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From 06:00 pm to 08:35 pm on April 12, 2022, the summon probability data in Gacha page of "デートクエスト実装記念ピックアップ転光召喚 その②" could not be displayed in the game. We have confirmed that it is currently displayed without any problems. We apologize for the inconvenience. In addition, there is no effect on the emission probability of the gacha itself.

Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚!2022 その②" │ Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚!2022 その①" │  "新学期キャンペーン!2022" Event Special Login Bonus!  │  Date Quests Implemented One After Another!  │  Limited-Time Transient Summon "デートクエスト実装記念ピックアップ転光召喚"  │  Free Quest Stamina Cost 50% Campaign! │ Special Quest "春のコイン獲得特別戦!(Extraordinary Coin Scuffle Spring Edition 2022)" │ Brand New High-Difficulty Quests! │ New Status Effect "混乱(Chaos)" │ About Main Story Chapter 13 │ New Function Implementation! │

1. Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚!2022 その②"

Period: April 15, 2022. at 08:00 pm to April 26, 2022. at 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Character Cards

  • NEW!!  ペルーン(Perun) ★3 & ★5(World
  • NEW!! タケミナカタ(Takeminakata) ★3 & ★5(All
  • NEW!! ヨシトウ(Yoshito) ★3 & ★4(Nether
  • NEW!! ヘカテー(Hekate) ★3 & ★4(Nether

What's the New Characters!

NEW!!  ★3 & ★5【ペルーン / Perun】

「ひれ伏せ、我が下郎、我が道化、我が詩人よッ! 我が名はペルーン。拡散世界キーテジの世界代行者である。貴様如きが余の主人などと思うてはおるまいなぁ?」

ILLUST.. BomBom + LW VOICE... 竹内良太
  • Attribute: World
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash  ★5 Long Slash
  • Charge Skill ★3 Magic Damage + Inflict Possession on target + Restore HP in a diamond radius of 2 squares ★5 All Damage + Inflict Possession on target + Restore HP in a diamond radius of 3 squares
  • 1st Skill "覆る者"... [On Joining Battle] Greatly increase own CP + [Turn Start] Greatly increase own CP every 4 turns + [On Joining Battle] Bestow ATK UP on self when under the effects of Charm + [On Joining Battle] Inflict vastly decreased skill activation rate while Countdown on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "改変する者".... [When Attack] Inflict Possession on target and adjacent enemies + [Status Advantage] Bonus damage against units with Possession + [Turn Start] Inflct ATK DOWN on self every 4 turns ★5 "認識の改変者"... [When Attack] Inflict Possession on target and squares adjacent to target + [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus damage against units with Possession + [Turn Start] Inflct ATK DOWN on self every 4 turns + [Phase Start] Bestow ATK UP on self


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

NEW!! ★3 & ★5【タケミナカタ / Takeminakata】

「俺はタケミナカタ、力自慢の武人様ずらよ! 我が宿敵を探し、再度力比べを挑む為! そして! 憧れの上京生活。目指せシティーボーイずら!」

ILLUST.. 北 VOICE... 桜井敏治
  • Attribute: All
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • Charge Skill ★3 Shoot Damage + Inflict Break on target + Bestow Protection to allies 3 square left and right ★5 Magic Damage + Inflict Break on target + Inflict Weakness on target + Bestow Protection to allies 3 square left and right
  • 1st Skill ★3 "切り落とされる者"... [Phase Start] Bestow Brawn on self + [Phase Start] Change own weapon type to Shoot for 1 turn + [On Joining Battle] Inflict the status effect "Increases damage taken from Slash and Long Slash" on self ★5 "落とされし武人"... [Phase Start] Bestow Brawn on self + [Phase Start] Bestow Vigor on self + [Phase Start] Change own weapon type to Shoot for 2 turns + [On Joining Battle] Inflict the status effect "Increases damage taken from Slash and Long Slash" on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "塞ぐ者"... [Counter on Damage] Inflict Bind on target + [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self ★5 "天水を塞ぐ者"... [Counter on Damage] Inflict Bind of target and adjacent squares + [Counter on Damage] Bestow Ardor in a diamond radius of 2 squares + [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

NEW!! ★3 & ★4【ヨシトウ / Yoshito】


ILLUST.. 樹下次郎 VOICE... 折笠愛
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash  ★4 None
  • チャージスキル: ★3・自属性「斬撃」ダメージ + 敵に憑依付与 自身にHP回復          ★4・自属性「魔法」ダメージ + 敵に憑依付与 自身にクリティカル 自身にHP回復
  • Charge Skill ★3 Slash Damage + Inflict Possession on target + Restore own HP ★4 Magic Damage + Inflict Possession on target + Bestow Crit on self + Restore own HP
  • 1st Skill ★3 "からくりぼでぃ"... [When Attacked] Bestow Tenacity on self + [Turn Start] Inflict Burn on self from 6th turn in phase + [On Joining Battle] Inflict vastly decreased skill activation rate while burn on target ★4 "からくり義体"... [On Missed Attack] Change own weapon type to Slash for one turn + [Post-Non Move] Change own weapon type to Long Slash for one turn + [Post-Move] Change own weapon type to Shoot for one turn + [Turn Start] Inflict Burn on self from 6th turn in phase + [On Joining Battle] Inflict vastly decreased skill activation rate while burn on target
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "孝子の裏方"... [On Missed Attack] Inflict Forzen on enemies within a 3x2 grid in front + [On Missed Attack] Bestow Protection on self and adjacent squares ★4 "孝心を裏切る者"... [On Missed Attack] Bestow Combo on self + [On Missed Attack] Inflict Forzen on enemies within a 3x2 grid in front + [On Missed Attack] Bestow Protection on self and adjacent squares

※ "からくりぼでぃ" & "からくり義体" are subject to "Bonus damage against Mechanics"
※ About skills with "Bonus damage against Mechanics" and "Greatly bonus damage against Mechanics", Bonus damage on "からくりぼでぃ" and "からくり義体" will be added. Please check the description on the maintenance page.


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

NEW!! ★3 & ★4【ヘカテー / Hekate】

「番い交じわれ、新たなる化学反応を産み出す為に。燃える冥界の劫火、地獄の雌犬。そう、私が喪女(もじょ)の王、ヘカテー! ……ん? あ、違った。魔女です、マ、ジョ。」

ILLUST.. きしべ VOICE... 山本希望
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Slash / ★4 Magic
  • Charge Skill ★3 Magic Damage + Inflict Burn on targets + +Deplete target's CP ★4 Magic Damage + Inflict Burn on targets + +Deplete target's CP
  • 1st Skill "魔術の探究者"... [Post-Attack] Inflict Fatal Poison on target + [Post-Attack] Inflict Curse on target + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Curse on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "かけあわせる者"... [Post-Move] Bestow "Probability bestow crit after weakness" on 1 square forward + [Post-Move] Inflict Poison on 1 square forward ★4 "カップリングオタク"... [Post-Move] Bestow "Probability bestow crit++ after weakness" on 1 square forward + [Post-Move] Inflict Poison on 1 square forward + [Post-Move] Inflict Fatal Poison on 1 square forward + [Post-Move] Inflict Burn on 1 square forward


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

Limited-Time Transient Summon "新学期転光召喚!2022 その①"

Period: April 5, 2022. at 08:00 pm to April 15, 2022. at 01:59 pm

Pick-Up Character Cards

  • NEW!!  Limited イスラフィール(Israfil) ★3 & ★5(Shadow
  • NEW!! テュアリング(Tuaring) ★3 & ★5(Aether
  • NEW!! バロン(Barong) ★3 & ★4(Fire
  • NEW!! エニグマ(Enigma) ★3 & ★4(Nether

What's the New Characters!

NEW!! Limited ★3 & ★5【イスラフィール / Israfil】


ILLUST.. naop + LW VOICE... 平田広明
  • Attribute: Shadow
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Shoot  ★5 Snipe
  • Chager Skill: ★3... Snipe Damage + Inflict Dazzle on target + Bestow Evasion on self ★5... All Damage + Inflict CS Lock on target + Inflict Dazzle on target + Bestow Evasion on self
  • 1st Skill ★3 "ひるがえす者"... [When Moving] Increase horizontal movement range + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Stigma on self + [Post-Move] Decrease horizontal movement range on self + [Post-Damage] Inflict Weakness on self ★5 "天地をひるがえす者"... [When Moving] Greatly increase horizontal movement range + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Stigma on self + [Post-Move] Vastly decrease horizontal movement range on self + [Post-Damage] Inflict Weakness on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "最後を知らせる者"... [Phase Start] Inflict "Vastly deplete HP when post-non move" on enemies in a diamond radius of 2 squares + [Post-Move] Inflict Stigma on 3 squares forward ★5 "審判を知らせる者"... [Phase Start] Inflict "Vastly deplete HP when post-non move" on all enemies + [Post-Move] Inflict Stigma on targets in a 3 by 3 square forward + [Status Advantage] Greater bonus damage against units with Stigma


※Limited-Time character for this event

NEW!! ★3 & ★5【テュアリング / Tuaring】


ILLUST.. 墓地 VOICE... 悠木碧
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill ★3... Magic Damage + Remove one buff from target + Inflict Skill Lock on target + Bestow Concentration on self and adjacent squares ★5... Magic Damage + Remove one buff from target + Inflict Skill Lock on target + Bestow Concentration on self and 1 square in all directions
  • 1st Skill ★3 "秘匿を解く者"... [When Attacking] Remove "Nullify Debuff" and "Reflect Debuff" from target +  [On Joining Battle] Greatly reduce HP when under poison on self ★5 "秘匿の解体者"... [When Attacking] Remove all "DEF UP" status from target + [When Attacking] Remove "Nullify Debuff" and "Reflect Debuff" from target +  [On Joining Battle] Greatly reduce HP when under poison on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "智慧の実を得た者"... [When Move Phase End]  Inflict "When damage, Probability that the HP will Greatly reduce within a distance in a diamond radius of 3 squares. & Remove one buff from target" in 1 square on 2 squares forward + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Chaos(混乱) on self ★5 "智慧の実を齧る者"... [When Move Phase End]  Inflict "When damage, Probability that the HP will Massively reduce within a distance in a diamond radius of 3 squares. & Inflict Break & Remove one buff from target" in 1 square on 2 squares forward + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Chaos(混乱) on self


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

NEW!! ★3 & ★4【バロン / Barong】

「オム、スワスティアストゥ! オレはバロン! この東京一のエンタティナー……になる予定のショウダンサーさ! さあ、アゲていこうぜっ!」

ILLUST.. Ross + 飛波 VOICE... 白熊寛嗣
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: ★3 Blow  ★4 Thrust
  • Charge Skill: ★3... Blow Damage + Bestow Crit on self ★4... Thrust Damage + Bestow Crit on self + Bestow Crit+ on self
  • 1st Skill "渾身のダンサー"... [Post-Move] Bestow Limit on self + [Post-Non Move] Change own weapon type to "None"(For 1 turn) + [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on self
  • 2nd Skill ★3 "相反する者"... [Post-Move] Bestow Protection on 1 square forward + [Phase Start] Bestow Reflect Debuff on self and adjacent squares + [Post-Attack & Post-Move] Decrease own HP ★4 "鏡写しの相反者"... [Post-Move] Bestow the buff that "Open to Bestow Evade on 1 square backward when Post-Attack" on 1 square forward + [Post-Move] Bestow Protection on 1 square forward + [Phase Start] Bestow Reflect Debuff on self and adjacent squares + [Post-Attack & Post-Move] Decrease own HP


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

NEW!! ★3 & ★4【エニグマ / Enigma】


ILLUST.. 牟草るふ VOICE... 志村知幸
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Slash
  • Charge Skill:
    ★3... Slash Damage + Bestow Nullify Debuff on 1 square in all directions + Restore HP of self and 1 square in all directions
    ★4... Slash Damage + Bestow Nullify Debuff on 1 square in all directions + Restore HP & Increase CP of self and 1 square in all directions
  • 1st Skill
    ★3 "人工知能"... [Phase Start] Bestow DEF Up on 1 square in all directions + [Turn Start] Transfer all buffs of allies on adjacent to self + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Removable ATK UP status changes on self
    ★4 "複製する人工知能"... [Phase Start] Bestow Guts on 1 square in all directions + [Phase Start] Bestow DEF Up on 1 square in all directions + [Turn Start] Transfer all buffs of allies on adjacent to self + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Removable ATK UP status changes on self
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 "ジャミングする者"... [When Attacking] Inflict Darkness on target + [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus damage against units with Darkness
    ★4 "デジタルジャマー"... [When Attacking] Inflict Darkness & Obstruct on target + [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus damage against units with Darkness & Obstruct


※Character card will be added to normal transient summon after event ends.

2. "新学期キャンペーン!2022" Event Special Login Bonus!

Event Period: From April 6, 2022 at 00:00 am to April 15, 2022 at 11:59 pm (Scheduled)

login Housamo within the event "新学期キャンペーン!2022" period and GET SPECIAL LOGIN BONUS! Special bonus items will send to the user's message box!

  • April 6 to April 5... Login Once to GET Lil' Salomon Ticket x2!!
  • April 6... Stamina Drink x5 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 7... ATK Seed x5 + HP Seed x5 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 8... G All-round Boost x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 9... Warrior Soul x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 10... 1 million coins + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 11... ATK Seed x5 + HP Seed x5 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 12... G All-round Boost x30 + Stamina Major x2 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 13... Level Seed x1 + Rainbow Shard x100
  • April 14... Skill Seed x1 + Rainbow Shard x100 
  • April 15... AR Token x200 + Rainbow Shard x100

※By logging in to the game between 00:00 am and 11:59 pm on the specified date, you will be able to receive it from the message box.
※Please note that you will not be able to receive gifts for the day you did not login.

3. Date Quests Implemented One After Another!

Date quests will be released scheduled during the "デートクエスト実装キャンペーン2022"!

Attention※ The date quest implemented this time will be only support in Japanese version.

  • Tezcatlipoca
  • Shennong
  • Kurogane
  • Temujin
  • Ellie
  • Musashi

You can play "Date Quest" for characters who have established "Love Relationship".
This is a condition that the target character of "Date Quest" is performing "Love Relationship". Please be careful.

Example: When playing "Date Quest" of "Shiro", perform "love relationship established" from "Shiro"

Quests that have been played once will be recorded in the "Memories" in option menu.
If a character who has already played "Date Quest" does "Release a relationship",
the quest cannot be played from "Memories". the target character will be able to be played again by performing "Love relationship established" again.

At June 4, 2022, a date quest will not appear for a character that has not yet implemented a date quest, even if you have completed a relationship.

4. Limited-Time Transient Summon "デートクエスト実装記念ピックアップ転光召喚"

To celebrate the implementation of the date quest, We will have a character special transient summon with a new date quest and character quest!

Period(Part.3): April 19, 2022. at 07:15 pm to April 26, 2022. at 01:59 pm


Pick-up Character!

【デートクエスト実装記念ピックアップ転光召喚 その③(2022)】

  • Tezcatlipoca ★3(Shadow) & ★5(World
  • Shennong ★3(Wood) & ★4(Hero

5. Free Quest Stamina Cost 50% Campaign!

Period: June 5, 2022. at 08:00 pm to June 15, 2022. at 01:59 pm

Sorry for waiting so long! "Free Quest Stamina Cost 50% Campaign" is coming! During the period, the consumption stamina of Free Quest will be halved.  


6. Special Quest "春のコイン獲得特別戦!(Extraordinary Coin Scuffle Spring Edition 2022)"

Period: June 15, 2022. at 08:00 pm to June 26, 2022. at 01:59 pm

※The images currently posted are those of "held in 2021". This will be changed at a later date. During the period, a limited-time quest "春のコイン獲得特別戦!(Extraordinary Coin Scuffle Spring Edition)
will be released that allows you to earn a large amount of coins in the event area.
You can earn more coin by clear "春のコイン獲得特別戦/伝説級(Legendary)" and "春のコイン獲得特別戦/神話級(Mythical)"
etter than daily quest "Coin Scuffle - Extreme"!

※At this time, "Legendary" and "Mythical" are not added to the "Coin Scuffle" of the permanent quest.
In addition, a bonus will be given to the amount of coins earned in the "春のコイン獲得特別戦!"
For the following characters picked up in "新学期転光召喚!2022"! It will be a bonus of +10% increase for each character.  


7. Brand New High-Difficulty Quests!

During the event "新学期キャンペーン!2022" period, new high difficulty quests will be released! Unable to continue game and unbelievable difficulty enemies, 
Do your best to complete and earn special bonus! ※Quest Detail Information will be announced later.  


8. New Status Effect "混乱(Chaos)"

From this campaign, the status abnormalities of "混乱(Chaos)" will be additionally implemented.

  • 混乱(Chaos)…Decrease own movement range (all directions) when move + Decrease HP in all directions when post-attack
    ※If it is given to an enemy, it will cause damage between the enemies.

9. About Main Story Chapter 13

The main quest Chapter 13 "インベイダーズ 本編(Invaders Main Chapter)", which is scheduled to be implemented in "新学期キャンペーン!2022",
is currently being produced for implementation in the SS 2022! Please look forward to it!
Also, the figure of "Zabaniyya" which will also appear in Chapter 13 is currently accepting pre-orders!

※Pre-Order period is until on April 15, 2022 at 11:59 pm ※Pre-Order period may be extended depending on the situation. ※Schedule is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.

10. New Function Implementation!

New Functions will be implemented during the "新学期キャンペーン!2022"! Please check below!

Scenario fast forward

We will implement a function to play the scenario in fast forward when the screen is pressed and held during the scenario of the quest.
This will stop when the options are displayed, but you can execute the fast forward function again by selecting any option.

※The speed of fast forward may be delayed due to some effect playback.

Drag Multiple Selection Function for Item Selecting & filter Setting

When selecting upgrade items, the function to select multiple items in succession by long-pressing and dragging the items will be implemented.
Also, on the filter menu, you can select the filter target continuously by long-pressing and dragging the weapon type and attribute to be filtered.

UI Updated of Rrelease Conditions for Character & Love Quests

For quests that require "Rrelease Conditions" such as character quests and love quests,
the following information will be displayed and repairs will be made to make it easier to understand what is required for the quest.

・Possession of the character
・Level of Breakthrough
・Prerequisite Quest
・Establishment of a Romantic Relationship

Audio will play during video playback.

Audio will play during video playback.



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