[Updated] February 14, 2024. at 06:00 pm(JST). English Page Published
2024 Valentine Limited Event! │ Tips for event │ Limited-Time Transient Summon │ Make your own Choices In the Story Quest! │ Event Limited Login Free Gift │ Promotion Video
Please note that the translations of all new characters, new AR-Equipment, and some skills or items names on this page are not the final versions. All translated entries are only for overseas players to understand the meaning of the Japanese original text.
1. Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・クロスロード(Valentine Crossroads)"
◆Event Period◆
[Main Quest] From February 14, 2024. at 08:00 pm to March 18, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] From February 14, 2024. at 08:00 pm to March 25, 2024. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Free Quest] February 14, 2024. at 08:00 pm to March 18, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty Quest] Scheduled Release Until March 18, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
During the event period, a limited-time quest "バレンタイン・クロスロード(Valentine Crossroads)" will appear in the event area. The latest episodes (quest) of the event scenario will be distributed sequentially from February 14, 2024!
※Only the Japanese version will be released. English version, simplified Chinese version, and traditional Chinese version will not be released.
In addition, by clearing the event main quest, a new event-limited quest that can be played repeatedly will appear! The event exchange items "手編みハートリース(Handmade Heart Wreath)" and "チョコレートブーケ(Chocolate Bouquet)" can be exchanged for rare items at the exchange shop that held during the period.
And more! "バレンタイン・クロスロード 高難易度クエスト(Valentine Crossroads High Difficulty Quest)" will be released during the event period. If you complete it, you have a chance to get rare items! Please try it!
About Event Exchange Item "手編みハートリース(Handmade Heart Wreath)" & "チョコレートブーケ(Chocolate Bouquet)"
"手編みハートリース(Handmade Heart Wreath)" and "チョコレートブーケ(Chocolate Bouquet)"
In event "バレンタイン・クロスロード(Valentine Crossroads)", if you clear the battle with specific AR-Equipment and characters, the number of drops of event exchange items "手編みハートリース(Handmade Heart Wreath)" and "チョコレートブーケ(Chocolate Bouquet)" will increase.
"手編みハートリース(Handmade Heart Wreath)" Acquisition amount increase character & AR-Equipment list
+40% (★5 Character)... Krampus(New)
+30% (★4 Character)... Masanori(New)
+20% (★4 Character & AR-Equipment)... Hippolytus(New), All AR-Equipments
+10% (Other Character)... Hippolytus(New,★3), Krampus, Masanorim, Shiro, Kengo, Ryota, Toji, Moritaka, Agyo, Volkh Vseslav, Protagonist ※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.(Effects differ depending on rarity)
"チョコレートブーケ(Chocolate Bouquet)" Acquisition amount increase character & AR-Equipment list
+40% (★5 Character)... Taishakuten(New)
+30% (★4 Character)... Takeminakata(New)
+20% (★4 Character & AR-Equipment)... Hippolytus(New), All AR-Equipments
+10% (Other Character)... Hippolytus(New,★3), Taishakuten, Takeminakata, Shiro, Kengo, Ryota, Toji, Moritaka, Agyo, Volkh Vseslav, Protagonist ※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.(Effects differ depending on rarity)
2. Limited-Time Valentine Transient Summon "バレンタイン・クロスロード 転光召喚"
[Release Period] From February 14, 2024. at 08:00 pm to March 18, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- NEW! Hippolytus ★3&4 Wood
- Limited Krampus ★5 Aether
- Limited Taishakuten ★5 Nether
- Limited Masanori ★4 Fire
- Limited Takeminakata ★4 Water
※In addition, "Krampus", "Taishakuten", "Masanori" and "Takeminakata"(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
New Characters Cards Introduction
※For newly implemented cards, the voice playback feature on the character details page will be added to the list after the event ends with some exceptions.
NEW! ★3&4 Hippolytus(ヒッポリュトス)
ILLUST.. そーちゃん
VOICE... 西地修哉
- Attribute: Wood
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- ★3 Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Inflict Stigma on target + Bonus damage against units with Stigma + Increase own CP
- ★5 Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Inflict Stigma on target + Greater bonus damage against units with Stigma + Increase own CP
- ★3 1st Skill "苔むす者"
1. [Phase Start] Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" on adjacent squares
2. [Turn Start] (When at 30% HP or below) Change own weapon type to blow for 1 turn - ★3 2nd Skill "純潔たる者"
1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Charm on self
2. [Post-Attack] Inflict Curse on target - ★4 1st Skill "苔むす園芸部長"
1. [Phase Start] Bestow "HP Decrease Reversal" on 1 square in all directions
2. [Turn Start] (When at 30% HP or below) Change own weapon type to blow for 1 turn
3. [Turn Start] (When at 30% HP or below) Bestow Limit on self - ★4 2nd Skill "純潔のアウリガ"
1. [Phase Start] Bestow Charm resistance on 1 square in all directions
2. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Charm on self
3. [Post-Attack] Inflict Curse on target and foes left and right
4. [Post-Attack] Inflict Obstruct on target and foes left and right
※Hippolytus ★3&4 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.
Japanese version profile:
「初めまして、世耕農林学園のヒッポリュトスで~す! 俺の誠意ある仕事を君だけに捧げますよっサモナーさん! ……だから略奪愛とかNTRとか絶対止めてくださいね~?」
Limited ★5 Krampus(クランプス)
ILLUST.. めんスケ
VOICE... てらそままさき
- Attribute: Ather
- Weapon Type: Thrust
- Charge Skill: All Damage + Bestow Vigor on self + Bestow Crit++ on self
- 1st Skill "彗星の蹴撃者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP
2. [Post-Debuff] Bestow Ardor on self
3. [Post-No Move] Inflict CS Lock on self
4. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Possession on self - 2nd Skill "VDヒーロー"
1. [Phase Start] Inflict increased damage taken while afflicted with Taunt on all enemies
2. [Post-Move Phase] Inflict targets in a 3x3 grid forward with a status effect that greatly increases damage taken when afflicted by Taunt
3. [Turn Start] Remove 1 Debuff from self
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese version profile:
「ヒャッハァ、待たせたな! お前のヒーローの登場だッ。……な、何とか言ってくれ、やっぱり張り切り過ぎたか? は、恥ずかしい……恥ずかしいけど、これプレゼントだ」
Limited ★5 Taishakuten(タイシャクテン)
VOICE... 間宮康弘
- Attribute: Nether
- Weapon Type: Long Slash
- Charge Skill: Long Slash Damage + Bestow Guts on self + Inflict Paralysis on target and enemies 2 squares behind + Greater Bonus damage against units with Paralysis
- 1st Skill "VDプロモーター"
1. [Post-Move Phase] Bestow Ardor on self & forward row of 5
2. [When Attacking] Inflict Paralysis on target - 2nd Skill "啖呵を切る者"
1. [Counter on Damage] Bestow Rage on target
2. [Counter on Damage] Inflict Oppression on target
3. [Phase Start] Bestow status effect on all enemies that decreases ATK when under the effects of Oppression
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese version profile:
Limited ★4 Masanori(マサノリ)
ILLUST.. 樹下次郎
VOICE... 宮本崇弘
- Attribute: Fire
- Weapon Type: Snipe
- Charge Skill: Snipe Damage + Greater bonus damage against units with Dazzle + Restore HP of self and adjacent squares + Bestow Evasion on self and adjacent squares
- 1st Skill "VDコンサルタント"
1. [Post-Move] Bestow Glint on self and 3x3 grid in front
2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Concentration to all allies except self
3. [Post-Move] Bestow ATK UP on self and allies in a 3x3 grid forward when unter the buff "Glint" - 2nd Skill "元公安心理捜査官"
1. [Post-Move Phase] Inflict Dazzle on target forward row of 5
2. [Post-Move] Bestow ATK UP to allies in a 3x3 grid forward
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese version profile:
Limited ★4 Takeminakata(タケミナカタ)
VOICE... 桜井敏治
- Attribute: Water
- Weapon Type: Magic
- Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Guts on self + Bestow Adamantine on adjacent squares + Restore HP of self and adjacent squares
- 1st Skill "二枚腰の力士"
1. [When Attacking] Restore HP on adjacent squares
2. [Phase Start] Restore HP of self and adjacent squares
3. [When Attacking] Bestow Guts on self
4. [Post-Move] Remove Debuff on adjacent squares - 2nd Skill "恋路を押し通る者"
1. [Phase Start] Bestow Concentration on self
2. [Phase Start] Increase own movement range (all directions) for 1 turn
3. [Post-Move] Bestow Nullify Debuff on self
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese version profile:
「ほぁ~これがバレンタインっちゅう祭なんずら? よくわかんねえけどイカしたシティボーイになる為デートとやら宜しくお願いするずら、サモナー殿よぉ!」
3. The Story After the Epilogue Changes depending on the choices you make during the quest!
During the "バレンタイン・クロスロード(Valentine Crossroads)" event story, we Implemented the "Special Choices" feature for characters.
This choice will affect conversations or different reaction with the same character after the epilogue. You can keep it to yourself or talk about it on social media and just have fun with your choices!
※Once you have selected an option, you can re-select it by playing again from "Memories" function.
※If you perform the "skip" operation without making a selection during the first play, you will proceed as if you had selected the option at the top.
※In this event, changes in the story will appear for Hippolytus in the epilogue story and special quest, and for other characters only in the epilogue story.
4. Event Period Limited Login Presents!
Present items will be distributed to users who log in during the "バレンタイン・クロスロード(Valentine Crossroads)" event period!
My-Guiled Background Decoration: フラワーショップ
- My-Guiled Hang Decoration: ダクトレールライト
- My-Guiled Floor Decoration: フラワーディスプレイ
- My-Guiled Wall Decoration: 園芸道具