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(日本語) 【期間限定イベント】ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)


[Updated] October 19th, 2020. Limited-Time Event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)  │  Limited-Time Transient Summon"ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)転光召喚"! │ New Features Plus! │ Limited-Time Login Special Gift! 

Limited-Time Event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン) │  Hint │ Bonus to increase the amount gained for AR equipment! │ Limited-Time Transient Summon"ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)転光召喚"! │ New Features Plus! │ Limited-Time Login Special Gift! │

1. Limited-Time Event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)"

[Main Quest] October 9th, 2020. 08:00 pm to November 6th, 2020. 11:59 pm  November 10th, 2020. 11:59 pm
[Event Item Exchange] October 9th, 2020. 08:00 pm to November 11th, 2020. 11:59 pm November 13th, 2020. 11:59 pm
[Event Free Quest] October 9th, 2020. 08:00 pm to October 30th, 2020. 01:59 pm November 6th, 2020. 01:59 pm
[High-Difficulty] Released Scheduled until November 6th, 2020. 11:59 pm November 10th, 2020. 11:59 pm

During the event period, the limited-time event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)" will be availabled in event area!
The latest scenario (quest) will be delivered sequentially on October 9th, 2020!

※This event is only supported in Japanese version, English/Chinese version will be released later.
※Part of the translations that in this page is TBA translation version, it will differ that the official translated version

In addition, "Event Limited Quest" that can play repeatedly by clearing the quest will be available.
Not only coins or upgrade items, but It’s also event exchange items “断片化ファイル" and “ダンス・エネルギーキューブ” drops in those quests!
AND MORE! the first Implementation characters "レスラー(Wrestler)★2(Fire / WaterWood / Nether / Aether / Shadow / Hero / World)" will drops too!

※Drops may not occur every time.
※The basic skin of the wrestler to drop is different from the happi coat(法被) skin.
※The wrestler's skin can be changed from the character details menu.
※The bonus will be applied even if you organize into team with a skin other than the happi coat(法被).

And more! "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン) High-Difficulty Quest" also release at this event!
Try your best to complete that!



About Event Exchange Item"ハッピー法被" and "お祭り入場券"

ハッピー法被  お祭り入場券

In "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)", When you clear the battle with certain characters,
the amount of the drop of event exchange items "ハッピー法被" and "お祭り入場券" will be increased.
Check if you have any of these character cards!

New Skin Implementation Characters & Festival Skin Characters List

※Bonus is also available for non-newly implemented skins or non-festive skins.


Bonus to increase the amount gained for AR equipment!

In event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)", Equip the ALL ★4 & 5 AR Equipments Can get the special "Event item acquisition bonus"! 
Equip the AR equipment, that the amount of the drop of event exchange items "ハッピー法被" and "お祭り入場券" will be increased!
In addition, AR equipment bonuses can be duplicated, Check if you have any of these AR equipment!.

In addition, the AR equipment that equipped with support member also have bonus effect※1

※1: AR equipment for bonuses will vary depending on the upcoming events.

Use "お祭りグッズ(Festival Items)" to Boost Your Battle!



In event "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)", you can use "Boost" feature to upgrade your battle members!
By using "お祭りグッズ(Festival Items)" to give everyone a special buff state at the beginning of the battle phase.
The buff state will continue until the end of the battle, Let's enjoy the festival with fun festival items!

  • 素朴な線香花火: CP permanently UP!
  • 一網打尽のポイ: Skill activation rate greatly increased permanently!
  • 本格コルク銃: ATK permanently UP!
  • 特選お祭りフード: HP permanently UP!

※"Festival items" cannot be used in high-difficulty event quests.
※"Festival items" that were not used during the event will be collected after the event.

2. Limited-Time Transient Summon"ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)転光召喚"!

Period: October 9th, 2020. 08:00 pm to October 30th, 2020. 11:59 pm November 10th, 2020. 11:59 pm

Pick-up Character Card List

  • NEW! ケットシー(Cait Sith) ★3&4 Nether
  • NEW! トヴァシュトリ(Tvastar) ★3&4 Fire
  • 【期間限定】Ryota ★5 Fire
  • 【期間限定】Licho ★5 Water
  • 【期間限定】Tezcatlipoca ★4 Fire
  • 【期間限定】Furufumi ★4 Aether

※ケットシー(Cait Sith) and トヴァシュトリ(Tvastar) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.
※ In addition to the above roles, the ★3 characters with the new skin added will greatly increase the summoning rate during the event period! (All ★3)
Behemoth / Ziz / Kyuma / Durga / Taurus Mask / Yasuyori / Ashigara / Licht / Kurogane / Gunzo / ヘラクレス / トムテ / Krampus / Temujin / ジェイコフ

New Profile Card Introduction

NEW!  ★3&4 Cait Sith(ケットシー)


ILLUST.. 藤三郎
VOICE... 大谷育江
  • Attribute: Nether
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill
    ★3: Blow Damage + Inflict Charm your target + Vastly deplete CP on your target
    ★4: Blow Damage + Bestow Glint with self + Inflict Charm your target + Vastly deplete CP on your target
  • 1st Skill "次代を躍らせる者": [Turn Start] Change self weapon type (every turn) + [Phase Start]  Bestow Blessing on self
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 "奇術師": [Post-Attack] Inflict Dazzle to your target + [Turn Start] Bestow one buff states on self (The state given by the turn changes) + [Post-Damage] Increase CP on self
    ★4 "幻世の奇術師": [Post-Attack] draw target target and 1 square left and right in 2 squares + Inflict Break your target

※ケットシー(Cait Sith) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.

NEW!  ★3&★4【/ Tvastar(トヴァシュトリ)】

ILLUST.. さるの行丸 + LW
VOICE... 木村昴
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • Charge Skill
    ★3: Magic Damage + Inflict Crit with self Remove one buff from target
    ★4: Magic Damage + Inflict Crit with self Bestow Adamantine on self and adjacent squaresRemove one buff from target
  • 1st Skill "胎の主たる者": [Phase Start]  Bestow Glint & Concentration on self
  • 2nd Skill
    ★3 "生命の創造者": [Post-Move] Bestow Regeneration in 1 adjacent square
    ★4 "蛇身の創生者": [Phase Start] Bestow Regeneration on 1 square in all directions + [During Attack] Inflict Crit with self

※トヴァシュトリ(Tvastar) will be added to normal transient summon after event ends for a few time.

Limited ★5 Ryota(リョウタ)

VOICE... 大浪嘉仁
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Blow
  • Charge Skill: Blow Damage + Restore HP in an adjacent square Remove single debuff with selfInflict Drain on target
  • 1st Skill "食べ歩く者": [Post-Move] Bestow Unction on self and 1 square left and right and 3 rearward rows + Bestow Nourishment on enemies 2 squares away + [When Under Status Effect] Inflict nerf Immobility on self
  • 2nd Skill "幸福の共有者": [Post-Move] Bestow Blessing on enemies 2 squares away + Bestow Protection on self and 1 square left and right and 3 rearward rows + [When Under Status Effect] Inflict nerf Curse on self

※Limited character card only available in this event

Limited  ★5 Licho(リチョウ)

ILLUST.. Ross + 飛波
VOICE... 福山潤
  • Attribute: Water
  • Weapon Type: Long Slash
  • Charge Skill: Long Slash Damage + Change self weapon type to Magic (1 turn) + Bestow Ardor with self
  • 1st Skill "掬いに臨む者": [During start of Phase] Bestow Concentration on self + [Post-Move] Bestow Combo & Spirit(意気) on self
  • 2nd Skill "掬いに臨む者": [During Attack] Change Enemy's weapon type to None + [Post-Attack] Change self weapon type to Magic(1 turn) + [Post-Attack] Inflict Weakness on enemy

※Limited character card only available in this event

Limited ★4 Furufumi(フルフミ)


ILLUST.. ぷらす野昆布
VOICE... 福山潤
  • Attribute: Aether
  • Weapon Type: Magic
  • Charge Skill: Blow Damage + Bestow Crit on self + Greatly increase CP of adjacent squares
  • 1st Skill "去来を灯す者": [Turn Start](Every Turn 1 in Phase)Bestow Limit on a diamond radius of 2 squares + [When Under Status Effect] Nullify Darkness With self + [Phase Start] Inflict Immobility on self
  • 2nd Skill "夜空を仰ぐ者": [Turn Start](Until Turn 2 in Phase)Bestow Arousal on 1 square to the left and right and forward row of 3 + [On Missed Attack] Inflict Drain on 3 squares forward

※Limited character card only available in this event

Limited  ★4 Tezcatlipoca(テスカトリポカ)


ILLUST.. yow
VOICE... 子安武人
  • Attribute: Fire
  • Weapon Type: Snipe
  • Charge Skill: Snipe Damage + Steal single buff from target + Bestow Reflect Debuff on adjacent squares + Inflict Weakness on target
  • 1st Skill "慶典に勇む者": [Phase Start] Bestow Berserk+ & Spirit with self  
  • 2nd Skill "照準を定める者": [Turn Start] Inflict Weakness on target in 3 squares ahead Vertical and horizontal 1 square + [Turn Start] Inflict attention on target in 3 squares ahead 1 square + [Status Advantage] Greater Bonus Attack against units with attention

※Limited character card only available in this event

■テスカトリポカのスキン変更に関して■About skin change of Tezcatlipoca

You can change the skin and CV to "テスカトリポカぬいぐるみ(Plush Doll Tezcatlipoca)" by changing the skin of the character card of the normal pose "Hephaestus".
Please check the following image for details.

3. New Features Plus!

※New features will be implemented during the event period.

■Favorite AR Features

You can set your favorite by pressing the favorite button in the AR equipment details screen.


■Improved the "Event Filter Function" UI on the support selection menu

Event bonuses now can be selected efficiently by using the "event filter feature" on the support selection menu.
You can select event items by tapping the event filter button.


■Added the number of turns to the battle screen

Now you can check "TURN(number of phase turns)"  and "TOTAL TURN(number of battle turns)" during a battle.


4. Limited-Time Login Special Gift!

You can get the following special my-guild item gift if you logged in during the event period of "ニャンと!福祭の幻世奇術(ハッピー・イリュージョン)"!


  • 民宿(部屋)
  • 書の額縁(上)
  • 旅行セット(壁)
  • 布団(床)

  • ステッカー「素朴な線香花火」
  • ステッカー「一網打尽のポイ」
  • ステッカー「本格コルク銃」
  • ステッカー「特選お祭りフード」


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