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Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~"



Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~" │  Hint for Play │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "バレンタイン・ファンタジー 転光召喚" │ Limited-Time AR-Transient Summon "バレンタイン・ファンタジー AR転光召喚" │ Valentine Campaign Login Bonus! │ Limited-Time Re-release Summon "Valentine's Time Warp! Transient Summon (Re-release)" │ Limited-Time Re-release Summon "Battle of the Valentines Transient Summon (Re-release)" │ Limited-Time AR Transient Summon "Valentine AR Pick-up Summon" │ Re-release Main Quest "Valentine's Time Warp!" and "Battle of the Valentines"! │ All Valentine Series Special Quest Re-release for Limited-Time! │  Promotion Video │

1. Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~"

[Main Quest] February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm
[Event Item Exchange] February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 22,2022. 11:59 pm
[Event Free Quest] February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] Sheduled release until March 15,2022. 01:59 pm
[Special Quest] March 11, 2022. 06:00 pm to March 22, 2022. 11:59 pm

※After the maintenance on March 15, 2022, the main quest can be played from the past event area. 
Also, by clearing the epilogue from the past event area, you will be able to play special quests during the event period if you have the corresponding character regardless of rarity.

During the event period, a limited-time quest "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~" will available in the event area.
The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially on February 10,2022.

※This event is only supported in Japanese version, English/Chinese version will be released later.
※Part of the translations that in this page is TBA translation version, it will differ that the official translated version

In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available.
Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items "ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ" drops in those quests!
※Drops may not occur every time.

By using the event item "ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ" in Exchange Shop, you can exchange every rarity items!
And more! "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~ High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete!

■Hint for Play

About Event Exchange Items "ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ". 

"ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ"

In "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~", When you clear the battle with certain characters or AR-Equipment,
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ" will be increased.
Check if you have any of these character cards!

Event Limited ★3 AR Equipment "バレンタインアドベンチャー"


  • Equippable: Kyuma or Gongen Akiha(アキハゴンゲン) or Fire or Water or Wood
  • Additional skill 1: [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Doubt(疑念) on self
  • Additional skill 2: [Turn Start] Restore own HP (When HP under 50%)

In event "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~", the event limited AR equipment is coming again! 
Complete the battle with limited AR equipment "バレンタインアドベンチャー(★3)",
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "ブラウニーチョコレート" and "ナナイロ瓶詰ドロップ" will be increased!
"バレンタインアドベンチャー(★3)" can be earned in "Event Item Exchange Shop"
limited item exchange shop and upper level is 100.
equip that to clear the quests more faster!

※The effect of increasing the amount of event item drops for event-limited AR equipment is constant regardless of the level of AR equipment.

2. Limited-Time Transient Summon "バレンタイン・ファンタジー 転光召喚"

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Character Cards

  • NEW! ブギーマン(Boogeyman) ★3 & ★4(Nether
  • Limited Arc ★5(Fire
  • Limited Balor ★5(Nether
  • Limited Cait Sith ★4(Wood
  • Limited Itzamna ★4(Wood

※Boogeyman(ブギーマン) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.
Arc, Balor, Cait Sith and Itzamna(All ★3) with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New Characters Introduction

※For newly cards(except for some cards), the voice playback on the character details page will be added to list after the event.

NEW!  ★3&★4 Boogeyman(ブギーマン)

「私はブギーマン、いけない子供はここかなあ? さあ、特別授業へご案内……おや、逃げた? ……どーこーにーかーくーれーたーかーなー!?」

ILLUST.. ふぁい
VOICE... 高橋広樹
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Slash
  • ★3 Charge Skill: Slash Damage+ Inflict Fear on target + Bestow Protection on adjacent squares
    ★4 Charge Skill: Slash Damage+ Inflict Fear on target + Greater Bonus damage against units with Curse + Bestow Protection on adjacent squares
  • ★3 1st Skill "惨劇の役者"... [On Joining Battle] Draw all allies in 1 square around itself + [On Missed Attack] Bestow the buff on self that "Draw all allies in 1 square around itself"
    ★4 1st Skill "惨劇の立役者"... [On Joining Battle] Draw all allies and enimies in 1 square around itself + [On Missed Attack] Bestow the buff on self that "Draw all allies and enimies in 1 square around itself"
  • 2nd Skill "竦ませる者"... [Post-Attack] Inflict Fear on target + [Status Advantage] Greater bonus damage against foes with Fear

※Boogeyman(ブギーマン) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.

Limited ★5 Arc(アルク)


ILLUST.. BomBom + LW
VOICE... 伊瀬茉莉也
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Snipe
  • Charge Skill: Blow Damage + Inflict Burn on target + Inflict Conflagration on target + Bestow Ardor on self
  • 1st Skill "語られる者"... [Post-Non Move] Change self charge skill to All weapon type + [Post-Move] Bestow Protection on self and 1 square in all directions + [Post-Move] Restore HP of 1 square in all directionsRestore HP of 1 square in all directions
  • 2nd Skill "紅蓮を被る者"... [Opponent Turn Start] Inflict Conflagration on target + [On Joining Battle] Bestow Pray on all allies except self + [When Attacking] Inflict Burn on target + [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus Attack against units with Burn

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★5 Balor(バロール)


ILLUST.. GomTang
VOICE... 黒田崇矢
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Countdown on target + Bestow Crit on self + Greater Bonus Damage against units with Countdown
  • 1st Skill "肌身を晒す者"... [When Attacking] Inflict Dazzling on target and adjacent enemies + [Phase Start] Bestow Crit on self + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify DEF UP status that removable changes on self
  • 2nd Skill "光輝に昂る者"... [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP + [Turn Start] Increase own CP + [Post-Attack] Decrease own CP

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★4 Cait Sith(ケットシー)

「このチョコレートと、くるくる変わるぼくケットシーの寵愛。いったいどっちが欲しいかにゃ? ……うん! 正直者なきみに全部あげるにゃ……えへっ」

ILLUST.. 藤三郎
VOICE... 大谷育江
  • Attribute: Wood
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Evade on self + Increase CP of self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
  • 1st Skill "指揮棒を振る者"... [Turn Start] Bestow the buff that "Ardor on self and 2 squares left and right after move phase" to 1 square forward left side + [Turn Start] Bestow the buff that "Tenacity on self and 2 squares left and right after move phase" to 1 square forward + [Turn Start] Bestow the buff that "Concentration on self and 2 squares left and right after move phase" to 1 square forward right side
  • 2nd Skill "諦めぬ者"... [During start of Phase] Bestow Arousal on adjacent allies + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Drain on self

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★4 Itzamna(イツァムナー)


ILLUST.. きみどり
VOICE... 銀河万丈
  • Attribute: Wood
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • チャージスキル:自属性「魔法」ダメージ + 距離2マス内に回避付与 距離2マス内に弱体全解除 距離2マス内にHP大回復
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Evasion & Remove all debuff & Greatly restore HP on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
  • 1st Skill "予言を語る者"... [Turn Start] Bestow ATK UP on 1 square in all directions(Increased effect according to Itzamna's CP) + [Post-Attack] Bestow Evasion on 1 square forward
  • 2nd Skill "暖かき森の賢者"... [Turn Start] Bestow Tenacity on self + [During start of Phase] Bestow Regeneration on self + [On Joining Battle] Bestow decreased Skill Activation Rate on self when under the effects of Forzen

※Limited character card only for this event.

3. Limited-Time AR-Transient Summon "バレンタイン・ファンタジー AR転光召喚"

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was released!
Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up List

  • 【NEW】 悪魔式ティータイム  ★5
  • 【NEW】 がんばれ貧乏探偵! ★5
  • 【NEW】 ファンクラブの友たち ★4
  • 【NEW】 六本木のフィクサーたち ★4

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

The following AR newly added in "Me-ow! Happy Illusion! The Festival of Magic Hijinks AR Summon" will not be added to this normal AR-E List.
 It will be added in the next normal AR Transient Summon.
 1. 骨董市の品定め★5 
 2. 金魚すくいレクチャー!★5
 3. 祭りの日の出会い★4
 4. 同盟者からのサプライズ★4

NEW AR-Equipment Introduction

NEW!  悪魔式ティータイム ★5

「私はただ欲しかった、序列1位に相応しき力が! 何を間違えた? 願い自体が間違いだったと!?」

ILLUST.. ソウスケ
VOICE... 後藤ヒロキ(バエル)/ 山本希望(アスタロト)
  • Equippable: Astaroth or Bael or Aether or Nether or Shadow
  • Additional skill 1: [Post-Non Move] Inflict Poison on targets and diamond radius of 3 squares
  • Additional skill 2: [Post-Non Move] Inflict Regeneration on targets and diamond radius of 3 squares

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 「がんばれ貧乏探偵!」 ★5


ILLUST.. 墨をはくねこ
VOICE... 樹元オリエ(ジブリール)/ 小田敏充(ノーマッド)
  • Equippable: Gabriel or Nomad or Fire or Aether
  • Additional skill 1: [Post-Move] Bestow Evasion 1 square backward 
  • Additional skill 2: [Phase Start] Inflict increased Skill Activation Rate on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 「ファンクラブの友たち」 ★4

「カルキぃぃっ! ほら、ペンライト持って! もっと大胆に! もっと愛を表現しろぉぉぉっ!」
「え、える、おー、ぶい、いー……? わ、分からん……くっ、こ、殺せ!」

ILLUST.. ソウスケ VOICE... 幸田承(マーナガルム)/ よねざわたかし(カルキ)
  • Equippable: Kalki or Hati or Slash or Blow or Long-Slash
  • Additional skill 1: [Post-Attack] Increase CP 1 square backward
  • Additional skill 2: [Post-Attack] Bestow Spirit 1 square backward

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! 「六本木のフィクサーたち」 ★4


ILLUST.. 飛波 VOICE... 遠山大介 (ツァトグァ)/ 小林由美子(ハクメン)
  • Equippable: Hakumen or Tsathoggua or Slash or Shoot
  • Additional skill 1: [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with immobilizing status effects
  • Additional skill 2: [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Immobility on self

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

※The currencies that can be used for AR Transient Summon are "Transient Stone" and "AR Lil'salomon Ticket".
Please note that the "Lil'salomon Ticket" cannot be used in AR Transient Summon.
※In addition, the “AR Lil'salomon Ticket” used for AR Transient Summon cannot be used for Character Transient Summon.
Only AR equipment is discharged from the AR Transient Summon. Also, “AR equipment” will not be discharged from “Character card transient summon”.

※If you obtain multiple AR equipment, the upper limit Lv of the same AR equipment will increase. (Up to 100) AR equipment with maximum Lv will no longer be discharged from the AR Transient Summon.
※Please note that Because the AR equipment with the maximum LV is no longer discharged, there may be a difference between the the actual discharge probability depending on the playing situation.

4. Valentine Campaign Login Bonus!

Event Period: February 11, 2022. 00:00 am to February 15, 2022. 11:59 pm

When log in during the period, the following items will be sent to the Message Box as a "Valentine Campaign Login Bonus"!
Also, there are special items from the Summoners...!? Don't forget to get it!

  • Feb 11 シロウチョコレート(Shiro Chocolate), Stamina Drink x1, Transient Stone x1
  • Feb 12 ケンゴチョコレート(Kengo Chocolate), Stamina Drink x1, Transient Stone x1
  • Feb 13 リョウタチョコレート(Ryota Chocolate), Stamina Drink x1, Transient Stone x1
  • Feb 14 トウジチョコレート(Toji Chocolate), Stamina Drink x1, Transient Stone x1
  • Feb 15 モリタカ チョコレート(Moritaka Chocolate), Stamina Drink x1, Transient Stone x1


Every day, someone from the Summoners will send you a chocolate gift. Please try to get a gift with each one's thoughts!
Please look forward to what kind of gifts you will receive!

You can see the chocolate flavor text by selecting the item from the option items and opening the details page.
Please check how the characters feel when they give the gift!

※By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the event day, you can receive it from the message box.
※It may be redistributed at a future re-release event.

Regarding Login Bonus, unlike usual, if you play the app without going through the title screen across dates,
you may not receive the gift. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please log in from the title menu once after changing the date during the period.

Gift items will be distributed to users who logged in during the period of event "バレンタイン・ファンタジー ~永遠のフェアリーランド~"!

  • お菓子の家(部屋)(Room)
  • 魔法の鏡(壁)(Wall)
  • 魔女の大釜(床)(Floor)
  • お菓子の家の灯り(上)(Hang)

5. Limited-Time Re-release Summon "Valentine's Time Warp! Transient Summon (Re-release)"

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Echo ★3 & ★4(Wood
  • Heracles ★3 & ★5(Nether
  • Limited Snow ★5(Nether
  • Limited Barguest ★4(Fire
  • Limited Gyumao ★4(Nether

Snow, Barguest and Gyumao(All ★3) with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

6. Limited-Time Re-release Summon "Battle of the Valentines Transient Summon (Re-release)"

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Characters List

  • MacRoich ★3 & ★4(World
  • Limited Kengo ★5(Hero
  • Limited Seth ★5(Aether
  • Limited Kyuma ★4(Wood

Shuichi, Duo, Alp, Shuten and Bathym(All ★3) with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

7. Limited-Time AR Transient Summon "Valentine AR Pick-up Summon"

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

"Valentine AR Pick-up Summon" which is a pickup of AR equipment implemented in the past will be held in this time! 
Get AR equipment with powerful effects and further upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up List

  • Valentine's Dogs! ★5
  • Live on Valentine's Day! ★5
  • Prison of Love ★4
  • ショコラは深淵よりきたり ★4
  • Acting Tough ★4
  • Chocolate Dynamite! ★3

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

8. Re-release Main Quest "Valentine's Time Warp!" and "Battle of the Valentines"!

[Main Quest / Replay Quest] February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 15,2022. 01:59 pm

During the event period, a limited-time re-release quest "Valentine's Time Warp!" and "Battle of the Valentines"Available in the event area!
With this re-release, we have made a multi-language version for English & Chinese!
All episode can be played in the event area. No matter you play for the first time or already cleared this stage,
Take the best opportunity to experience "Valentine's Time Warp!" and "Battle of the Valentines"!

First-time clear bonus cannot be received by complete or replay the Replay quests.

9. All Valentine Series Special Quest Re-release for Limited-Time!

Event Period: February 10,2022. 08:00 pm to March 22,2022. 11:59 pm
With this re-release event, All Special Quest will release with Translated Version(English/Chinese)!!

※In order to play the special quests, you need to clear the quests for each event to the end.
For play special quest, just need to have the character profile card (regardless of reality)!

Valentine Panic! Character Special Quests List


Valentine Jail! Character Special Quests List


Valentine's Extravaganza! Character Special Quests List


Valentine Time Slip! Character Special Quests List


Battle of the Valentines Character Special Quests List

Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.

Please be careful with video's volume.



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