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Main Story Chapter 15 Release Commemoration Campaign


[Updated] July 4, 2024. at 06:10 pm. Additional Information updated with Limited-Time AR Summon "根絶の誓いピックアップ AR転光召喚"

Main Story Chapter 15 "ルールメイカーズ×ゲームマスターズ ~未来都市の人造神~" │  Limited-Time "Chapter 15 Release Commemoration" Transient Summon │  Limited-Time "教導のルールメイカーズ!" Pick-Up Transient Summon │  Limited-Time "神宿学園の仲間たち!" Pick-Up Transient Summon │ Main Story Chapter 14 "Entertainers × Rule Makers -Alibi of the Urban Legends-" Global Languages Version Launched!  │ Limited-Time "Chapter 14 Prologue Release Commemoration" Transient Summon (Re-release) │  Limited-Time "Main Story Chapter 14 Release Commemoration" Transient Summon (Re-release) │ New Line-Up with Ally Summon!  │ "Main Story Chapter 15 Release Commemoration" Special Login Bonus!  │ Addtional Login Bonus to Celebrate the New Guild Function implementation! │   Upgrade Success Probability UP!  │  Main Quest Stamina Cost -75% + Free Quest Stamina Cost -50% Special Campaign!  │ Information of Game System Updated  │ Andvari shop New Iteams Added! │ Limited-Time AR Summon "根絶の誓いピックアップ AR転光召喚"

1. Main Story Chapter 15 "ルールメイカーズ×ゲームマスターズ ~未来都市の人造神~"

[Main Quest] Launched From June 11, 2023 (Scheduled to be implemented and released sequentially)

※All images is under development version, Please note that the contents may be changed in the final version.

Sound will be played during playback.

During the event period, Main Story Chapter 15 "ルールメイカーズ×ゲームマスターズ ~未来都市の人造神~" will available in the event area!
The latest scenario (quests) will be delivered sequentially on June 11, 2024.

※All images is under development version, Please note that the contents may be changed in the final version.
※Only Japanese version will be released. English and Chinese versions will not be released at this time.

Also, various attribute type characters of "スターマン ★2 will be dropped in the main quest and some free quests!


In addition, "Missing of All ★2 " is also scheduled to drop in a free quest that will be released during the Chapter 15 event period.
"Missing of Zero★2" and "Missing of Infinite ★2" will drop from free quests that were added when Chapter 14 was released.

ILLUST.. めんスケ

※Character Cards drops are determined by probability, may not drop everytime.

2. Limited-Time "Chapter 15 Release Commemoration" Transient Summon

[Launched Period] From June 21, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • ニャルラトテプ(Nyarlathotep) ★5 All Attribute
  • ミカイール(Michael) ★3&★5 Hero Attribute
  • バフォメット(Baphomet) ★3&★4 Zero Attribute
  • サンゾウ(Sanzo) ★3&★4 Aether Attribute
  • ココペリ(Kokopelli) ★3&★4 Zero Attribute

※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.

New Character Card Introductions!

NEW!! [Limited] ★5 ニャルラトテプ(Nyarlathotep)


ILLUST.. きしぐま+LW
VOICE... 稲葉純弥
  • Attribute: All
  • Weapon Type: Slash
  • Charge skill: Slash Damage + Greater bonus damage against units with Madness + Bestow the buff "Bestow Evasion on self on turns start" on self and adjacent squares + Greatly restore HP on 1 square in all directions
  • 1st skill "夥しく増える者"
    1. [Post-Move] Bestow Combo on all enemies and allies
    2. [Post-Move] Change own weapon type to Magic on self and units 1 square left and right for 1 turn
    3. [Counter on Damage] Vastly deplete target's CP
    4. [When Attacked] (When HP is at 30% or more) Restore own HP
  • 2nd skill "娯楽を愛でる者"
    1. [Phase Start] Inflict Madness on all enemies
    2. [Phase Start] Greatly increase own movement range (all directions)
    3. [Post-Move] Inflict targets in a 3x3 grid forward with a status effect "Major HP decrease on self when attacked"
    4. [Post-Move] Inflict targets in a 3x3 grid forward with a status effect "decreases ATK when under the effects of Madness"

※Limited Character Cards and only available in "新学期転光召喚2024 その2(2024 New Semester Transient Summon Part.2)"

Japanese version profile:

「呼ばれて飛び出てピーカーブー あちらのニャルもこちらのニャルも御恩がないとは言えないですし? OK、ニャルらが一緒に協力しちゃうよ!?」



NEW!! ★3 & ★5 ミカイール(Michael)

ILLUST.. steelwire/鉄線
VOICE... 高山みなみ
  • Attribute: Hero
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash, ★5 Long Slash
  • ★3 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Weakness on enemy + Bestow Protection on self + Restore HP of 1 square in all directions
  • ★5 Charge skill: Magic Damage + Inflict Weakness on enemy + Massive Bonus damage against units with Weakness + Bestow Evasion on self + Restore HP of 1 square in all directions
  • ★3 1st skill "兄に似た者"
    1. [Turn Start] Bestow Vigor on self  (from start of battle to 4th turn)
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Concentration on self  (from start of battle to 3rd turn)
  • ★5 1st skill "神に似た者"
    1. [Turn Start] Bestow ATK Up on self  (from start of battle to 5th turn)
    2. [Turn Start] Bestow Vigor on self  (from start of battle to 4th turn)
    3. [Turn Start] Bestow Concentration on self  (from start of battle to 3rd turn)
  • ★3 2nd skill "翼を継ぐ英雄"
    1. [When Attacking] Inflict Burn on target
    2. [When Moving] Increase horizontal movement range
  • ★5 2nd skill "十二枚翼の英雄"
    1. [When Attacking] Inflict Burn on enemy and 1 square backward
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow the buff "Bonus damage against units with Burn" on self and 1 square in all directions
    3. [When Moving] Movement expansion in all directions

※ミカイール(Michael) ★3&5 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.

Japanese version profile:

「お久しぶり、というべきでしょうね? 大天使ミカイール、貴方のために転光しました 僕のただひとりの…お優しくも恥ずかしき兄様」



NEW!! ★3 & ★4 バフォメット(Baphomet)

ILLUST.. すうりん
VOICE... 山口由里子
  • Attribute: Zero
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • ★3 Charge skill: Blow Damage + Inflict Drain on target + Bestow concentration on self and adjacent squares
  • ★4 Charge skill: Blow Damage + Inflict Drain on target and foes left and right + Bestow Concentration on self and 1 square in all directions
  • 1st skill "依存させる者"
    1. [Turn Start] Inflict Drain on adjacent squares
    2. [Post-Move] Bestow Arousal on adjacent allies
    3. [Post-Move] Bestow increased Skill Activation Rate on adjacent squares when under the effects of Drain
  • ★3 2nd skill "異端とされた者"
    1. [Counter on Damage] Inflict Charm on target
    2. [Counter on Damage] Draw target in 1 square
  • ★4 2nd skill "人神の具有者"
    1. [Post-Move] Inflict Rage on target 1 square forward
    2. [Post-Move] Inflict Doubt on target 1 square forward to Blow
    3. [Counter on Damage] Inflict Charm on target
    4. [Counter on Damage] Draw target in 1 square

※バフォメット(Baphomet) ★3&4 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.

Japanese version profile:

「私はスクールカウンセラーのバフォメットと申しますわ 迷える子羊に助言等をしております 現代東京の異端審問にお疲れでしたらメンタルケアをご予約下さい? ウフフフフ」



NEW!! ★3 & ★4 サンゾウ(Sanzo)

ILLUST.. 黒ねずみいぬ
VOICE... 熊谷健太郎
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: None
  • ★3 Charge skill: Blow Damage + Bestow Glint on a diamond radius of 2 squares + Bestow DEF UP on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
  • ★4 Charge skill: Thrust Damage + Bestow Glint on all allies except self + Bestow DEF UP on self and units in a diamond radius of 2 squares
  • ★3 1st skill "食われる者"
    1. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Taunt on self
    2. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
  • ★4 1st skill "食欲をそそる僧体"
    1. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Taunt on self
    2. [Post-Buff] Restore HP on adjacent squares
    3. [On Joining Battle] Bestow Guts on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "経典に精通する者"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Protection on adjacent squares
    2. [On Missed Attack] Bestow Crit and Guts on 1 square forward (when HP is 70% or higher)
  • ★4 2nd skill "訳経三蔵"
    1. [End of Movement Phase] Bestow Protection on adjacent squares
    2. [On Missed Attack] bestow Crit+ on 1 square forward (when HP is 30% or higher)
    3. [On Missed Attack] bestow Crit++ on 1 square forward (when HP is 30% or lower)

※サンゾウ(Sanzo) ★3&4 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.

「浅草、得真道学園の御法河サンゾウです って、一番弱い俺が暴れん坊共のまとめ役だとか何でこんな事になってんだよぉ? 胃が痛えぇっ…」



NEW!! ★3 & ★4 ココペリ(Kokopelli)

ILLUST.. どんぐりす+LW
VOICE... 速水奨
  • Attribute: Zero
  • Weapon Type: Snipe
  • ★3 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Inflict the status effect "Chance of Weakness and Stigma when attacked" on target in a diamond radius of 3 squares after CS activation (This status is removed on move) + Bestow Combo on self + Major HP decrease on enemy
  • ★4 Charge skill: Snipe Damage + Inflict the status effect "Chance of Weakness, Stigma and Freeze when attacked" on all enemies after CS activation (This status is removed on move) + Bestow Combo on self and adjacent squares + Major HP decrease on enemy
  • ★3 1st skill "幸運のキリギリス"
    1. [Phase Start] Inflict the status effect "Chance of Weakness and Stigma when attacked" on target in a diamond radius of 2 squares after CS activation (This status is removed on move)
    2. [When Attacked] Bestow Evasion on self
  • ★4 1st skill "幸運操作の昆虫人間"
    1. [Phase Start] Inflict the status effect "Chance of Stigma and Freeze when attacked" on all enemies (This status is removed on move)
    2. [When Attacked] Bestow Evasion on self
  • ★3 2nd skill "土地を離れる者"
    1. [Counter on Damage] Blast target back 1 square
    2. [Counter on Damage] Decrease target's HP
  • ★4 2nd skill "離縁の復讐者"
    1.[Post-No Move] Bestow Anchor on self
    2. [Counter on Damage] Blast target back 1 square
    3. [Counter on Damage] Major HP decrease on target

※サンゾウ(Sanzo) ★3&4 will be added to the regular(normal) transient summon after the event ends.

「我が名はココペリ、地べたを這いずり旅する虫けら 死なずの呪いを「神」に与えられた改造人間……そうだ、私はその復讐のためこの街へとやって来た」




3. Limited-Time "教導のルールメイカーズ!" Pick-Up Transient Summon

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to June 21, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • [Limited] Masashi ★3&5 World Attribute
  • Korpokkur ★3&5 World Attribute
  • オッター ★3 Water Attribute & ★4 Aether Attribute
  • Nobumichi ★3&4 Aether Attribute
  • Sphinx ★3 Nether Attribute & ★4 Zero Attribute

※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.

4. Limited-Time "神宿学園の仲間たち!" Pick-Up Transient Summon

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to June 21, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • [Limited] Quantum ★3&5 Zero Attribute
  • Tsukuyomi ★3&5 Shadow Attribute
  • Boogeyman ★3&4 Nether Attribute
  • Algernon ★3&4 Hero Attribute
  • Furufumi ★3&4 Wood Attribute

※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.

5. Main Story Chapter 14 "Entertainers × Rule Makers -Alibi of the Urban Legends-" Global Languages Version Launched!

Sorry to keep you waiting! English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translated version Main Story Chapter 14 "Entertainers × Rule Makers -Alibi of the Urban Legends-" will be launched After the game maintenance on June 11, 2024.

※The launch date is subject to change without announce.

6. Limited-Time "Chapter 14 Prologue Release Commemoration" Transient Summon (Re-release)

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • [Limited]  Kirito ★3&5 Zero Attribute
  • [Limited]  Bigfoot ★3&5 All Attibute
  • Christine ★3&4 All Attibute
  • Barguest ★3&4 Nether Attibute

※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.

7. Limited-Time "Main Story Chapter 14 Release Commemoration" Transient Summon (Re-release)

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Pick-Up Characters List

  • Loki ★3&5 Shadow Attribute
  • Ahura Mazda ★3&5 World Attribute
  • [Limited] Beowulf ★3&4 All Attribute
  • Tianzun ★3&4 Infinite Attribute

※Please check the gacha probability table from in-game gacha page.

8. New Line-Up with Ally Summon!

The following characters will be added to "Ally Summon" & "Premium Ally Summon" from June 11, 2024. , at 08:00 pm.

  • Nightgaunt... Fire / Water / Wood / Aehter / Nether / Shadow / Hero / World
  • Livestreamer... Fire / Water / Wood / Aehter / Nether / Shadow / Hero / World

9. "Main Story Chapter 15 Release Commemoration" Special Login Bonus!

Login during the Event Period to Get a GIFT!

[Event Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

Gift set will be distributed to all users! Just login to Housamo during the event period and get it!

  • My-Guild Room Item: 手術室(部屋)
  • My-Guild Wall Item: 手術室モニタ(壁)
  • My-Guild Floor Item: 手術室ベッド(床)
  • My-Guild Hang Item: 手術室ライト(上)

Addtional Login Bonus to Celebrate the New Guild Function implementation!

[Event Period] From June 25, 2024. at 09:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

To celebrate the new Guild Function "External Guild Subcontract" implementation, we prepare the additional login bonuses for all users!

Gift items will be distributed to users who log in during the event period! By using this item, you can instantly dispatch one of your favorite characters to join your guild of choice! Please enjoy creating your own Unique Character and Guild Combination!

  • ギルド新加入認印 ×200
[Event Period] From June 26, 2024. at 00:00 am to July 5, 2024. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)

During the period, we will send the following items to your message box on a daily basis!

  • June 26 Level Seed x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • June 27 Skill Seed x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • June 28 Greater HP Blossom x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • June 29 Greater ATK Blossom x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • June 30 AR Token x100 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • July 1 Ally Point x50000 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • July 2 Greater HP Blossom x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • July 3 Greater ATK Blossom x3 , Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • July 4 AR Lil' Salomon Ticket x1, Guild Alliance Certificate x50
  • July 5 AR Token x100, Guild Alliance Certificate x50

※ By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the specified date, you will be able to receive it from the message box.
※ You will not be able to receive the gifts for the day you did not log in later.

 Special Login Bonus Everyday!

[Event Period] From June 12, 2024. at 00:00 am to June 21, 2024. at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)

By login within the period, the following items will be sent to the message box!

  • June 12... Stamina Major x2 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 13... Stamina Drink x1 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 14... Stamina Major x2 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 15... Stamina Drink x1 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 16... Stamina Major x2 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 17... Stamina Drink x1 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 18... Stamina Major x2 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 19... Stamina Drink x1 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 20... Stamina Major x2 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1
  • June 21... Stamina Drink x1 & Lil' Salomon Ticket x1

※ By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the specified date, you will be able to receive it from the message box.
※ You will not be able to receive the gifts for the day you did not log in later.   

10. Upgrade Success Probability UP!

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

When upgrade level for character, the probability of "Great Success" and "Fever Success" are doubled!

※The probability increase of "Great success" and "Fever success" is applied only to "Character Card Level Upgrade". AR equipment is not available.

11. Main Quest Stamina Cost -75%Free Quest Stamina Cost -50% Special Campaign!

[Launched Period] From June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm to July 12, 2024. at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

During the period, the consumption stamina of the main quest will be reduced to 25%, and free quest will be reduced to 50%!

12. Information of Game System Updated

The following functions updates scheduled to be implemented sequentially during the event period!

Content Adjustments of Daily Quest

Implemented Date: June 11, 2024. at 08:00 pm (Scheduled)
  • The daily quests related to EXP-UP items will only be "All-round Boost" item quests, and will be playable every day.
  • The daily quests related to Skill-UP items will only be "Warrior Soul" item quests, and will be playable every day.
  • A coin-related daily quest will be available to play every day.
  • The daily quests related to each attribute breakthrough items will add with Zero and Infinite attributes.
  • Daily quests related to breakthrough items for each attribute and weapon type will be held on either Saturday or Sunday, and will be available to play two days a week.
  • The battle content for all daily quests will be changed from the current daily quests.
  • Please note that due to the implementation of the content adjustments, all current daily quests will be temporarily closed, and no longer to obtain clear rewards..
  • After the adjustments are made, you will be able to obtain clear rewards the first time you clear the daily quests.

Content Adjustments of Weekly Missions

Implemented Date: June 17, 2024. at 04:00 am (Scheduled)
  • Part of mission content will be changed.
  • The content of weekly missions will no longer change from week to week.
  • There will be no change to the total number of weekly missions or the amount of rewards you can earn.

External Guild Subcontract Function for characters other than the "Protagonist" and "The Hero"

Implemented Date: June 25, 2024. (Scheduled)

From June 25, 2024, at 08:00 pm, we will be expanding the External Guild Subcontract Function!

By consuming the new item "ギルド新加入認印(Guild Membership Seal)," you will be able to add guild affiliations to all of your characters!

※"Protagonist" and "The Hero" dispatch function requires the consumption of an "External Guild Subcontract", but does not require the consumption of a new item "ギルド新加入認印(Guild Membership Seal)".


The "New Guild Joiner Seal" can be obtained through limited-time events, the Andvari Shop, and tutorial missions, and is also scheduled to drop in some quests!

In the future, limited-time AR gear that will give you an advantage in obtaining the "ギルド新加入認印(Guild Membership Seal)" will be available.

Additionally, the Andvari Shop is also scheduled to allow you to exchange "External Guild Subcontract" for "ギルド新加入認印(Guild Membership Seal)."

※Due to this implementation, the wording of some tutorial missions will have changed.


Click following banner to check details.

▲ Click!!

Additionally, new guilds will be revealed and guild affiliation information for part of character cards will be updated at on June 25th, 2024, at 08:00 am.(Scheduled)
The main changes are as follows:

  • One new guild will be added that will appear in Chapter 15 of the main story.
  • The guild affiliation of cards that were displayed as "???" until June 25, 2024, it will be changed to "未所属(Not Affiliated)" or "無所属(Unaffiliated)."
  • The guild affiliation of cards that were displayed as "?????", "??????", "???????", "???????" until June 25, 2024, the guild affiliation will be confirmed.
  • Guild affiliation will be added to some character cards.

※Please note that the contents of the system changes may be subject to change.
※All images is under development version, Please note that the contents may be changed in the final version.


Display and Sort Function for Bonus Values ​​when Setting "Event Bonus Filter"

Implemented Date: June 25, 2024. (Scheduled)

From June 25, 2024, at 08:00 pm, A bonus value display and sorting function has been added when setting the event bonus filter.
By selecting bonus details in the event filter, the corresponding bonus value will be displayed.
If bonus values ​​are displayed, they will be sorted by highest bonus value.
※Bonus values ​​will not be displayed if "ALL" is selected.

Please use it in the next limited-time event!

ロード時間の短縮 Improvement of  Loading Times

Implemented Date: June 25, 2024. (Scheduled)

The following improvements will be made to make the game more comfortable to play.

  • Improvement of loading time when transitioning to the Support Selection screen
  • Improvement of loading time when transitioning to the Friend List screen
  • Improvement of loading time when transitioning to the Friend Request screen
  • Improvement of loading time when Registering or Removing Friend

13. Andvari Shop New Iteams Added!

The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop from 00:00 am on July 1, 2024!

■Items with exchange limits

  • AR-Equipment "君と駆けた不思議の街よ"
  • AR-Equipment "曇り無き氷の如く" (Limited-time re-release from July 1, at 00:00 am to September 30, at 11:59 pm)

AR-Equipment "君と駆けた不思議の街よ"

Exchangeable until September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm

ILLUST: クロテロ
CV: 有澤睦生 (Alice) & 熊本健太 (Jambavan)
  • Equippable Guild: Game Masters members or No Affiliation members
    Equippable Weapon Type: Magie or Thrust
  • Additional Skill 1: [When Obtaining Items] Increase drop rate of "ギルド新加入認印(Guild New Member Seal, New tiem)" (Active on support units)
  • Additional Skill 2: [Phase Start] Bestow Concentration on 1 square in all directions


AR-Equipment "曇り無き氷の如く"

Exchangeable until September 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm

CV: 山口勝平(Moritaka) & 尾形雅宏 (Horkeu Kamui)
  • Equippable Guild: Summoners members or Berserkers members
  • Additional Skill 1: [Upon Victory] Large Coin Bonus (Active on support units)
  • Additional Skill 2: [When Attacking] Inflict Freeze on 1 square left and right of target

※If the exchangeable period has passed, it will be undecided when it will be available again.
※The exchangeable period is subject to change without notice. note that.


14. Limited-Time AR Summon "根絶の誓いピックアップ AR転光召喚"

[Release Period] From July 3, 2024, at 06:00 pm to July 12, 2024, at 01:59 pm (Scheduled)

"AR Transient Summon" that available to get various "AR(Akasic Record) Equipment" was implemented! Get AR equipment with powerful effects to upgrade your team!

A 10-times AR Transient Summon that consumes a Transient stone can always get one or more of ★4 or more AR-Equipment!
For AR-Equipment, equipment restrictions may be set, and characters that do not meet the conditions that cannot be equipped.

For Example: ★5 AR Equipment "Vow of Pioneering" can only be equipped by "Character of the Protagonist or Shiro or Nether attribute character cards".

Pick-Up AR-Equipments List

  • 根絶の誓い ★5

※Please confirm the summon rate of AR inside the gacha page inside the game.  

Between June 3 at 06:00 pm to June 4 at 01:57 pm (JST), for the "根絶の誓いピックアップ AR転光召喚" event, AR-Equipment that is not actually available in the summon was displayed in the summon banner image. Regarding the detailed information on the summon rates and the actual summon drops, we have confirmed that AR-Equipment was not included in this event, and not normally released from summon. As of July 4, 2024, at 06:10 pm, this problem has been corrected.

Please check below link for our apologies for the incorrect information.



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