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Limited-Time Event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~"


Limited-Time Event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~" │  How to play Scenario Quest │  Play Guide for Event │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "クリスマス・ショーダウン 転光召喚" │ New Status Effect "HP回復反転(HP Recover Reversal)", "HP減少反転(HP Deplete Reversal)" and "ダメージ反転(Damage Reversal)" │ Skill Active Timing "Post-Move Phase(移動フェーズ終了後)" and "Post-None Move(非移動後)" │ Limited-Time AR-Transient Summon "クリスマス・ショーダウンAR転光召喚" │ Limited-Time Re-release Transient Summon "【復刻】サンシャイン・クリスマス 転光召喚" │ Limited-Time Login Special Gift!

1. Limited-Time Event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~

[Main Quest] December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to January 4, 2022. 11:59 pm 
[Event Item Exchange] December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to January 7, 2022. 11:59 pm 
[Event Free Quest] December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to December 31, 2021. 11:59 pm 
[High-Difficulty] Released Scheduled until December 31, 2021. 11:59 pm 

During the event period, the limited-time event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~" will be available in event area!
Event scenario will be released from December 14, 2021

※Only Japanese version will be released. English version, Simplified Chinese version, and Transitional Chinese version will not be released at this time.

In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available.
Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items "おもてなしドリンクセット" and "出発式の特製シチュー" drops in those quests that can be used in item shop!

※Drops may not occur every time.

And more! "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~ High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete that!.

How to play Scenario Quest

"特別警備員バッジ" and "怪盗団アジトのカードキー"

In "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", You can play scenarios on two routes, "Security Route" and "Thief Route". By exchange "特別警備員バッジ" or "怪盗団アジトのカードキー" with "謎の予告状" at the Item Exchange shop. You can play the first episode of "Security Route" or "Thief Route". Please note that if you exchange one of the items and confirm the route, you will not be able to play until the epilogue is cleared for the other route.

■Play Guide for Event

About Event Exchange Item "おもてなしドリンクセット" and "出発式の特製シチュー"

"おもてなしドリンクセット" and "出発式の特製シチュー"

In "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", When you clear the battle with certain AR Equipment and  characters,
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "おもてなしドリンクセット" and "出発式の特製シチュー" will be increased.
Check if you have any of these character cards!

Bonus to increase the amount gained for AR equipment!

In event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", Equip the Part of AR equipment Can get the special "Event item acquisition bonus"! 
Equip the AR equipment, that the amount of the drop of event exchange items "おもてなしドリンクセット" and "出発式の特製シチュー" will be increased!
In addition, AR equipment bonuses can be duplicated, Check if you have any of these AR equipment!.

In addition, the AR equipment that equipped with support member also have bonus effect

Event Limited AR-Equipment "隣を駆ける者ども ★3"


  • Equippable: Tanngrisnir or Gullinbursti or Aether or Hero
  • Additional Skill 1: [Post-Move] Bestow resistance to Break on self and 1 square to left and right
  • Additional Skill 2: [Post-Move] Increase CP on 1 square to left and right

In event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", the event limited AR equipment is coming again! Complete the battle with limited AR equipment "隣を駆ける者ども(★3)", the amount of the drop of event exchange items will be increased!"隣を駆ける者ども(★3)" can be earned in event "摩訶不思議!?地獄の極楽温泉郷!(ホットパラダイス)" limited item exchange shop and upper level is 100. equip that to clear the quests more faster!

※The event item drop bonus of event-limited AR equipment is constant regardless of the level of the AR equipment.
※When beyond the maximum upper limit level, exp will be converted to coins.

ATK Bonus Return!

During the "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~" event period, "ATK bonus" will be given to the main pickup character card from limited t-summon "クリスマス・ショーダウン 転光召喚"!

Get rewards for completing "Event Missions"!

Event-limited missions have been added to "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~"! By completing the mission, you can receive event-limited AR equipment "隣を駆ける者ども(★3)", "Skill Seed" and "Level Seed" as rewards.

※Event missions can no longer be completed at the end of each quest period.。
※Regarding the "only that attribute" condition set for some missions, the clearing condition also includes the attributes of alley.
※You will be able to receive the completed missions until January 7, 2022, at 11:59pm. You will not be able to receive it after this deadline.


2. Limited-Time Transient Summon "クリスマス・ショーダウン 転光召喚"

Event Period: December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to December 31, 2021. at 11:59 pm

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Hermes(ヘルメス) ★3 & ★4(Water
  • Limited Nomad ★5(Wood
  • Limited Benten ★5(Aether
  • Limited Jiraiya ★4(Nether
  • Limited Ose ★4(Aether

Nomad, Jiraiya and Taromaiti (All ★3) with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

New Characters Introduction

※For newly cards(except for some cards), the voice playback on the character details page will be added to list after the event.

NEW! ★3&★4 Hermes(ヘルメス)


ILLUST.. てぺん VOICE... 福西勝也
  • Attribute: Water 
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill
    ★3... Magic Damage + Inflict Buff Reversal(強化反転) on target + Deplete target's CP
    ★4... Magic Damage + Bestow Damage Reversal(ダメージ反転) on 1 square in all directions + Inflict Buff Reversal(強化反転) on target + Deplete target's CP
  • 1st Skill
    ★3 "逆撫でる者"... [Phase Start] Bestow HP Deplete Reversal(HP減少反転) on adjacent squares + [When Attacking] Deplete Self's CP
    ★4 "逆運を撫でつける者"... [Phase Start] Bestow HP Deplete Reversal(HP減少反転) on party + [When Attacking] Inflict HP Recover Reversal(HP回復反転) on target + [When Attacking] Deplete Self's CP
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 "吹き聴かせる者"... [Post-None Move] Decimate HP 1 square in all directions + [Post-None Move] Increase own CP
    ★4 "変転の吹聴者"... [Post-None Move] Greatly restore HP of enemies in a diamond radius of 3 squares + [Post-None Move] Vastly deplete HP in a diamond radius of 2 squares + [Post-None Move] Increase own CP

※ヘルメス(Hermes) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.

Limited ★5 Nomad

「この事件、オレがどこまでも追いかけてやる。名探偵ノーマッド、ここに参上! 浮かれすぎだって? 畜生、ほっとけ! さあ、追跡開始だ、オレの助手!」

ILLUST.. きしぐま+飛波 VOICE... 小田敏充
  • Attribute: Wood
  • Weapon Type: Shoot
  • Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Bestow Vigor on self + Bestow Glint on self + Inflict CS Lock on target
  • 1st Skill "真実の探偵"... [During start of Phase] Bestow Concentration & Glint on self + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Dazzle & Doubt(疑念) on self 
  • 2nd Skill "推理を突きつける者"... [During End of Phase] Bestow Glint on 1 square left and right + [During End of Phase] Remove Buff on target 3 squares forward

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★5 Benten

「聖夜のバズりは独り占め、美少女怪盗ベンテン様よ! さっさとオタカラよこしなさい……え、なに? それじゃ強盗? あーもう、細かい事はいいの!」

ILLUST.. うさ餅大福+LW VOICE... 池澤春菜
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: None
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Paralysis on target + Vastly deplete target's CP
  • 1st Skill "巻き込む者"...  [Post-None Move] Change own weapon type to All(For 1 turn) + [Post-None Move] Bestow Ardor on self and 1 square in all directions + [Post-None Move] Bestow Limit on self + [Post-Attack] Increase own CP
  • 2nd Skill "ミステリアスガール"... [Post-Move] Change own weapon type to Magic(For 1 turn) + [Post-Move] Steal single buff from target 3 squares forward + [Post-Move] Bestow Crit on self

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★4 Jiraiya


ILLUST.. naop+飛波 VOICE... 保坂俊行
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Snipe
  • Charge Skill: Snipe Damage + Vastly deplete target's CP + Bestow Crit+ on self 
  • 1st Skill "法螺を吹かるる者"... [When Attacking] Bestow Crit+ on self(When HP over 80%) + [When Attacking] Decrease own HP
  • 2nd Skill "仙道の弟子"... [When Attacking] Bestow Crit+ on self(When HP under 20%) + [When Turn Start] Bestow Evasion on self(When HP under 20%) 

※Limited character card only for this event.

Limited ★4 Ose


ILLUST.. yow VOICE... 堀内賢雄/ゆきのさつき
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: Thrust
  • Charge Skill: Thrust Damage + Bestow Evasion on adjacent squares + Remove single debuff from adjacent squares + Increase own CP
  • 1st Skill "眼光鋭きスパイ"...  [Post-Attack] Restore HP of adjacent squares on self and adjacent squares + [Turn Start] Inflict Fear on enemies within a 3x2 grid in front + [Turn Start] Inflict Fear on enemies within squares forward 1 square in row of 3(When CP over 50)
  • 2nd Skill "危機察知の妙手"... [On Missed Attack] Greatly reduce incoming Shoot and Snipe damage(For 1 turn) + [Post Attack] Greatly reduce incoming Blow, Slash and Long Slash damage(For 1 turn)

※Limited character card only for this event.

■About skin change of Ose

You can change the skin and CV to "Adult Ose" by changing the skin of the character card of the normal pose "Ose".
Please check the following image for details.


3. New Status Effect "HP回復反転(HP Recover Reversal)", "HP減少反転(HP Deplete Reversal)" and "ダメージ反転(Damage Reversal)"

From event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", "HP回復反転(HP Recover Reversal)", "HP減少反転(HP Deplete Reversal)", and "ダメージ反転(ダメージ反転)" status effect will be additionally implemented.

  • HP回復反転(HP Recover Reversal)… For 3 turns, the HP recovery effect due to skill and status effect will change to the HP reduction effect.

  • HP減少反転(HP Deplete Reversal)… For 3 turns, the HP reduction effect due to skill and status effect will change to the HP recovery effect.

  • ダメージ反転(ダメージ反転)… For 1 turn, the damage caused by the attack from the enemy changes to the effect of HP recovery.

4. New Skill Active Timing "Post-Move Phase(移動フェーズ終了後)" and "Post-None Move(非移動後)"

From event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~", the new skill active timing "移動フェーズ終了後(Post-Move Phase)" and "非移動後(Post-None Move)" will be additionally implemented.

  • 移動フェーズ終了後(Post-Move Phase)… When the movement of the character in your turn ends, the skill will be activated regardless of whether the skill activer is the target of the movement. It is a powerful activation timing that makes it easy to select where in your team to activate the skill.


  • 非移動後(Post-None Move)When moving a character in your turn, the skill will be activated only if the skill invoker is not the target of movement and "if character have never moved from the spot". The activation conditions are strict, but there are many skills that possess powerful effects.
    ※Depending on the character to be moved, if the skill invoker moves the square, the skill will not be activated.
    ※Even if you move the square once and then return it to its original position, the skill will not be activated.


5. Limited-Time AR-Transient Summon "クリスマス・ショーダウンAR転光召喚"

Event Period: December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to December 31, 2021. at 11:59 pm

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was released!
Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR equipment!
For AR equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "開拓の誓い" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up List

  • NEW!  バーサーカーズのクリスマス! ★5
  • NEW!  サウナの作法!? ★5
  • NEW!  池袋クリスマス・場外乱闘! ★4
  • NEW!  親父さん見てる!? ★4

※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

NEW AR-Equipment Introduction

NEW! バーサーカーズのクリスマス! ★5

「クリスマス・タッグマッチへようこそ! どうだい、俺たちと遊ばねぇか?」
「ちょーっとちょっと、いきなりすぎるじゃん? 準備くらいはさせたげないとさ!」

ILLUST.. めんスケ VOICE... 保坂俊行 (ポルックス)/ 尾形雅宏(バティム)
  • Equippable: Bathym / Pollux / Thurst / Blow / Shoot
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Attacking] Bestow Crit on self (When HP under 50%)
  • Additional Skill 2: [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus damage against units with Blessing

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW! サウナの作法!? ★5

「ウィスキングって、こんな感じでいいのかなぁ? どっすか、フェンリル先輩!」
「ぐうっ! 灼熱の蒸気と白樺の鞭による責め苦……しかしこの程度の辱めで我を従えられると思うな! もっと強く打つのだ、さあさあ!」

ILLUST.. きじまる VOICE... 戸板優衣 (シトリー)/ 尾形雅宏(フェンリル)
  • Equippable: Fenrir / Sitri / Blow / None
  • Additional Skill 1: [Post-Attack] Restore HP on self
  • Additional Skill 2: [On Missed Attack] Remove one debuff on self and 1 square left and right

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW!  池袋クリスマス・場外乱闘! ★4

「おほほほ、まさかこんな所で会うなんて。ねえ、共依存の白駄猫?」 「はははは、それはこちらの台詞ですとも。地雷女の青蜥蜴?」

ILLUST.. ソウスケ VOICE... 戸板優衣(メリュジーヌ)/ 下総一薫(スノウ)
  • Equippable: Snow / Melusine / Water attribute / Slash / Snipe 
  • Additional Skill 1: [Turn Start] Reduce HP of 1 square in all directions
  • Additional Skill 2: [Phase Start] Vastly deplete target's HP on fan shape 9 square forward

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

NEW!  親父さん見てる!? ★4

「あー、寄るな触んな序列18位っ! おいらを見るといっつもからかいやがって!」 「いやー、いつまでもちっこくてかわいいねぇ。12位ちゃん? 小さい頃にオシメを替えたの覚えてるぅ?」

ILLUST.. 藤三郎 VOICE... 戸板優衣(シトリー)/ 尾形雅宏(バティム)
  • Equippable: Bathym / Sitri / Fire attribute / Nether attribute
  • Additional Skill 1:  [Post-Move] Bestow Rage+ of 1 square backward
  • Additional Skill 2: [Post-Move] Increase CP of 1 square backward

※This AR-E will be added to normal AR transient summon list after while the event ended

※The currencies that can be used for AR Transient Summon are "Transient Stone" and "AR Lil'salomon Ticket".
Please note that the "Lil'salomon Ticket" cannot be used in AR Transient Summon.
※In addition, the “AR Lil'salomon Ticket” used for AR Transient Summon cannot be used for Character Transient Summon.
Only AR equipment is discharged from the AR Transient Summon. Also, “AR equipment” will not be discharged from “Character card transient summon”.

※If you obtain multiple AR equipment, the upper limit Lv of the same AR equipment will increase. (Up to 100) AR equipment with maximum Lv will no longer be discharged from the AR Transient Summon.
※Please note that Because the AR equipment with the maximum LV is no longer discharged, there may be a difference between the the actual discharge probability depending on the playing situation.

6. Limited-Time Re-release Transient Summon "【復刻】サンシャイン・クリスマス 転光召喚"

Event Period: December 14, 2021. at 08:00 pm to December 31, 2021. at 11:59 pm

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Itzamna ★3 & ★4(Fire
  • Limited Ded ★5(Water
  • Limited Yasuyori ★5(Nether
  • Limited Choji ★4(Nether
  • Limited Ziz ★4(Fire

※Itzamna will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.
※Echo★3 with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period!
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.

7. Limited-Time Login Special Gift!

Gift items will be distributed to users who logged in during the period of event "クリスマス・ショーダウン~聖夜、頂戴します~"!

  • ガード下(部屋)(Room)
  • 東京の仲間たち(壁)(Wall)
  • バイク(床)(Floor)
  • 横断標識(天井)(Hang)
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