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Main Story Chapter 10 "ウォーモンガーズ~序曲~ -残煙のフロントライン-"



[Updated] New Dungeon information.

※Attetion※ In order to avoid misunderstanding, part of the item name, the role name and event name of this event page will be directly used in the Japanese original text. 

1. Main Quest Chapter 10 "ウォーモンガーズ~序曲~ -残煙のフロントライン-" Release! 

[Main Quest] From January 21st, 2020.

Sound will be played during playback.

During the event period, a limited-time quest “ウォーモンガーズ~序曲~ -残煙のフロントライン-” will available in the event area.
The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially on January 21st , 2020!

*Only Japanese version will be released. English and Chinese versions will not be released at this time.




2. Limited-Time "Main Story Chapter 10 Release Commemoration Transient Summon"!

Event Period: January 20th, 2020. 07:00 pm to February 18th, 2020. 01:59 pm February 20th, 2020. 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Character Card

  • NEW!! Tezcatlipoca(テスカトリポカ) ★3(Shadow)& ★5(World
  • NEW!! Jacob(ジェイコフ) ★3(Aether)& ★5(World
  • NEW!! Yasuyori(ヤスヨリ) ★3 & ★4(Wood
  • NEW!! Shennong(シンノウ) ★3(Wood) & ★4(Hero

New Character Card Introduction!

NEW!! ★3 & ★5 Tezcatlipoca(テスカトリポカ)


ILLUST.. yow VOICE... 子安武人
  • Attribute ★3 Shadow ★5 World
  • Weapon Type Shoot
  • Charge Skill
    ★3 Magic DamageBestow Reflect Debuff in 1 adjacent square Inflict Weakness on target
    ★5 Magic DamageBestow Reflect Debuff in 2 adjacent square Inflict Weakness on target
  • 1st Skill
    ★3 煙幕を張る者 : [During Attack] Inflict 暗闇(Darkness) to target + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Weapon type change on self
    ★5 煙幕の指揮官 : [Opposing Damage]Inflict Dazzle your target [During Attack] Inflict 暗闇(Darkness) to target + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Weapon type change on self
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 供犠を執る者 : [Post-Move] reduce HP in 1 adjacent square + [Post-Move] Steal single buff from 1 adjacent square's enemy and party member
    ★5 供犠の開祖 : [Post-Move] reduce HP in 2 adjacent square + [Post-Move] Steal single buff from 2 adjacent square's enemy and party member + [Status Advantage] Bonus Attack against units with 暗闇(Darkness)


NEW!! ★3 & ★5 Jacob(ジェイコフ)


ILLUST.. GomTang VOICE... 楠大典
  • Attribute  ★3 Aether / ★5 World
  • Weapon Type Blow
  • Charge Skill
    ★3: Blow Damage +  + Bestow Evasion with self Restore HP with self         
    ★5: Blow Damage + Bestow Evasion with self + Remove all debuffs with self +  Greatly restore HP with self
  • 1st Skill
    ★3 光芒を延す者 : [Turn Start] Bestow combo with self + [On Missed Attack] Draw target on 2 squares forward in 1 square + [During Forced Move] Nullify forced movement (backward)
    ★5 光芒の拳聖 : [Turn Start] Bestow combo with self + [On Missed Attack] Draw target on 3 squares forward in 1 square + [During Forced Move] Nullify forced movement (backward)
  • 2nd Skill 心眼を宿す者 : [During Attack] Inflict Weakness on enemy + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Fear / Dazzle / Obstruct  / 暗闇(Darkness) on self


NEW!! ★3 & ★4 Yasuyori(ヤスヨリ)


ILLUST.. 樹下次郎 VOICE... 竹内良太
  • Attribute Wood
  • Weapon Type ★3 Slash / ★4 Long Slash
  • Charge Skill
    ★3 Long Slash Damage +  Bestow Vigor on self + Deplete CP your target
    ★4 Long All Area Damage +  Bestow Vigor on self + Deplete CP your target
  • 1st Skill 
    ★3 大木を揺らす者 : [During Attack] Inflict Break & Countdown on your target + [Status Advantage] Bonus Defense to Nourishment
    ★4 大木を散らす者 : [During Attack] Inflict Break on your target and behind target's 1 square + [During Attack] Inflict  Countdown on your target [Status Advantage] Bonus Defense to Nourishment
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 命脈を封切る者 : [Status Type Bonus] Bonus against all defense up status + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify CS Lock / Skill Lock / Double Lock on self
    ★4 命脈を涸らす者 : [Phase Start] Bestow Adamantine on self + [Status Type Bonus] Bonus against all defense up status + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify CS Lock / Skill Lock / Double Lock on self


NEW!! ★3 & ★4 Shennong(シンノウ)


ILLUST.. 紅紫藍黑白 VOICE... 増元拓也
  • Attribute ★3 Wood / ★4 Hero
  • Weapon Type:Blow
  • Charge Skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Fatal Poison your target Restore HP of self and adjacent squares
  • 1st Skill 毒気に当てる者 : [Turn Start] Inflict Poison on a diamond radius of 2 squares + [Defense Bonus]Advantage against Skilled Poison
  • 2nd Skill 
    ★3 抗体を成す者:[Post-Move] (After the 3rd turn of the phase) Bestow 毒反転(Poison reversal) on self and adjacent squares + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Fatal Poison on self
    ★4 抗体の生産者 : [Post-Move] (After the 2nd turn of the phase) Bestow 毒反転(Poison reversal) on self and adjacent squares + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Fatal Poison on self


3. Main Quest Stamina Cost -75% + Daily Quest Stamina Cost -50% Special Campaign!

Event Period: January 21st, 2020. 00:00 am to January 30th, 2020. 11:59 pm. 

During the period, the consumption stamina of the main quest and the daily quest will be reduced to 25% and 50%!

4. Brand-New "Main Quest Chapter Clear Reward" Mission!

◆Patch Date◆ January 20th, 2020. After maintenance

"Main Quest Chapter Clear Missions" will be implemented as new constant content!

You do not need to receive "Main Quest Chapter Clear Missions" in advance. You can receive rewards for fulfilling the conditions while playing the game.


5. Main Story Chapter 10 Release Commemoration Special Login Bonus!

Event Period: January 21st, 2020. 00:00 am to January 30th, 2020. 11:59 pm. 

If you log in during this period, the following items will be sent to the message box!

  • January 21st AR Token x20 / Transient Stonex1 / G All-round Boostx5
  • January 22nd AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / Stamina Drinkx1
  • January 23rd AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1
  • January 24th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / Stamina Drinkx1 / G All-round Boostx5
  • January 25th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 /Lil' Salomon Ticket×1
  • January 26th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / Stamina Drinkx1
  • January 27th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1
  • January 28th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / Stamina Drinkx1
  • January 29th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / G All-round Boostx5
  • January 30th AR Tokenx20 / Transient Stonex1 / Stamina Drinkx1 / AR Lil' Salomon Ticket×1

*By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the event day, you can receive it from the message box.
*Please note that you will not be able to receive gifts for gifts that you did not log in to later.

In addition, during the campaign period, we will send you my-guild items set!

  • 令官室(部屋)(Room)
  • 吊り下げ型モニタ(上)(Hang)
  • ホログラムモニタ(壁)(Wall)
  • 作戦机(床)(Floor)

*You need to log in to the game during the campaign period to receive items.

6. New Dungeon "Ikebukuro Underground Labyrinth(池袋地下大迷宮)" implemented!

◆Patch Date◆ February 13th, 2020. 08:00 pm February 18th, 2020. 06:00 pm

"Ikebukuro Underground Labyrinth" has been added as a new dungeon.
Explore the dungeon and collect the item "Pieces of endless silver key(無窮の銀の鍵の欠片)"!

Also, the amount of "Key Item" will be adjusted when implementing "Ikebukuro Underground Labyrinth".
This is an adjustment that will allow you to obtain the amount of "Key Item" that you can play the
latest "Dungeon Scenario" by playing every day regardless of the difficulty level.
*After this adjustment, the difference in player progress will be greatly reduced. so please don't divulge the relevant content about the story of Dungeon on SNS.

There are 3 types of quests in "Dungeon": "Search Quest", "Dungeon Stage Quest" and "Dungeon Scenario".

  1. Use DP(Recover 1 point per day)  to complete the "Search Quest" and get "Key Items" and "AR Tokens"!
  2. When the number of "Key Items" obtained reaches a certain number, "Dungeon Stage Quest" can be released!
  3. When you clear the Dungeon Stage Quest with a maximum of 10 layers, you will get AR equipment "遠雷の闘士の破片" for each clear!
  4. "Dungeon Scenario" is released according to the clear level!

* Regardless of the main story achievement and the latest release of the scenario, the "Dungeon Stage Quest" can be played to the end if the number of "Key Items" is satisfied.

The item "ランプオイル(Lamp Oil)" to recover "DP" has been implemented.
Due to the implementation, it has been newly added to "Tutorial Mission".
By completing the corresponding missions, you can get up to three "ランプオイル(Lamp Oil)".

Learn more:
Play Guide
About "Dungeon" System

7. New Feature "AR Additional Battle Voice Swicher"!

"AR Additional Battle Voice Swicher" is added!
This will be added during the "Main Story Chapter 10 Release Commemoration Campaign".

If you are equipped with AR equipment that has an additional voice, the voice when the wearer activates CS will change!
You can select which voice to play by pressing the button below during battle.

When button is ON: Play additional voice of AR equipment

When the button is OFF: Play the CS voice of the wearer

*This feature changes only the voice. The additional effects of Heavy CS are applied regardless of which voice is selected.

▲About AR Equipment▲

8. New Status Effect "毒反転(Poison reversal)" & "暗闇(Darkness)"

From this event, "毒反転(Poison reversal)" and "暗闇(Darkness)" status effect will be added.

  • "毒反転(Poison reversal)": As long as the "Poison" status effect is also given at the same time, your character can get the buff effect "Increase damage rate", "Reduce incoming damage" and "Recover HP when turn end"!
    *The effect of "Poison reversal" will not be activated even if the "Fatal Poison" condition is given at the same time.

  • 暗闇(Darkness): Decrease damage rate and CS cannot be activated


9)メインクエスト第9章クラフターズ -宿業の機構-翻訳版配信決定!

Release Date : January 31st, 2020.

Sorry for waiting so long! English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translated version Main Story Chapter 9 will be released January 31st, 2020!

*The release date is subject to change without notice. Please note.

10. Limited-Time "Main Story Chapter 9 Release Commemoration Transient Summon (Re-Release)"! 

Event Period: January 31st, 2020. 07:00 pm to February 18th, 2020. 01:59 pm February 20th, 2020. 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Character Card

  • Hephaestus ★3 & ★5 Fire
  • Hombre Tigre ★3 & ★4 Wood
  • Furufumi ★3 & ★4 Wood



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