this link.

Copyright Information - Lifewonders, LLC


Now available on the App Store & Google Play!


●Category: Photo & Video
●Price: Free





Copyright© 東京放課後サモナーズ , 2025 All Rights Reserved.