[Updated] November 27, 2024. at 06:00 pm. Updated the date of Announcement Regarding the Ticket Exchange Shopチケット
Limited-Time Event "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー (TOKYO DANCING SATURDAY)" │ Hint │ Original and Remix Tracks by Popular Producers "Maozon" and "Wolf kid" are Now Available! │ Limited-Time Summon "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー 転光召喚(TOKYO DANCING SATURDAY Transient Summon)" │ Event Period Limited Login Gifts │ Announcement Regarding the Ticket Exchange Shopチケット │ Limited-Time Summon "オータムスプラッシュ! 転光召喚" │ UI Update for Filter Screens │ Character Promotion Movie
1. Limited-Time Event "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー (TOKYO DANCING SATURDAY)"
◆Event Period◆
[Main Quest] From October 18, 2024. at 08:00 pm to November 19, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Item Exchange] From October 18, 2024. at 08:00 pm to November 26, 2024. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
[Event Free Quest] From October 18, 2024. at 08:00 pm to November 19, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
[High-Difficulty Quest] Scheduled Release Until November 19, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
During the event period, a limited-time quests "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー" will appear in the event area. The latest episodes (quest) of the event scenario will be distributed sequentially from October 18!
※Only the Japanese version will be released. English version, simplified Chinese version, and traditional Chinese version will not be released.
In addition, by clearing the event main quest, a new event-limited free quests that can be played repeatedly will appear! The event exchange items "アゲモード・グラス" and "ドリンクチケット" can be exchanged for rare items at the exchange shop that held during the period.
And more! "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー 高難易度クエスト(High Difficulty Quest)" will be released during the event period. If you complete it, you have a chance to get rare items! Please try it!
About Event Exchange Items "アゲモード・グラス" and "ドリンクチケット"
"アゲモード・グラス" and "ドリンクチケット"
In event "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー", if you clear the battle with specific AR-Equipment and characters, the number of drops of event exchange items "アゲモード・グラス" and "ドリンクチケット" will increase.
"アゲモード・グラス" Acquisition amount increase character & AR-Equipment list
+40% (★5 Character)... Bathym(New&Limited).
+30% (★4 Character)... Hakumen(New&Limited).
+20% (★4 Character & AR-Equipment)... サトルヌス(Saturnus/New) and All AR-Equipments.
+10% (Other Character)... Bathym, Hakumen, Nobumichi, オッター and Protagonist.※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.(Effects differ depending on rarity)
"ドリンクチケット" Acquisition amount increase character & AR-Equipment list
+40% (★5 Character)... Wakan Tanka(New&Limited).
+30% (★4 Character)... Marduk(New&Limited).
+20% (★4 Character & AR-Equipment)... トルヌス(Saturnus/New) and All AR-Equipments.
+10% (Other Character)... Wakan Tanka, Marduk, Nobumichi, オッター and Protagonist.※All ★rarity (cards) of each character are eligible.(Effects differ depending on rarity)
Original and Remix Tracks by Popular Producers "Maozon" and "Wolf kid" are Now Available!
Audio will be played during playback.
In "TOKYO ダンシング・サタデー", to capture the authentic live club atmosphere within the game, the popular producer Maozon created an original track called "Flamah" specifically for the in-game event. Additionally, Maozon and Wolf Kid collaborated to remix existing game tracks, bringing a fresh new vibe to the experience!
Apart from the main scenario and repeatable quests, this event allows you to play four new BGM tracks in your guild’s BGM player right from the start. Immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere with these special tracks!
※To unlock the "My Guild feature", you must clear Chapter 4 of the main quest, "New Guild (3)".
2. Limited-Time Summon "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー 転光召喚(TOKYO DANCING SATURDAY Transient Summon)"
[Available Period] From October 18, 2024. at 08:00 pm to November 19, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- [New] サトルヌス(Saturnus) ★3 & ★4(Nether Attribute)
- [Limited] Bathym ★5(Wood Attribute)
- [Limited] Wakan Tanka ★5(Fire Attribute)
- [Limited] Hakumen ★4(Nether Attribute)
- [Limited] Marduk ★4(Aether Attribute)
※ In addition, "Bathym", "Wakan Tanka", "Hakumen", "Marduk", "Nobumichi" and "オッター"(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※ Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
New Characters Cards Introduction
※For newly implemented cards, the voice playback feature on the character details page will be added to the list after the event ends with some exceptions.
[New] サトルヌス(Saturnus) ★3 & ★4
VOICE... 堀井茶渡
- Attribute: Nether
- Weapon Type: ★3 Thrust, ★4 Shoot
- Charge Skill:
★3 Thrust Damage + Bestow Taunt on self + Bestow Evasion on self + Major HP decrease on enemy
★4 Shoot Damage + Bestow Taunt on self + Bestow Damage Reversal on self + Major HP decrease on all enemies - ★3 1st Skill"クラブに通う者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow DEF Up on self
2. [On Attacking] Bestow Spirit on self - ★4 1st Skill"ナイトクラブイベンター"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow DEF Up on self and 1 square in all directions
2. [Phase Start] Remove Debuff from self
3. [When Attacking] Bestow Spirit on self - ★3 2nd Skill"環らせる者"
1. [Turn Start] Bestow Nourishment on self and adjacent squares (when HP is 50% or higher)
2. [Turn Start] Bestow Increased Recovery on self and adjacent squares (When HP is 50% or below) - ★4 2nd Skill"オービタルサターン"
1. [Phase Start] Greatly restore HP of self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
2. [Turn Start] Bestow Nourishment on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares (when HP is 50% or higher)
3. [Turn Start] Bestow Increased Recovery on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares (When HP is 50% or below)
※ After the event ends, he will be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon.
Japanese version profile:
「俺、サトルヌスっていいます……あの、自己紹介代わりに一緒にクラブ遊びへ、行って頂いたりしていいですか? 土曜日の夜だけは俺、別の自分になれちゃうんです。」
「俺の名前はサトルヌス。ねえねえ一緒に踊らない? キミもフロアも、最っ高に沸かせてみせるよ。土曜の夜だけ限定の、魔法をかけてあげるから!」元々は、異世界オリュンポスに居た「転光生」。
■Regarding サトルヌス(Saturnus) Skin Change
By changing the skin of サトルヌス(Saturnus)'s character card,
you can switch between her "non-Saturday" and "Saturday" skin and voice!
Please see below for more details:
[Limited] Bathym ★5
ILLUST.. めんスケ
VOICE... 尾形雅宏
- Attribute: Wood
- Weapon Type: Magic
- Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Charm on target and squares adjacent to target + Increase own movement range (all directions) + increase CP on self
- 1st Skill "帝王の急先鋒"
1. [Phase Start] Increase own movement range (all directions) for 1 turn
2. [Post-Move] Bestow Crit on self (from start of battle to 2nd turn)
3. [Post-Move] Bestow Crit+ on self (from start of battle 3rd turn to 4th turn)
4. [Post-Move] Bestow Crit++ on self (On 5th turn of battle started and after)
5. [Post-Buff] Bestow Glint on self - 2nd Skill "熱狂のクラバー"
1. [Phase Start] Inflict increased damage taken while afflicted with Charm on all enemies
2. [When Attacking] Inflict Charm on target and squares adjacent to target (on 1st turn of phase)
3. [When Attacking] Inflict Charm on target
※ This character will not be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon.
Japanese version profile:
「ゴークラビングトゥナイト! バティム様枠のチケット買った、御主人ちゃんは見る目あるぜぇ! 今夜はオレっちと1・2フィニッシュ決めちゃおう」
[Limited] Wakan Tanka ★5
ILLUST.. 黒ねずみいぬ
VOICE... 内匠靖明
- Attribute: Fire
- Weapon Type: Shoot
- Charge Skill: None Damage + Bestow Arousal on self + Inflict Break on enemy + Restore HP of self and 1 square in all directions
- 1st Skill "フロアを見渡す者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP
2. [Post-Move] Change own CS type to All for 1 turn
3. [End of Movement Phase] Inflict Weakness on enemy 3 squares forward
4. [Post-Move] (on 1st turn of phase) Inflict Weakness on all enemies - 2nd Skill "クラブアスリート"
1. [End of Movement Phase] (When CP Bar is full) Inflict Paralysis within a 3x3 grid forward
2. [Post-Move] (When CP Bar is full) Transfer all buffs on allies in 1 square in all directions to self
3. [Post-Move] Bestow Ardor on self
4. [On Missed Attack] Bestow the buff "Greater Bonus damage against units with Paralysis" on 1 square in all directions
5. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Ardor on self and 1 square in all directions
※ This character will not be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon.
Japanese version profile:
[Limited] Hakumen ★4
ILLUST.. 1boshi
VOICE... 小林由美子
- Attribute: Nether
- Weapon Type: Blow
- Charge Skill: All Damage + Inflict Stigma on target + Bestow Vigor on self + Change own weapon type to All
- 1st Skill "御屋形様の側近"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Adamantine on all allies
2. [On Joining Battle] Change own weapon type to All
3. [Counter on Damage] Inflict Charm on target and 1 square left and right of target - 2nd Skill "ただ一人を傾ける者"
1. [When Under Status Effect] Nullify CS Lock status effects on self
2. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow the buff "Bonus damage against units with Stigma" on 1 square in all directions
3. [When Attacking] Inflict Stigma on target
※ This character will not be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon.
Japanese version profile:
「魅惑のクラバーフォックス、ハクメン参上ですわン! でもわらわの本命は昔から1人だけ…ねぇ御屋形さま? ラウンジでしっぽり大人の嗜みを教えてあ・げ・る」
[Limited] Marduk ★4
ILLUST.. きみどり
VOICE... 落合福嗣
- Attribute: Aether
- Weapon Type: Magic
- Charge Skill: Shoot Damage + Bestow Limit on self + Inflict Weakness on enemy + Remove one buff from target
- 1st Skill "クラブニュービィ"
1. [On Joining Battle] Increased attack when under the effects of Arousal
2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow the buff "When End of Movement Phase, Bestow Arousal on 1 square left and right" within a diamond radius of 2 squares
3. [During Forced Move] Nullify Forced Movement (all directions)
4. [When Attacked] Remove all buffs on self - 2nd Skill "ノリに呑まれる者"
1. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Brawn on self
2. [Phase Start] Bestow Vigor on self
3. [When Attacking] Bestow Limit on self
※ This character will not be added to the normal(regular) Transient Summon.
Japanese version profile:
3. Event Period Limited Login Gifts
Present items will be distributed to users who log in during the "TOKYOダンシング・サタデー" event period!
- My-Guiled Background Decoration: バーカウンター(背景)
- My-Guiled Wall Decoration: ジュークボックス(壁)
- My-Guiled Floor Decoration: ダンスフロア(床)
- My-Guiled Hang Decoration: サターンミラーボール(天井)
4. Announcement Regarding the Ticket Exchange Shop
After the scheduled maintenance on November 22, 2024 November 29, 2024, the selection of ★5 normal(regular) characters available in the Ticket Exchange Shop will be updated to include character cards that were released up until the end of 2023.
Regarding the "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" obtainable through the tutorial missions, please note that it will be collected on November 22, 2024 November 29, 2024. Please be aware that any unused "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" will become invalid after the above-mentioned date.
After the scheduled maintenance, you will be able to receive a new "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" from the tutorial missions. In the Ticket Exchange Shop, you can exchange the "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" for a ★5 normal(regular) character card.
[Information Updated on October 18, 2024]After the scheduled maintenance, the status of the tutorial mission that rewards the "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" will be reset.Even if you have already used the 'Rainbow Salomon Ticket,' you will be able to obtain a new one.
Please ensure that you receive and exchange the "Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket" before the maintenance if you haven't done so yet.
List of ★5 Normal Characters Available for Exchange After the Update
5. Limited-Time Summon "オータムスプラッシュ! 転光召喚"
[Available Period] From October 24, 2024. at 06:00 pm to October 31, 2024. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)
Pick-Up Characters List
- [Limited] Tindalos ★5 (Hero Attribute)
- [Limited] Zabaniyya ★5 (Hero Attribute)
- [Limited] Catoblepas ★4 (Fire Attribute)
- [Limited] Hecate ★4 (Aether Attribute)
- [Limited] Behemoth ★4 (Aether Attribute)
※ In addition, "Tindalos", "Zabaniyya", "Catoblepas", "Hecate", "Behemoth"(All ★3) will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※ Please check the summon probability table from in-game gacha page.
6. UI Update for Filter Screens
On November 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM, we’re updating the UI design for the character card and AR-Equipment filter screens!
New filter options will be added, and you can easily switch filter settings by tapping the tabs
For more details, please see the information below.