"Tokyo after School Summoners" iOS/Android version will celebrate its 4th anniversary on December 15th, 2019.
We were able to continue the service so far thanks to the support from our players.
The development and operation team would like to thank every summoners.
"4th HOUSAMO ANNIVERSARY" campaign will be held from December 4th, 2020!
*All dates and times listed on the page are based on Japan time.
[Update] December 4th, 2020. NEW PV and NEW Theme Song!!! .
Special 4 YOU!!!! "Platinum Lil' Salomon Ticket"x4 to Exchange ★4 Character Card & ★4 AR Equipment & Rare Items!!!! │ Special Quest "4th Anniversary Party"!!!! │ Login Gifts for 4th Anniversary Special!!!! GET T-Stones x150 + Gacha Ticket MAX to 10 + Coin MAX 10 Million + MORE! │ Brand-New "Tutorial Mission"! │ Transient Summon released in 2020 Total Re-release!!!! │ Upgrade Success Probability UP! │ New Item Available in Andvari Shop! │ New Line-up for "Ally Summon" and "Premium Ally Summon" │ New Functions Upgrade Information │ Special Messages for All Users "New Challenge of Housamo 5th Year" │ NEW PV and NEW Theme Song!!! │
1. Special 4 YOU!!!! "Platinum Lil' Salomon Ticket"x4 to Exchange ★4 Character Card & ★4 AR Equipment & Rare Items!!!!
[Ticket Availability Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
[Item Exchange Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 25th. 11:59 pm
In the event period, All the player can get "Platinum Lil’ Salomon Ticket x4"!
You can exchange item by "Shop" ⇒ "Event item exchange" ⇒ "4th HOUSAMO ANNIVERSARY" banner.
or Banner "4th HOUSAMO ANNIVERSARY" on the left side in Menu Screen.
※"Platinum Lil' Salomon Ticket x4" can be obtained when completing the quest for 4th anniversary in event area.
At the exchange shop , you can exchange for the following ★4 characters, ★4 AR equipment, or items set.
※There is a maximum of 2 replacements for 1 item/card/AR equipment.
★4 Character Card List
※Platinum Lil'Salomon ticket can be exchanged for one of any ★4 Character Card.
※Only can exchange the normal ★4 character card, not including limited-time special character card.
セト |
サンダーバード |
ホロケウカムイ |
アルスラーン |
モリタカ |
クランプス |
マガン |
シュウイチ |
ギョウブ |
ガルム |
エビス |
タダトモ |
ジライヤ |
シュテン |
イフリート |
イクトシ |
イバラキ |
グンゾウ |
ムサシ |
テツギュウ |
テムジン |
アマツマラ |
ヴォーロス |
ケンゴ |
ホウゲン |
クリスティーヌ |
ドゥルガー |
トウジ |
アシガラ |
リョウタ |
フェンリル |
ノーマッド |
シロウ |
タウラスマスク |
テュポーン |
バティム |
スズカ |
シンヤ |
アザゼル |
ハクメン |
マルコシアス |
ニャルラトテプ |
ショロトル |
メリュジーヌ |
アステリオス |
アンドヴァリ |
カーシー |
ロビンソン |
ポルックス |
ジャンバヴァン |
モトスミ |
マーナガルム |
ゴウリョウ |
エイタ |
アリス |
チョウジ |
ケンタ |
マリア |
マカラ |
ハヌマン |
ジュウゴ |
ルキフゲ |
タローマティ |
R-19 |
バーゲスト |
ガンダルヴァ |
ノブハル |
クニヨシ |
キュウマ |
カルキ |
カグツチ |
アルク |
アザトース |
ベヒモス |
ジズ |
ミネアキ |
テツヤ |
ブレイク |
アヴァルガ |
アルジャーノン |
オセ |
オズ |
アールプ |
フルフミ |
オンブレティグレ |
ゴエモン |
リチョウ |
トムテ |
シンノウ |
ヤスヨリ |
エーコー |
リャナンシー |
タネトモ |
ティダ |
バロール |
ナタ |
キムンカムイ |
オトヒメ |
ケットシー |
トヴァシュトリ |
★4 AR Equipment List
※Platinum Lil'Salomon ticket can be exchanged for one of any AR Equipment.
犬どもの戦場 |
ミッションコンプリート |
計り知れざる永劫の |
先輩と後輩の時間 |
従者並びて |
シューティングスターズ |
幼馴染の流儀 |
魔王の温泉郷へようこそ |
大江山の鬼たち |
新宿ポリスアカデミー |
サン・アンド・オイル! |
同じ月が見ている |
夕暮れ時の青春は |
ショコラは深淵より来たり |
硬派を気取ったあの頃は |
サバイバルリゾート |
剣豪と刀鍛冶の攻防 |
いつかどうして夢の鬼 |
剣の道は尚遥か |
歓楽の鬼 |
きょうだい弟子の組手 |
ワンダーフォーゲル! |
制御できるならやってみろ! |
今月の得真道学園 |
ウマミチカンフージェネレーション |
Item Set List
※Platinum Lil'Salomon ticket can be exchanged for one set of any item
コイン2500万 |
レベルの種x5 |
スキルの種x5 |
HPの大種x50 |
ATKの大種x50 |
オーナーメダリオンx50 |
※The "Platinum S ticket" and "Platinum Lil’ Salomon ticket" that distributed at last year is not available for exchanging with characters or any items in the “4th HOUSAMO Anniversary Campaign".
※The expiration date of New "Platinum Lil’ Salomon ticket" is until December 25th, 2020, 11:59 pm. Please be aware that the tickets past the expiration date will automatically deleted later.
2. Special Quest "4th Anniversary Party"!!!!
[Event Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
Special FULL VOCAL quest will be available for 4th anniversary!!!!
Complete it and get "Platinum Lil’ Salomon Ticket x4"!
Also, if you log in during the 4th anniversary campaign period, you will receive the AR equipment "友情のコンビネーション!" in the image of a full voice quest in the message box!
- Plus Skill 1: [When complete the battle] Earn Ally points UP
- Plus Skill 2: [When join the battle] 血縁バースト(Buddy Burst): Bestow the ATK UP buff from your partner.
※"4th Anniversary Party!" Will be moved to the past event area at a later date, but if you play from there, you will not be able to get the "Platinum Lil’ Salomon Ticket".
3. Login Gifts for 4th Anniversary Special!!!! GET T-Stones x150 + Gacha Ticket MAX to 10 + Coin MAX 10 Million + MORE!!!!
[Event Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
Just login Housamo in this anniversary event period,
We will send the 4th Anniversary Special Login Gifts to Player's Message BOX with our Gratitude!
If you log in Housamo even once during the period, you will receive "Transient Stone x150" as a gift!
(Period: December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm)
- December 6th: Stamina Major x20
- December 7th: Stamina Drink x30
- December 8th: Coin x10 Million
- December 9th: Greater HP Seed x50
- December 10th: Greater ATK Seed x50
- December 11th: Level Seed x3
- December 12th: Skill Seed x3
- December 13th: Lamp Oil x3
- December 14th: Rainbow Shard x2000
- December 15th: AR Lil' Salomon Ticket x5
- December 16th: Lil' Salomon Ticket x5
By login to the game between 00:00 am to 11:59 pm on the specified date, it will be possible to receive special login bonus items from message box.
If the specified date you did not login, you can not receive login bonus it later, So please be careful.
We will also send My-Guild items to all players who have logged in at least once during the 4th Anniversary Campaign!
[Event Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
- Frame "4thアニバーサリーフレーム"
- Sticker "ホールケーキ"
- Sticker "ウェルカムドリンク"
4. Brand-New "Tutorial Mission"!
From December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm(JST), the New Tutorial Missions will be available!
Clear the missions and get transient stones to play 10time gacha!
In addition, we will add missions that transient stones can receive when some scenarios are cleared.
※Users who have already cleared the game can receive it immediately after launching the game.
5. Transient Summon released in 2020 Total Re-release!
[Event Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
We will make a complete re-release of new limited-time T-summon after January 2020!
Click here for a list of gachas to be held.
※These gachas cannot enter from the in-game banner. Please select the "Summon" button in top menu.
6. Upgrade Success Probability UP!
[Event Period] December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm to December 17th. 11:59 pm
When upgrade level for character, the probability of "Great Success" and "Fever Success" are doubled!!
※The probability increase of "Great success" and "Fever success" is applied only to "Character Cards Level Upgrade". AR equipment is not available.
7. New Item Available in Andvari Shop!
The following items will be added to the Andvari Shop from December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm!
■Monthly Reset Exchange Items
- Spell Token (Each Attributes)
- Shard (Each Attributes)
- Crystal (Each Attributes)
- Energy Cluster (Each Attributes)
- Preliminary Crest (Each Weapon Types)
- Crest (Each Weapon Types)
- Owner's Medallion
■Items with exchange limits
- Capacity Increase (EXP)
- Capacity Increase (Skill)
- Capacity Increase (Seed)
- AR Equipment "お宝目指して何処までも"
- AR Equipment "教えの庭にも"
8. New Line-up for "Ally Summon" and "Premium Ally Summon"
The following character cards will be added to the "Ally Summon" and "Premium Ally Summon" from December 4th, 2020. 08:00 pm!
- Deity (Fire・Water・Wood・Aether・Nether・Shadow)
- Lantern (Fire・Water・Wood・Aether・Nether)
- Jiangshi (Fire・Water・Wood・Aether・Nether・Shadow・Hero・World)
- トルーパー (Fire・Water・Wood・Aether・Nether・Shadow・Hero・World)
- Giant (Fire・Water・Wood・Aether・Nether・Shadow・Hero・World)
The following adjustments apply to the "Ally Summon".
- Higher probability of getting "Aether Lucky Cat"
- "Coin x3000" will have a probability to be obtained
The following adjustments apply to the "Premium Ally Summon".
- Higher probability of getting "Aether Lucky Cat"
- Will no longer get "Lesser HP Seed / HP Seed" and "Lesser ATK Seed / ATK Seed"
- "Greater HP Seed" and "Greater ATK Seed" will have a probability to be obtained
9. New Functions Upgrade Information
■Level Upgrade Menu function "Level UP"!
A function to automatically select items has been added on the level and skill upgrade menu.
By pressing the "Auto Select", you can automatically select up to 20 pieces highest effect items for upgrade.
■ Character Details Menu Upgrade
On the character details menu, now you can change the skin and play the character voice.
Some characters can hear different voices when changing to a specific skin.
10. Special Messages for All Users "New Challenge of Housamo 5th Year"
To celebrate the 4th anniversary and the start for 5th year of "Tokyo After School Summoners",
We will post a message from the development & management team about future prospects and new challenges.
11. NEW PV and NEW Theme Song!!!!
The New PV for Housamo Part.2 main story and with the new theme song "無敵のDays of Lives"!!!!
Please be careful with video's volume.
きただにひろし「無敵のDays of Lives」(作詞:四畳半助 作曲:ぽんきち)
Also, This year we will publish the message with all CV in this new PV!