[Update] February 27, 2025. 06:00 pm(JST). Limited-Time Summon "ラブリードッグス! 転光召喚"
2025 Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!(Valentine Idol Live!)" │ Tips │ Limited-Time Valentine Transient Summon "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!転光召喚" │ Your choices in the scenario will change the idol live performance! │ New Status Effect "照準(Aiming)" Introduced! │ Event Period Limited Login Presents! │ Limited-Time "Valentine Series Special Quest" Totally Re-release! │ Announcement on the "Character Expression Variation Preview Function" Currently in Development │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "ディアマイボーイ!転光召喚" │ │ Limited-Time Summon "ラブリードッグス! 転光召喚" │ Promotion Video
1. 2025 Limited-Time Event "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!(Valentine Idol Live!)"
◆Event Period◆
[Main Quest] From February 7, 2025. at 08:00 pm to March 8, 2025. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] From February 7, 2025. at 08:00 pm to March 14, 2025. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Free Quest] From February 7, 2025. at 08:00 pm to March 8, 2025. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty Quest] Scheduled Release Until March 8, 2025. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
During the event period, a limited-time quest "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!(Valentine Idol Live!)" will appear in the event area. The latest episodes (quest) of the event scenario will be distributed sequentially from February , 2025!
※Only the Japanese version will be released. English version, simplified Chinese version, and traditional Chinese version will not be released.
In addition, by clearing the event main quest, a new event-limited quest that can be played repeatedly will appear! The event exchange items "ライブ応援うちわ" and "推しペンライト" can be exchanged for rare items at the exchange shop that held during the period.
And more! "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ! 高難易度クエスト(Valentine Idol Live! High Difficulty Quest)" will be released during the event period. If you complete it, you have a chance to get rare items! Please try it!
About Event Exchange Item "ライブ応援うちわ" & "推しペンライト"
"ライブ応援うちわ" and "推しペンライト"
In event "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!", if you clear the battle with specific AR-Equipment and characters, the number of drops of event exchange items "ライブ応援うちわ" and "推しペンライト" will increase.
2. Limited-Time Valentine Transient Summon "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ!転光召喚"
[Release Period] From February 7, 2025. at 08:00 pm to March 8, 2025. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- New アポロン(Apollo) ★3&4 Aether
- Limited アムブスキアス ★5 Wood
- Limited トムテ ★5 Water
- Limited エーコー ★4 Nether
- Limited ヴァプラ ★4 Fire
※Additionally, during the event period, the following ★3 characters with newly implemented skins "Krampus", "Taishakuten", "Masanori" and "Takeminakata" will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
New Characters Cards Introduction
※For newly implemented cards, the voice playback feature on the character details page will be added to the list after the event ends with some exceptions.
NEW! ★3&4 アポロン(Apollo)
ILLUST.. 司馬ゆうじ
VOICE... 大隈健太
- Attribute: Aether
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- ★3 Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Restore HP of adjacent squares + Bestow Evasion on self
- ★4 Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Restore HP of adjacent squares + Bestow Evasion on self and adjacent squares
- ★3 1st Skill "光陰の如き者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow the buff "When turn start, Ignore Defense buffs if HP is at max" on all allies
2. [Phase Start] Bestow Ardor on self - ★3 2nd Skill "光陰のヘカエルゴス"
1. [Phase Start] Inflict Weakness on enemy 3 squares forward
2. [Turn Start] Restore own HP - ★4 1st Skill "病みつかせる者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow the buff "When turn start, Ignore Defense buffs if HP is at max" on all allies
2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Ardor on self if HP is at max - ★4 2nd Skill "病みつきのパイアン"
1. [Phase Start] Greatly restore own HP
2. [Turn Start] Inflict Aiming(照準) on all enemies (Until turn 3 of phase)
※アポロン(Apollo) ★3&4 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.
Japanese original profile:
「太陽よりも熱く眩しいライブ! 今日も魅せるぜ! 孤煌のサンライトゴールド・アポロンだ! はい、こんなキャラでいくから。そんじゃ、よろ~」
Limited ★5 Amduscias
ILLUST.. 竹本嵐+飛波
VOICE... 福西勝也
- Attribute: Wood
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- Charge Skill: All Damage + Bestow Limit on self + Bestow Guts on 1 square in all directions + Bestow Crit on self + Greater Bonus Damage against units with Weakness
- 1st Skill "リードミュージシャン"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Brawn on all allies
2. [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP
3. [Post-No Move] Reduce own CP
4. [Opponent Turn Start] Greatly increase own CP - 2nd Skill "地下出身の候補生"
1. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Concentration on units in a diamond radius of 2 square when CP is 50 or above
2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Ardor in a diamond radius of 2 squares when CP is 50 or above
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese original profile:
「キラっと煌めく笑顔で魅せるぜ! エメラルドグリーン担当アイドル・アムブスキアスだ! 今日のライブの前に俺からのこのチョコレート、受け取ってくれプロデューサー!」
Limited ★5 Tomte
「空に輝く夢の色! ミスティックブルー担当アイドル・トムテだ! お前へ最高のお世話とチョコをあげに来た! だから頼む、俺がお前の人生に必要だってコールしてくれ!」
ILLUST.. てぺん
VOICE... 濱野大輝
- Attribute: Water
- Weapon Type: Magic
- Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Bestow Guts on self and 1 square in all directions + Bestow Glint on self and 1 square in all directions + Bestow Crit on 1 square in all directions + Remove one debuff on 1 square in all directions
- 1st Skill "ミスティックアイドル"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow a status effect on all allies that increases ATK while under the effects of Glint
2. [Phase Start] Bestow Glint on self and a diamond radius of 2 squares
3. [Phase Start] Bestow Adamantine on self
4. [Post-Move] Bestow Ardor on self - 2nd Skill "ファンサを配る者"
1. [Phase Start] Inflict the status effect "Increases CP for attackers" on all enemies
2. [Phase Start] Bestow ATK Up on self
3. [Phase Start] Increase own movement range (all directions)
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese original profile:
「空に輝く夢の色! ミスティックブルー担当アイドル・トムテだ! お前へ最高のお世話とチョコをあげに来た! だから頼む、俺がお前の人生に必要だってコールしてくれ!」
Limited ★4 Echo
ILLUST.. うさ餅大福
VOICE... 千葉千恵巳
- Attribute: Nether
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- Charge Skill: All Damage + Inflict Charm on target + Bestow Combo on self and adjacent squares + Bestow Crit+ on adjacent squares
- 1st Skill "リフレインアイドル"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Prayer on self
2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow increased DEF on self when affected by Prayer
3. [When Attacking] Bestow Combo on self - 2nd Skill "スカウトに応える者"
1. [When Attacking] Bestow Vigor on 1 square in all directions
2. [When Attacking] Bestow Combo on self and adjacent squares
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese original profile:
「あなたのハートにリフレインピンク・エーコーです! ……やった! 噛まずに言えました! バレンタイン特別ライブ、あなたのために送ります」
Limited ★4 Vapula
ILLUST.. にきしー
VOICE... くまいもとこ
- Attribute: Fire
- Weapon Type: Thrust
- Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Remove one debuff on 1 square in all directions + Restore HP of 1 square in all directions + Increase CP of 1 square in all directions
- 1st Skill "クリエイターアイドル"
1. [Phast Start] Bestow ATK Up on 1 square in all directions
2. [Phast Start] Draw all enemies 2 squares in - 2nd Skill "アキバ系パフォーマー"
1. [Phast Start] Bestow Nullify Debuff on self and 1 square in all directions
2. [Phast Start] Bestow Increased Recovery on 1 square in all directions
3. [Post-Move] Inflict the status effect "Restore HP on all enemies when upon defeat" in a cross radius of 1 square, 2 squares forward
※Limited Character card only for this event
Japanese original profile:
「メラメラ燃えるクリエイター! ソウルレッド担当アイドル・ヴァプラだぜ! オレが造形したこのチョコ、受け取ってくれプラ! プププ、商業仕事より照れるぜ~!」
3. Your choices in the scenario will change the idol live performance!
In the event "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ" scenario, special choices will appear for certain characters!
These choices will not only affect their immediate reactions but will also influence specific dialogue lines and unit names during their idol live performance in the story’s finale.
Keep your choices to yourself or share them on social media, enjoy discovering the impact of your decisions!
※ Even after making a choice, you can replay the scenario through 'Memories of the Past' to select a different option.
※ If you use the skip function without selecting an option during your first playthrough, the game will automatically proceed with the topmost choice.
※ The special choices apply to the following characters: Amduscias, Echo, Tomte, and Vapula.
4. New Status Effect "照準(Aiming)" Introduced!
In event バレンタイン・アイドルライブ, a new status effect "照準(Aiming)" is introduced!
照準(Aiming) is a debuff that lasts for one turn and cannot be removed or transferred.
- Increases damage taken.
- After taking damage, grants 照準(Aiming) Resistance to itself.
※ This debuff increases the damage received once for the affected target.
5. Event Period Limited Login Presents!
Present items will be distributed to users who log in during the "バレンタイン・アイドルライブ" event period!
- My-Guiled Background Decoration: レッスンスタジオ
- My-Guiled Hang Decoration: スピーカー
- My-Guiled Floor Decoration: ストレッチマット
- My-Guiled Wall Decoration: 音響機材
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(カラフル)
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(エメラルドグリーン)
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(ピンク)
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(レッド)
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(ブルー)
- My-Guiled Sticker Decoration: ペンライト(イエロー)
6. Limited-Time "Valentine Series Special Quest" Totally Re-release!
[Event Period] From January 17, 2025, at 08:00 pm to March 07, 2025, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
We will re-release the special quests that released on "Valentine Panic!" , "Valentine's Jail!" , "Valentine's Extravaganza!" , "Valentine's Time Warp!" , "Battle of the Valentines", "Valentine Fantasy", "Valentine's Snowball Fight" and latest valentine re-release event "Valentine's Crossroads"!
With this re-release, the special quests are now available in multiple languages (English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese)!
For play special quest, just need to have the character profile card (regardless of reality) and enjoy your favorite character's story!
※In order to play the special quests, it is necessary to clear the quests of each event to the end.
※Special quests that have already been re-released and are constantly open at Babel Tower can be played without consuming "Bookmark of the Past" during the event period.
※This support is for "Valentine Series Event" only. In addition, as a condition to play the quest, it is still necessary to have a character and clear the prerequisite quest.
Valentine Panic! Character Special Quests List
Valentine Jail! Character Special Quests List
Valentine's Extravaganza! Character Special Quests List
Valentine Time Warp! Character Special Quests List
Battle of the Valentines Character Special Quests List
Valentine Fantasy! Character Special Quests List
Valentine's Snowball Fight Character Special Quests List
Valentine's Crossroads Character Special Quests List
7. Announcement on the "Character Expression Variation Preview Function" Currently in Development
With the addition of this feature, the expressions displayed for some character skins will be standardized to those of Skin No.1.
※ The previous expressions will still be viewable using the upcoming Expression Variation Preview Feature (this feature does not allow changing character expressions in battle).
※ As of February 7, 2025, expression standardization will not yet be implemented.
The following character skins will be affected by the expression changes.
- [Khangarid Commander] Avarga (Skin No.2)
- [Glamorous Fox-o-Nine-Tails] Hakumen (Skin No.2)
- [Fists of Lightning] Kengo (Skin No.2 & No.3)
- [Santa's Blessing] Ryota (Skin No.2)
- [Pure Innocence] Hanuman (Skin No.2)
- [Gaochang CEO] Gyumao (Skin No.2 & No.3)
- [Defender of Wind and Wood] Xolotl (Skin No.2)
Please stay tuned for further updates regarding the implementation of the Expression Variation Preview Function and the standardization of certain character skin expressions to Skin No.1.
8. Limited-Time Transient Summon "ディアマイボーイ!転光召喚"
[Release Period] From February 20, 2025. at 06:00 pm to February 27, 2025. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- Limited ウィリー・ワイルドキャット ★3&5 All
- Limited Hephaestus ★5 Aether
- Limited Tetsuox ★4 Wood
- Limited Ikutoshi ★4 Fire
※In addition, "ウィリー・ワイルドキャット", "Hephaestus", "Tetsuox" and "Ikutoshi"(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
9. Limited-Time Transient Summon "ラブリードッグス!転光召喚"
[Release Period] From February 27, 2025. at 06:00 pm to March 6, 2025. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- Limited コクリュウギケン ★3&5 Water
- Limited Shino ★5 All
- Limited Kenta ★4 Wood
- Limited Fenrir ★4 Nether
※In addition, "Shino", "Kenta" and "Fenrir"(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
Audio will be played during playback.
Audio will be played during playback.
Audio will be played during playback.
Audio will be played during playback.
Audio will be played during playback.