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夏のはじまり!キャンペーン2023(The beginning of Summer! Campaign 2023) 


1. Limited-Time Event 夏のはじまり!キャンペーン2023(The beginning of Summer! Campaign 2023) 

[Event Period] From July 4, 2023 to July 14, 2023 (Scheduled)

During the period of Limited-Time event "夏のはじまり!キャンペーン2023(The beginning of summer! Campaign 2023)", various special projects such as extra dungeons, limited-time summons, special login bonuses, etc. will be held!

■Daily Special Login Bonus!

From July 05, 2023, at 00:00 am to July 14, 2023, at 11:59 pm, Once you log in, you will receive the following items!

  • Lamp Oil ×3

And More! From July 05, 2023, at 00:00 am to July 13, 2023, at 11:59 pm, Login everyday to get Special Login Bonus!

  • July 5 Transient Stone ×10 + Stamina Drink ×1
  • July 5 Transient Stone×10 + Stamina Major ×2
  • July 5 Transient Stone×10 + Stamina Drink ×1
  • July 5 Transient Stone×10 + Stamina Major ×2
  • July 5 Transient Stone×10 + Stamina Drink ×1
  • July 5 Lil' Salomon Ticket ×1 + Stamina Major ×2
  • July 5 AR Lil' Salomon Ticket ×1 + Stamina Drink ×1
  • July 5 Level Seed ×1 + Stamina Major ×2
  • July 5 Skill Seed ×1 + Stamina Drink ×1

During the login bonus period, if you log in every day, you can receive the following items in total!

  • Transient Stone ×50
  • Stamina Drink ×5
  • Stamina Major ×8
  • Lil' Salomon Ticket ×1
  • AR Lil' Salomon Ticket ×1
  • Level Seed ×1
  • Skill Seed ×1
  • Lamp Oil ×3

Each day's login bonus will be distributed to your message box only when you log in between 00:00 am to 11:59 pm on the day.
※Please note that you will not be able to receive gifts for days you did not log in.
※The normal daily login bonus will be performed as usual, apart from the campaign login bonus.

2. Limited-Time Transient Summon "夏のはじまり! 転光召喚"

[Event Period] From July 4, 2023, at 06:00 pm to July 14, 2023, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-up Character List

  • Limited Andvari ★5 (Aether)
  • Limited Eita ★5 (Water)
  • Limited Robinson ★4 (All)
  • Limited Maria ★4 (Wood)

※In addition, "Andvari, Eita, Robinson and Maria (all ★3)" will be picked up (Summon probability UP).
※Please confirm the appearance rate of character cards inside the gacha page inside the game.  

3. New Skill Specific Evolution Quest!

There are totally new skill evolution quest will be released serially in the event period!
Skill Evolution Quest is a quest that can strengthen the activation rate and effect for specific skills.
Click the following URL to learn more. 

▲ Click!! ▲

4. Unlock Level Cap!

[Implementation Date] July 4, 2023 (Scheduled)

From July 4, 2023, the maximum number of level seeds that can be used will be increased!
Along with that, the upper limit when using level seeds will be as follows!

  • ★1 Lv.65 → Lv.70
  • ★2 Lv.70 → Lv.75
  • ★3 Lv.75 → Lv.80
  • ★4 Lv.80 → Lv.85
  • ★5 Lv.85 → Lv.90

5. Extra Dungeon "Golden Cavern?" Reappears!

[Event Period] From July 4, 2023 (Scheduled)

Extra dungeons will reappear during the period! Extra dungeons are dungeons that appear for a limited time mainly to acquire coins and updrade items. Please check below banner for details.


6. Andvari shop New Iteams Added!

The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop from 00:00 am on July 1, 2023!

■Items with exchange limits

  • NEW! AR-Equipment "届かじのペーパープレイン"
  • AR-Equipment "ある安らぎの日" (Limited-time re-release from July 1, at 00:00 am to September 30, at 11:59 pm)

AR-Equipment "届かじのペーパープレイン"

Exchangeable until September 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm

VOICE... 悠木碧(テュアリング)/ 村川梨衣(アイザック)
  • Equippable Characters: Creators members or Invaders members
    Equippable Attribute: Aether or World
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Obtaining Items] Increase drop rate of Lesser, Normal, and Greater Seeds (Active on support units)
  • Additional Skill 2: [Phase Start] Bestow HP Decrease Reversal on self and 1 square in all directions

AR-Equipment "ある安らぎの日"

Exchangeable until September 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm

ILLUST.. ぷらす野昆布
VOICE... 下総一薫(リヒト)/ 戸板優衣(メリュジーヌ)
  • Equippable Characters: Tycoons members or under ★2's characters
    Equippable Attribute: Fire or Water
  • Additional Skill 1: [Upon Victory] Large Coin Bonus (Active on support units)
  • Additional Skill 2: [Upon Victory] Large Rank EXP Bonus (Active on support units)

※If the exchangeable period has passed, it will be undecided when it will be available again.
※The exchangeable period is subject to change without notice. note that.




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